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Political Thread: The Sequel

If you can cut through the rambling the only answer he hints at is stopping food imports. So he's going to voluntarily cut supply chain and create monopolies so that you can only get your food from limited sources and he thinks that's going to drive down food?

Do any of you actually believe that?

I would think driving down energy prices especially oil would be easier and would take care of a lot overpriced things we buy daily but idk
I would think driving down energy prices especially oil would be easier and would take care of a lot overpriced things we buy daily but idk
Did you read a link I provided earlier about how profit inflation drove this period of inflation? If that' study is accurate then why would prices drop if we brought down energy prices if it's been corporate profits?
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Production may be high but what has price per barrel been?

Good Q. Under Trump they were mainly in the 60s and 50s until the pandemic caused a sudden plunge in 3-4/2020 to low 20s. Then they steadily rose back to the low 50s through the end of his term. Under Biden, they peaked way up at 119 in June of 2022. Since then, they’ve slowly come back down to the mid 60s.
I might admittedly need to see what happens in a hypothetical world where there's a signed agreement to end the Ukraine war, but part of me thinks the floor for WTI crude has just gone up, outside of a recession for the US/Europe panning out to the low to mid $60's.

And it appears that if that's the case, then the floor for regular gas at least here is something like $2.70-2.90.
Remember the words "for Liberty and Justice for All" in the US pledge of allegence? I am sure you all have seen the rehtoric of late regarding what some call misinformation. Killary has been hitting the media circut stating there should be jail time established for posting something they deem as misinformation. That is the key here, its what they believe to be misinformation. In the cult of the left, the trending message is this, if you believe what we believe you get liberty and justice. If you believe differently than us and post or act that you believe differently than us you should get jail time. Now we all have gilded the lilly a bit on here. If you say you have not you are lying. The point is if the leaders on the left were truly honest with you, a tenent of our country since its foundation should be eliminated. If they are 100 percent honest they will say it is Liberty and Justice if you believe what we belive.
Fake evangelicals. I know you don't like it but fact is there is a battle in this world and it's on at the spiritual level. There's a Book that tells us all about false teachers but I digress.
Remember the words "for Liberty and Justice for All" in the US pledge of allegence? I am sure you all have seen the rehtoric of late regarding what some call misinformation. Killary has been hitting the media circut stating there should be jail time established for posting something they deem as misinformation. That is the key here, its what they believe to be misinformation. In the cult of the left, the trending message is this, if you believe what we believe you get liberty and justice. If you believe differently than us and post or act that you believe differently than us you should get jail time. Now we all have gilded the lilly a bit on here. If you say you have not you are lying. The point is if the leaders on the left were truly honest with you, a tenent of our country since its foundation should be eliminated. If they are 100 percent honest they will say it is Liberty and Justice if you believe what we belive.
Everyone of their political ads is misinformation. I really don't recall the level of false racism that currently exist in these ads. I've seen half dozen this morning and they all use the "they will take us back" rhetoric.