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Political Thread: The Sequel

Honestly, the GOP is probably chomping at the bit to see someone like Beshear, Whitmer or especially Kelly jump in as Harris’ VP. While you may risk them getting some more of the moderate vote, you effectively kill two birds with one stone; you get them to hitch their wagon to Cacklebutt along with possibly ending any future running if you beat them and secondly you get their popular selves out of their office for you to have a much better chance at replacing them

That is probably why you don’t see any of these leave to become VP here. The risk is too great and the dems likely know this.
DNC says everyone not just Harris will have a shot for president. Cooper vs Harris debate. Yikes 😳
Some unfortunate comments by the House Speaker today regarding lawsuits with Biden dropping out. It’s unhelpful to bring this up especially knowing there is no standing. I understand he made his career as a litigator but the office of Speaker demands a bit more civility.

I’ve said this before and it’s worth mentioning again. I genuinely hope this election cycle leads to reform in our primary process. There is zero reason the primary process should start over a year out from the election. This timeline should be shortened by a lot. Primaries should also be open to all registered voters. The Republican Party and Democratic Party are private, members only corporations not public institutions. The closed primary process most of us on this board have to deal with is a detriment to us all. Something to think about is these parties don’t need to hold any primary “elections” at all. They could just as easily throw 20 candidates into a random outcome generator and pick 2 and send those to the state by the filing deadline.
The next push will be to get biden into resign before the end of his term since everybody was misled for so long.
I don’t doubt it, but it’s hard to not see it as a purely partisan play. Love him or hate him, the current Speaker is a ride or die Trump man and I’m sure there are concerns over games being played in holding a vote in the House for a VP appointee. Should there be no VP, the counting of Electoral Votes would fall to the Senate Pro Tempore, likely to be a Republican when the new Congress is installed on 1/3/25. The Electoral Count Reform legislation in 2022 should prevent shenanigans again but it’s obvious 1/6/21 is still fresh in the collective conscious.
Watch the war front. That is the next card they will play.
Let’s have discussion, not AM radio conspiracy chatter please.

Also something worth clarifying for many in here who don’t follow the ins and outs of the nomination process. Harris is now the “presumptive” nominee solely because she’s received an endorsement from POTUS, CBC, previous D presidents and candidates. She will not be the official nominee until the delegates vote and she accepts. It’s overwhelmingly likely she is on the ballot but there’s a timeline that doesn’t happen.
Look, the Dems aren’t going to take a chance on losing to Trump. Either they have a card to play in drumming up major support for Kamala, or there’s another candidate better suited to be revealed. Michelle can do it, if for no other reason than piggybacking off of her husband’s global popularity.
I don’t doubt it, but it’s hard to not see it as a purely partisan play. Love him or hate him, the current Speaker is a ride or die Trump man and I’m sure there are concerns over games being played in holding a vote in the House for a VP appointee. Should there be no VP, the counting of Electoral Votes would fall to the Senate Pro Tempore, likely to be a Republican when the new Congress is installed on 1/3/25. The Electoral Count Reform legislation in 2022 should prevent shenanigans again but it’s obvious 1/6/21 is still fresh in the collective conscious.
More than a partisan play I'm seeing it as a Homeland security play. We think we've been misled I'm sure that other countries now feel emboldened If they think our president is weak.