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Political Thread: The Sequel

Black voters self identified with the Democratic at a rate of 78% in June compared to a historic rate of around 83%. Non-Cuban Hispanic votes also returned more or less to normal in 2022 after a move toward Trump in 2020.

This is all based on Pew polling which is generally near the center. These narratives just don’t match the reality of what voters tell pollsters or who they select in the voting booth.
I don't see the winds of change working for Democrats this year. They have failed minorities more than at any time in recent memory. Big tech isn't covering their arse at any level close to 2020. They pissed off Elon Musk with censorship and even Zuckerberg isn't intrigued by what they offer. American's are fed up and nothing is changing in the let's policy. The only thing they have to run on is abortion and transgender issues and that isn't gonna cut it
It was just bad fiscal policy in general, cut taxes while not cutting spending. Trump was the one that promised to reduce the national debt and then failed to do so miserable, especially when compared to Biden.

So if they are "good ideas" but drive our debt up at record levels that's OK?
So nothing you can point to just "bad policy"? Your brother said he ran up more 4 year debt than anybody in history but all you got is cut taxes and didn't cut spending?.....lol. So let me guess. All this money Biden just spent was good? Did it cut spending? NO. What did it do for us because I'm not seeing what either of you are
So nothing you can point to just "bad policy"? Your brother said he ran up more 4 year debt than anybody in history but all you got is cut taxes and didn't cut spending?.....lol. So let me guess. All this money Biden just spent was good? Did it cut spending? NO. What did it do for us because I'm not seeing what either of you are

I think the difference is that Biden didn't promise to pay off the debt in 8 yrs like Trump did. Then Trump even though he only had 4 yrs in office managed to increase the deficit be record rates the exact opposite of his promise to pay it down.

The deficit year over year is bad regardless of who is in office...but don't act like Trump was not telling everyone he was going to reduce it then didnt.
I think the difference is that Biden didn't promise to pay off the debt in 8 yrs like Trump did. Then Trump even though he only had 4 yrs in office managed to increase the deficit be record rates the exact opposite of his promise to pay it down.

The deficit year over year is bad regardless of who is in office...but don't act like Trump was not telling everyone he was going to reduce it then didnt.
So in other words just more of your Trump hate nonsense.....lol
Money spent is money spent isn't it?
If you had to spend money on policy you didn't create and disagree with that isn't really your fault correct? As government grows it gets passed on to every other administration down the line so NO money spent isn't money spent which is why I asked you what new spending accounted for this record breaking debt you speak of. Trump didn't have a choice but to spend the unexpected covid money and that's where a lot of it came from and you know this
If you had to spend money on policy you didn't create and disagree with that isn't really your fault correct? As government grows it gets passed on to every other administration down the line so NO money spent isn't money spent which is why I asked you what new spending accounted for this record breaking debt you speak of. Trump didn't have a choice but to spend the unexpected covid money and that's where a lot of it came from and you know this

This is just tired excuses. The guy who promised to pay down the debt was well on his way to setting new debt expansion records before covid. Trying to pretend the Trump and the GOP with their super majority are somehow not responsible for a large portion of the debt incurred in their tenure is laughable.
This is just tired excuses. The guy who promised to pay down the debt was well on his way to setting new debt expansion records before covid. Trying to pretend the Trump and the GOP with their super majority are somehow not responsible for a large portion of the debt incurred in their tenure is laughable.
Why do I even waste my time......I told myself I wasn't going to this time
Per PredictIt, Harris moving up slowly at 43. Trump at 60 is down from near 70 a week ago, when he had a feeble Biden as his opponent:

On PredictIt regarding Dem VP:

Cooper is down 10 today from 29 to 19 while Shapiro is up 7 since yesterday and is now leading at 32. Beshear (2nd) and Kelly (3rd) are also strong today with each up 5. Cooper is in 4th. Take it fwiw since it is a betting market. But these markets sometimes sniff out trends early on:

Per PredictIt, Harris moving up slowly at 43. Trump at 60 is down from near 70 a week ago, when he had a feeble Biden as his opponent:

That's actually...about right.

It's not an impossible task, but there's a lot of work to do. I'd say it's about a 40% chance and I'd check back in about 6ish weeks.

There's a nonzero chance we end up back where we were in 2018-2019 and still gridlocked.
If you had to spend money on policy you didn't create and disagree with that isn't really your fault correct? As government grows it gets passed on to every other administration down the line so NO money spent isn't money spent which is why I asked you what new spending accounted for this record breaking debt you speak of. Trump didn't have a choice but to spend the unexpected covid money and that's where a lot of it came from and you know this
Cutting taxes creates the same deficits / debt as new government spending.

Creating a space force to fight mars or whatever the ---- they do creates debt.

Overseeing the government pump records amount of money into the economy during a pandemic (arguably not his fault) leading to inflation resulting higher interest payments on debt creates deficits / debt.

Now, after Trump loses in 2020, Republicans sit there with their thumb up their asses saying hey look Biden created all this debt, why he do that!!?!

It’s a joke and the lowest IQ voters gobble it up. Republicans have no solution to balance the budget or pay off any meaningful debt.

@BirdManDoomW please add more. Thx.