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Political Thread: The Sequel

The irony is that Trump if he wins will be 82 his last year in office...

Now his rambling borderline incoherent speeches will look even more ridiculous as he can't point to the other old incoherent guy anymore
The irony is that Trump if he wins will be 82 his last year in office...

Now his rambling borderline incoherent speeches will look even more ridiculous as he can't point to the other old incoherent guy anymore
Kamala is pretty old too. I think she's about to turn 60.
The irony is that Trump if he wins will be 82 his last year in office...

Now his rambling borderline incoherent speeches will look even more ridiculous as he can't point to the other old incoherent guy anymore

At least this time the media will “know” about it and report it throughly I’m sure.
Regarding major party tickets only: moderate Dem Lieberman (for VP) in 2000. I don’t think religious affiliation matters as much as it did in the past though I’m amazed that it took til JFK for first Catholic Pres. and Biden for 1st Catholic VP followed by 2nd Catholic Pres, considering the large number of American Catholics.
Wasn’t sure if he was practicing or not back then but I agree with this take. I still see some grumbling from old timey Southern Baptists over having a Catholic in the White House and now one on the R ticket but it’s few and far between.
The irony is that Trump if he wins will be 82 his last year in office...

Now his rambling borderline incoherent speeches will look even more ridiculous as he can't point to the other old incoherent guy anymore
Yeah you betcha.
Been asking this question for past few years. And asking it seriously, but no one in the establishment MSM,Ruling Class care to ask.
Whos really running our country? We have been operting under a shadow govt. Joe probably doesnt even know,hes been kicked to the curb.
That would make sense. It is mostly his fault the super crazy liberal bills didn’t pass. The liberal wing would shred him.
That’s how our Bicameral Legislature is supposed to work. The Senate is intended to be a more rational, deliberative body than the House. Having centrist voices from both parties to offset the wings brings out better legislation. In theory.
Been asking this question for past few years. And asking it seriously, but no one in the establishment MSM,Ruling Class care to ask.
Whos really running our country? We have been operting under a shadow govt. Joe probably doesnt even know,hes been kicked to the curb.
It's not that hard. Big companies, PACs, billionaires. We're looking more and more like the early 1900s by the day. If Boeing can kill two of their whistleblowers and not be caught, those kinds of people are your people, not some spooky shadow illuminatti black robe group under the presidential desk. There's definitely people part of that group you'd never want to admit are part of it and some that are. It's best we find a way as a country to scrape their power back from them instead of feed them more and more money.