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Political Thread: The Sequel

Selling Palestinian lands to Americans because apparently Americans are middle eastern now

A hospital and tents bombed, people burned alive, I watched the videos there was a literal child burnt to a crisp in the fire . I won’t share those videos, but here is a YouTube video about the subject … but those are American bombs, it’s our sin. Where is the pro life crowd? The ones who say killing babies is wrong ? Inconsistent ideals. It’s got me pretty messed up… seeing a child on fire burnt to a crisp and knowing your taxpayers dollars did that , and that no one is asking or caring… and then remembering that child is you… and realizing your neighbors and fellow citizens do not care or even acknowledge ..

Lying about 2020 election and 1/6/21 by themselves disqualify him for me just like they do for many who have voted strictly or mainly Republican for Pres. in the past just like me (although I’m independent).

Obviously, the 2020 election lie and the 1/6/21 insurrection don’t bother you. Amazing.

Have you ever voted for a Dem for Pres? Is there anything that can occur to get you to do so in the future?
Come on man. You can do better than this. Even if I stipulate that he told a lie, a lie ≠ 4 years of actual decline.
Come on man. You can do better than this. Even if I stipulate that he told a lie, a lie ≠ 4 years of actual decline.

Telling a lie is one thing, trying to get your VP to act on that lie by getting people to cast illegal delegate slates for him to illegally introduce in an attempt to prevent the legal rightful winner from becoming president however is just a tad different.
Smh. Apparently everybody thinks it's constitutional let everybody from South America and Mexico into this country by the millions. And then they let themselves be lied to.

Everyone agrees the border needs to be dealt with, there was a bipartisan bill that would have improved that a lot....Trump had them kill it so he wouldnt lose what is essentially his whole campaign.

Also Trump is lying about deporting people he said the same crap in 2015 and ended up barely deporting anyone....Biden is deporting more people the last few years than Trump ever did, but facts matter not to maga..

"Trump’s pledge echoes his 2015 campaign promise to deport some 11 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally. After winning office in 2016, he said his administration aimed to deport 2 million to 3 million people with criminal records.

But during Trump’s term in office from January 2017 to January 2021, deportations by U.S. immigration and border authorities fell lower than most years of his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama, who some advocates for immigrants dubbed the “deporter-in-chief.”

Biden had even fewer deportations than Trump during his first two years in office when not counting rapid expulsions under a COVID-era health measure which was used millions of times to turn people back to Mexico. But, faced with much higher numbers of migrants arriving at the border, he greatly increased deportations – including those of families – in federal fiscal year 2023 and the first five months of the 2024 fiscal year, outpacing Trump."
Everyone agrees the border needs to be dealt with, there was a bipartisan bill that would have improved that a lot....Trump had them kill it so he wouldnt lose what is essentially his whole campaign.

Also Trump is lying about deporting people he said the same crap in 2015 and ended up barely deporting anyone....Biden is deporting more people the last few years than Trump ever did, but facts matter not to maga..

"Trump’s pledge echoes his 2015 campaign promise to deport some 11 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally. After winning office in 2016, he said his administration aimed to deport 2 million to 3 million people with criminal records.

But during Trump’s term in office from January 2017 to January 2021, deportations by U.S. immigration and border authorities fell lower than most years of his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama, who some advocates for immigrants dubbed the “deporter-in-chief.”

Biden had even fewer deportations than Trump during his first two years in office when not counting rapid expulsions under a COVID-era health measure which was used millions of times to turn people back to Mexico. But, faced with much higher numbers of migrants arriving at the border, he greatly increased deportations – including those of families – in federal fiscal year 2023 and the first five months of the 2024 fiscal year, outpacing Trump."
Thank you for the lesson that I didn't even read. I just looked from the first word to the last and saw that it was too long to read. Thank you for your efforts It's much appreciated. I know it's going to pay off for you one day just keep trying.