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Political Thread: The Sequel

Nice to see this place hasn't changed while I was gone. Not having internet access in the Canadian forest for 2 weeks was really nice. Y'all want some moose meat? Anyway....

Post Labor Day and post debate the run to Election Day is shaping up. Listening to the debate and later watching it was not what I expected. Trump's campaign which for over a year was as professional and well-run as a campaign could be has completely fallen apart. The campaign staff have lost control over the candidate and it's laid bare for everyone to see. Harris did a good job of not answering the debate questions all that well which should have been an opening for a measured Trump to carve out his place. Not so. The old man can't control himself.

The Harris/Walz campaign is full steam ahead with building the "big tent." They're counting on voters' desire for normalcy to outweigh her shortcomings. Will it be enough? Perhaps. Polling is probably more precise this cycle in not undercounting Trump voters and the only question as far as popular vote goes is how much she wins by. Swing states still look swing-y to a degree. NC is very interesting as several high profile races are trending towards D runaways. How many voters will split the ticket to vote for a D Governor or AG and R President? How many will only vote for an R President and leave the rest blank? It an PA are toss-ups.

A more interesting tidbit that may or may not mean much are states like Iowa and Texas. No real chance to go D in the election but Harris is outrunning Biden by 10-15 percentage points from before he dropped out. With the Trump campaign pushing hard to turn out his "base" the Harris campaign is making a run for lots of rural voters. One reason is they simply have so much money available they can't spend it all in swing states. Courting the rural white voter that wants no part of Trump's antics is a very interesting strategy and one that really can only be pulled off in a situation like this where it won't detract from must win states. *If* Harris/Walz touch 40% or more of the white vote, they win and it won't be particularly close. Lots of time ahead and we shall see.
Kamala is dumb as a box of rocks. That hasn't changed either. Military grade stupid as Skippy says
Nice to see this place hasn't changed while I was gone. Not having internet access in the Canadian forest for 2 weeks was really nice. Y'all want some moose meat? Anyway....

Post Labor Day and post debate the run to Election Day is shaping up. Listening to the debate and later watching it was not what I expected. Trump's campaign which for over a year was as professional and well-run as a campaign could be has completely fallen apart. The campaign staff have lost control over the candidate and it's laid bare for everyone to see. Harris did a good job of not answering the debate questions all that well which should have been an opening for a measured Trump to carve out his place. Not so. The old man can't control himself.

The Harris/Walz campaign is full steam ahead with building the "big tent." They're counting on voters' desire for normalcy to outweigh her shortcomings. Will it be enough? Perhaps. Polling is probably more precise this cycle in not undercounting Trump voters and the only question as far as popular vote goes is how much she wins by. Swing states still look swing-y to a degree. NC is very interesting as several high profile races are trending towards D runaways. How many voters will split the ticket to vote for a D Governor or AG and R President? How many will only vote for an R President and leave the rest blank? It an PA are toss-ups.

A more interesting tidbit that may or may not mean much are states like Iowa and Texas. No real chance to go D in the election but Harris is outrunning Biden by 10-15 percentage points from before he dropped out. With the Trump campaign pushing hard to turn out his "base" the Harris campaign is making a run for lots of rural voters. One reason is they simply have so much money available they can't spend it all in swing states. Courting the rural white voter that wants no part of Trump's antics is a very interesting strategy and one that really can only be pulled off in a situation like this where it won't detract from must win states. *If* Harris/Walz touch 40% or more of the white vote, they win and it won't be particularly close. Lots of time ahead and we shall see.
Polling at this point doesn’t mean much imo. A month and a half is an eternity in politics. We have to wait till after the inevitable October surprise and many other events, situations, psyops, endorsements, assassination attempts, etc. Polls will be a lot different one way or the other by the end of October.
I dont who this guy, thats been talked about is. But I know who DJT is.

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Rich Lowry isn’t a newcomer. He was even praised by the well respected William Buckley way back in 1997. This is from his wiki:

“In 1992, Lowry joined National Review, after finishing second in the magazine's young writers' contest. In the summer of 1994, he became the articles editor for National Review and moved to Washington, D.C. to cover Congress.[5] In November 1997, Lowry became editor of National Review at the age of 29, taking over from John O'Sullivan, who had succeeded Buckley in that position ten years earlier.[6] At the time, Buckley said of Lowry, ‘I am very confident that I've got a very good person.’”

