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Political Thread: The Sequel

Here’s a graph that shows the history of inflation In the US over the last 100+ years. Seems like a bunch of yall are complaining as if old orange could lead us into a period of deflation. It hasn’t happened hardly ever and when it did, it was usually a matter of hard times (depression/recession/war)

Also you can see when more money becomes available… inflation follows right behind


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I hate to break it you Trumpers but most of the inflation we saw was due to events that happened before Biden took office - Pandemic, record increase in money supply, stimulus, 0% interest rates, decrease in global oil production, drop in labor participation, global supply chain issues. All of this contributed to inflation.

This isn’t to say that inflation was Trump’s fault. But you are either lying to yourselves or ignorant if you honestly think that inflation wouldn’t have spiked in 2021 / 2022 if Trump had won in 2020.

You are even more delusional if you think Trump is going to come in and “fix” the inflation that already happened.
Some anecdotal evidence:

I think the trump team is spooked about North Carolina. I know at least eight different folks who are receiving fliers they never got in 2020 from his campaign. I am also one of those folks. If they are spending money to find two or three votes in the darkest shade of blue county you can find in NC, I would assume that means they think he’ll underperform in areas where he did well in 2020.
I hate to break it you Trumpers but most of the inflation we saw was due to events that happened before Biden took office - Pandemic, record increase in money supply, stimulus, 0% interest rates, decrease in global oil production, drop in labor participation, global supply chain issues. All of this contributed to inflation.

This isn’t to say that inflation was Trump’s fault. But you are either lying to yourselves or ignorant if you honestly think that inflation wouldn’t have spiked in 2021 / 2022 if Trump had won in 2020.

You are even more delusional if you think Trump is going to come in and “fix” the inflation that already happened.
I thought it was price gouging? It's always something (D)ifferent
I was just correcting RoddyPiper after he arrogantly answered Downeast with misinformation.
That doesn't change my comment. People are suffering and it's not getting better period. Nobody looks at a chart when they have to pay bills or buy groceries they look at their bank account. 2% inflation isn't good news when it's on the heels of historical inflation because those prices are by and large here to stay
Yes.....My wife owns her real estate business and its feast or famine. We invest in rental properties as well and have ridiculous competition from foreign investors. Indians are buying everything around here
There's a case down the road from me where they bought a house for way over, bulldozed the entire lot, planted palm trees (they all died too), and put it up for rent for more than the overpriced mortgage. An absolute scam of a price too! You can get a better and larger house for rent for half that cost around here.
LOL is Trump promising price control or using government regulation on a US industry.....also he apparently is clueless to the fact that car insurance is handled at the state level and the US president has zero control over the auto insurance rates.

There's a case down the road from me where they bought a house for way over, bulldozed the entire lot, planted palm trees (they all died too), and put it up for rent for more than the overpriced mortgage. An absolute scam of a price too! You can get a better and larger house for rent for half that cost around here.
They are literally buying entire neighborhoods in some places in wake county. It's going to affect your generation the most which is my kids too. We have land they can build on but if they want to venture on their own I'm not sure how they will be able to afford anything nice AND affordable. It's sad really but that's what America First is about to many of us. Protecting the future of our kids who deserve better
I was just correcting RoddyPiper after he arrogantly answered Downeast with misinformation.
One thing everyone here is leaving out of this equation is salaries for middle class Americans have remained stagnant and in several cases have reduced. We are all aware of the layoffs in the hundreds of thousands the past 4 years. Companies that are rehiring are rehiring at lower pay rates. I have seen contract positions that 4 years ago paid north of 100 per hour now pay 70 or less per hour. These are pre Trump rates. So you have inflation combined with lower salaries and high interest rates. This combination puts most Americans in a worse spot than they were in 4 years ago. I had a meeting today with a gentleman who has been laid off 3 times in the last 4 years and each time he gets rehired it is at a lower rate.
One thing everyone here is leaving out of this equation is salaries for middle class Americans have remained stagnant and in several cases have reduced. We are all aware of the layoffs in the hundreds of thousands the past 4 years. Companies that are rehiring are rehiring at lower pay rates. I have seen contract positions that 4 years ago paid north of 100 per hour now pay 70 or less per hour. These are pre Trump rates. So you have inflation combined with lower salaries and high interest rates. This combination puts most Americans in a worse spot than they were in 4 years ago. I had a meeting today with a gentleman who has been laid off 3 times in the last 4 years and each time he gets rehired it is at a lower rate.
Not sure why folks can't understand this. 2% cost of living raises cover normal inflation. A 12% increase in inflation and a 2% raise if that means the math doesn't match. Small business owners can't give people a 12% raise and inflation isn't going to stop increasing. Trump can stop the bleeding and salvage some of his economy back but a lot of people are going to struggle for years because of incompetent people who don't understand economics

Here is another bad ruling by a Trump judge. If he gets back in White House the poor in this country do not stand a chance.
How many trillions spent on the Democrat war on poverty the last 60+ years? And here we sit with blue city cesspools from coast to coast of crime, drugs and drum roll.....
Some anecdotal evidence:

I think the trump team is spooked about North Carolina. I know at least eight different folks who are receiving fliers they never got in 2020 from his campaign. I am also one of those folks. If they are spending money to find two or three votes in the darkest shade of blue county you can find in NC, I would assume that means they think he’ll underperform in areas where he did well in 2020.
I saw something this week that Harris is doing the same thing in rural areas.
I thought this was the "Trump Sales Tax" Kamala was talking about during the debate. I guess it's not under that definition when they are under rule.

I respect Chris Cuomo for calling Trump to see how he’s going. He talked about calling him on his show:

“You can think what you want about Trump,” Cuomo said. “He doesn’t have many more full-throated critics of what he says and does than me. And yet, I called him today because I am ashamed of how we are responding and not responding to the threats on him. I feel for his family. You can roll your eyes and say, ‘Oh yeah, poor Trump.’ But that’s your choice, and I think it’s the wrong choice.”

Cuomo also lauded Trump’s bravery for being in public at all: “If I had been through what that guy has been through in the last two months, you wouldn’t know where I am. You would never see me on TV again. No way I would do that. How does he do it?”

Throughout, Cuomo pleaded for a toning-down of the political rhetoric that reflexively vilifies the other side, no matter what side you’re on.

That doesn't change my comment. People are suffering and it's not getting better period. Nobody looks at a chart when they have to pay bills or buy groceries they look at their bank account. 2% inflation isn't good news when it's on the heels of historical inflation because those prices are by and large here to stay
There’s no pride to be had in 2.5 percent inflation. Things are still going up but not as much isn’t a great platform to have to have. As you guys have pointed out, it’s still inflation