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Political Thread: The Sequel

What do you mean? Trump would impose the 200% tariff on IMPORTS. Making their "strategic decision" to move American jobs to Mexico not so "strategic" for profits anymore. Their USA produced products wouldn't incur said tariff charge.

Are you going to tell me that JD isn't over priced for what it is, next?

John Deere is moving a small number of jobs to Mexico, less than 500, out of their total of 35k+ employees....many US companies have moved part of their production to other countries and Trump did not single them out for a "200% tariff", he certainly has not said anything to his buddy Elon who is currently building a 15 BILLION dollar Tesla factory in Mexico. This was Trump just talking out of his ass.....there is zero chance he actually does it.
Why are our liberal friends, anti-trump friends, those on here who cried Russia Russia Russia, not condemning this? Foreign entity interfering with our elections on tax payer money, we should all be outraged

He is a foreign head of state in our country for meetings with our nation's president.....he also toured the factory where 155mm shells are produced for his countries defense of their freedom, the ramp up of which has add many jobs at the factory. Also how exactly is Zelensky coming here election interference, I missed the campaign stop and speech he did for Harris. Hell he can outright endorse Harris and it wouldnt be election interference unless he was giving money or some in kind contribution to help, you know like running huge bots farms to push misinformation on twitter etc to influence American voters...
He is a foreign head of state in our country for meetings with our nation's president.....he also toured the factory where 155mm shells are produced for his countries defense of their freedom, the ramp up of which has add many jobs at the factory. Also how exactly is Zelensky coming here election interference, I missed the campaign stop and speech he did for Harris. Hell he can outright endorse Harris and it wouldnt be election interference unless he was giving money or some in kind contribution to help, you know like running huge bots farms to push misinformation on twitter etc to influence American voters...
The question of whether a head of state’s comments about a political opponent during a visit to another country constitutes election interference can be complex and context-dependent. Generally, the notion of election interference involves actions taken to influence or manipulate the outcome of an election in a foreign country, often involving disinformation, manipulation of electoral mechanisms, or direct influence on public opinion.

When a head of state praises a political opponent, it may not fit traditional definitions of interference, but it can still raise concerns about foreign influence or favoritism, especially in tightly contested elections. Here are some considerations and hypothetical examples:

### Examples of Perceived Election Interference:

1. **Historical Context**: If a head of state from one country openly endorses or praises a candidate in another country, it could be perceived as an attempt to sway public opinion. For example, if during a bilateral meeting, a president of Country A lauds the leadership qualities of a politician from Country B who is opposing the current president, it might be perceived as interference, especially if the praised politician gains a sudden spike in goodwill or media coverage.

2. **Recent Events**: While specific instances can vary, a notable example in recent history involves interactions during election seasons where foreign leaders either condemn or support various candidates. For instance, during elections in various Latin American countries, statements from U.S. officials have been scrutinized for potentially affecting local political dynamics.

3. **Framework of International Relations**: If a head of state engages in strategic diplomacy or public statements that align with the platforms of a particular political faction in another country during an election period, it could create a perception of favoritism and thus be labeled as interference.

### Notable Cases and Concerns:

- **U.S. Elections**: Over the years, various comments made by foreign leaders regarding U.S. elections have sparked debates about interference. For example, the remarks made by foreign leaders regarding candidates during the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections were scrutinized extensively.

- **European Elections**: The EU has faced various instances where remarks by U.S. political leaders about certain candidates or political parties in European elections were viewed as efforts to influence outcomes.

### Conclusion:

Whether or not such comments constitute election interference often depends on the intentions behind the statements, the context in which they are made, the nature of the political relationships between the countries involved, and how the local electorate perceives those comments. Legal definitions of election interference can also weigh heavily on these interpretations, leading to varying assessments based on political, legal, and social lenses. Ultimately, it’s a nuanced debate often viewed through the prism of national interests and diplomatic relations.
Oh the irony....its literally laughable the man is this dumb, post a fake picture of Harris with Diddy, meanwhile Getty images online apparently has 202 different photos of Trump with Diddy...

The question of whether a head of state’s comments about a political opponent during a visit to another country constitutes election interference can be complex and context-dependent. Generally, the notion of election interference involves actions taken to influence or manipulate the outcome of an election in a foreign country, often involving disinformation, manipulation of electoral mechanisms, or direct influence on public opinion.

When a head of state praises a political opponent, it may not fit traditional definitions of interference, but it can still raise concerns about foreign influence or favoritism, especially in tightly contested elections. Here are some considerations and hypothetical examples:

### Examples of Perceived Election Interference:

1. **Historical Context**: If a head of state from one country openly endorses or praises a candidate in another country, it could be perceived as an attempt to sway public opinion. For example, if during a bilateral meeting, a president of Country A lauds the leadership qualities of a politician from Country B who is opposing the current president, it might be perceived as interference, especially if the praised politician gains a sudden spike in goodwill or media coverage.

2. **Recent Events**: While specific instances can vary, a notable example in recent history involves interactions during election seasons where foreign leaders either condemn or support various candidates. For instance, during elections in various Latin American countries, statements from U.S. officials have been scrutinized for potentially affecting local political dynamics.

3. **Framework of International Relations**: If a head of state engages in strategic diplomacy or public statements that align with the platforms of a particular political faction in another country during an election period, it could create a perception of favoritism and thus be labeled as interference.

### Notable Cases and Concerns:

- **U.S. Elections**: Over the years, various comments made by foreign leaders regarding U.S. elections have sparked debates about interference. For example, the remarks made by foreign leaders regarding candidates during the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections were scrutinized extensively.

- **European Elections**: The EU has faced various instances where remarks by U.S. political leaders about certain candidates or political parties in European elections were viewed as efforts to influence outcomes.

### Conclusion:

Whether or not such comments constitute election interference often depends on the intentions behind the statements, the context in which they are made, the nature of the political relationships between the countries involved, and how the local electorate perceives those comments. Legal definitions of election interference can also weigh heavily on these interpretations, leading to varying assessments based on political, legal, and social lenses. Ultimately, it’s a nuanced debate often viewed through the prism of national interests and diplomatic relations.

Nothing Zelensky is doing equates election interference though IMO he is here on a state visit, to see the president who is not running for office. Even if he publicly endorsed Harris that in of itself would not be election interference.
Oh the irony....its literally laughable the man is this dumb, post a fake picture of Harris with Diddy, meanwhile Getty images online apparently has 202 different photos of Trump with Diddy...

I bet Trump even had his own private bedroom at Diddy's house. Diddy had beds in his basketball court like wtf.
Been saying the old ideology of the far right is going extinct

I'm gonna be perfectly honest, other than some healthcare views on my own that might be populist leaning (not necessarily even health insurance related), probably about 80%+ of me is as simple as I am anti populist and protectionist.

Don't reddit.com me here. This is more like Dad, who I've pressed and... "All populist ideas are so stupid, they're so f___ing stupid." (but as I've alluded to before, if he wasn't a liberal, he'd be a wine and cheese Republican like I think his side of the family has been, but his sisters are "probably not voting for Trump")