And this was just added:

“While being interviewed by Megyn Kelly in September 2024, Lowry referred to Haitian immigrants using the N-word.”

I guess it’s settled. (I’m being sarcastic.)

Rich Lowry isn’t a newcomer. He was even praised by the well respected William Buckley way back in 1997. This is from his wiki:

“In 1992, Lowry joined National Review, after finishing second in the magazine's young writers' contest. In the summer of 1994, he became the articles editor for National Review and moved to Washington, D.C. to cover Congress.[5] In November 1997, Lowry became editor of National Review at the age of 29, taking over from John O'Sullivan, who had succeeded Buckley in that position ten years earlier.[6] At the time, Buckley said of Lowry, ‘I am very confident that I've got a very good person.’”

And this was just added:

“While being interviewed by Megyn Kelly in September 2024, Lowry referred to Haitian immigrants using the N-word.”

I guess it’s settled. (I’m being sarcastic.)

I honestly never heard of him till getting on here. Thanks for biography.
How did this guy get from Hawaii, all the way to Marlago and camp in some woods on the side of the street for 11 hours, vehicle parked there, with the weaponry he had on a day Trump schedule, whereabouts unknown to public?

Think about it.

Hes a roofer. Bad one at that per customer reviews. Has articles in NYT from his ukraine stay, where he buddied up with a Neo Natzi brigrade over there. Tight connection with MSNBC foreign reporter head.
What does this even supposed to mean?
Good Question. Blackrock if you are unfamiliar is the head of the snake pushing an anti America agenda. I say Anti America if you dont subcribe to the Wokeism,Globalist vision from the WEF.
Very powerful entity that like an octupus has many tentacles, trying to laso the ole American Dream ,culture,Traditions and tear it all down. They are a Economic Giant. To many for me to sit here an type. Trust me,they are no friend to anyone who subscribes to God,Family,Country. Glenn Beck has awesome lengthy research on them. Been exposing them for the past Decade and a half.
But both these assassins each appeared in Blackrock Commercials. What are the odds, Coincidence. I say not,cause birds of a feather always flock together. These brainwashed assassins are easy targets to recruit and Manipulate. My guess is there are more in the pool of candidates where these 2 came from. Someone, Some Org had to assist after discovering ,identifying these 2, carry out what they did. Other wise,it is mission impossible without help.
Polling at this point doesn’t mean much imo. A month and a half is an eternity in politics. We have to wait till after the inevitable October surprise and many other events, situations, psyops, endorsements, assassination attempts, etc. Polls will be a lot different one way or the other by the end of October.
Polling didn't mean much before Labor Day, now it's accurate enough to discern. We just don't see big swings in the final 45 days of an election. I've worked enough campaigns to see that.

The election will come down to the high floor/low ceiling problem Trump has. He'll get 45% of the vote no matter what he does. Harris will get 47% no matter what she does. She as the D nominee needs to be running at minimum 3% nationally to balance out the noise in the swing states and overcome the EC disadvantage. Her consistently polling 4% or more ahead nationally in high quality polling averages is what her group will look for to feel comfortable. I don't think they've seen that yet so they've gotta keep the outreach going. I'm fascinated by the split ticket voters in this election. We saw huge numbers (historically speaking) in 2020 and the 2021 GA runoff. NC is shaping up to be a similar scenario this time around with an exceptionally unpopular R gubernatorial nominee and a crossover D nominee.
This is what I want to get to the bottom of. Same for the Kid in PA, who lived 40 miles away and just waltzes right on in gets on roof with a rifle and has clear shot. This all isn't by coincedence folks. We can't accept living in a banana republic. But thats where we are at.
This is why no one listens to anything that you leftists say along with establishment media. ABC moderator admits to fact checking Trump during the debate because of claim that CNN didn't do their job during their debate which cause President Biden to have to drop out.

C’mon brother. We can do better than this. Please provide more legit context. I’m as MAGA as they come but, sources are a great help with links from a trusted source. 🇺🇸
That's the problem is it's all "trust me bro". This sort of throw around could be anything. For all you know it could be a psyop to convince people of more division and it's always "the deep state". It's all screenshots of he said she said anyway so it's as good as entertainment.