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Political Thread: The Sequel

Hes gonna be 50 million dollars richer down the road thanks to cnn, so the loss want sting to bad.
His lawsuit will go nowhere. In NC they have to believe what they visited to be false and post it anyways. There's zero reason to believe this isn't true based on his email, writing styles, biological info he posted. This case gets tossed.
I’m not obsessed with politicians.

I swear trump supporters would think the stripper loves them because they are special.
Asked a simple question, got the type of answer I thought I would get. TRUMP, TRUMP AND MORE TRUMP. You folks obsess over the man way more than his supporters. You can't sale Kamala because there is NOTHING there of any value. Just one big nothing burger.....
California is where the food comes from if you do like 90 seconds of research.

Places like South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana etc would be third world hellholes without the blue states. See, that’s the inconvenient truth about the Reagan “welfare queen” rap. The real welfare queens are the Deep South and Midwest.
How is life in blue CITIES? Those of us who do actually travel outside our own borders know where the sh*tholes really are. Blue cities even in red states. Nothing but crime laden, run down dumps run by Democrats for decades. Poor minorities voting for uppity old white people and Obama to rule them as they live in Martha's vineyard with the other elites.
His lawsuit will go nowhere. In NC they have to believe what they visited to be false and post it anyways. There's zero reason to believe this isn't true based on his email, writing styles, biological info he posted. This case gets tossed.
He will get paid handsomely. Just like several others who got smeared by the media in times past with fake news. Ask those kids who stood outside the capitol minding their own business and where confronted by a Native American protester are doing today. Took fake news CNN to the cleaners. I guess money is no object to the state run media.
Polling season is over now imo. Its all about getting votes,folks to the booth,turnout. Vote early and vote against the Establishment/Globailist/
Marxist Crowd. Fire them All this November!

He will get paid handsomely. Just like several others who got smeared by the media in times past with fake news. Ask those kids who stood outside the capitol minding their own business and where confronted by a Native American protester are doing today. Took fake news CNN to the cleaners. I guess money is no object to the state run media.
This has no similarities with that at all. Read the law in NC. There's no reason that CNN would have to believe these posts were fake. The law is crystal clear on this one
How is life in blue CITIES? Those of us who do actually travel outside our own borders know where the sh*tholes really are. Blue cities even in red states. Nothing but crime laden, run down dumps run by Democrats for decades. Poor minorities voting for uppity old white people and Obama to rule them as they live in Martha's vineyard with the other elites.
Again, just because you havent traveled. In the last two years, going back to '23, I've been to the following cities and I've seen nothing of the sort:

New York
Los Angeles
San Diego

I've felt incredibly safe in all of those locations. Then again, I am less likely to believe propaganda that those places arent as safe. You guys are the ones with the confirmation bias. Meanwhile, I have traveled the backroads in Alabama and Mississippi in some ruby red counties and I have seen poverty on a level that is hard to describe. Yet, those folks continue to vote against their own self interests.
Man you love to hate on rural America and fly over country. Like second time in past week. Good for you, to each his own I supose.
I can promise you very little of my food at my table comes from California. But yes if you depend on Grocery store solely, a lot of the produce,espeacilly winter months comes from that way. They have a bevy of processed food plants as well if thats your thing.
You live with asphalt under your feet, you are 100% at the mercy of the supply chain. Scary thought if it ever hits the fan for whatever reason.
I'd rather all of us live as one but some of yall want to bite the hand that feeds you.
Again, just because you havent traveled. In the last two years, going back to '23, I've been to the following cities and I've seen nothing of the sort:

New York
Los Angeles
San Diego

I've felt incredibly safe in all of those locations. Then again, I am less likely to believe propaganda that those places arent as safe. You guys are the ones with the confirmation bias. Meanwhile, I have traveled the backroads in Alabama and Mississippi in some ruby red counties and I have seen poverty on a level that is hard to describe. Yet, those folks continue to vote against their own self interests.
I don’t think that guy has ever been to a city. He gets his entire view of cities from Fox News.
He will get paid handsomely. Just like several others who got smeared by the media in times past with fake news. Ask those kids who stood outside the capitol minding their own business and where confronted by a Native American protester are doing today. Took fake news CNN to the cleaners. I guess money is no object to the state run media.
The book of receipts is as thick as war and peace.

If by some miracle he wins, maybe him and Yolanda can actually pay their bills and stop ripping off organizations like *checks notes* the girl scouts.
This is not a joke people. If you don't know who Christopher Mellon is you should. These drones, something crashing in DC 2 days ago that nobody knows anything about, it's all tied together. Could this be a false flag event sure but don't think it is. It's my personal opinion that Christopher Mellon is going to spill the beans at some point. They have another round of hearings led by Nancy Mace coming in November so we'll see what happens
