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Political Thread: The Sequel

Biden just said he's dropping out.

All I'm gonna say now is that this should've been arranged last year, and really the sad thing is that apparently, he was trying to search for a way to pass things off privately too, and there was no move to so
You know, my problem with this is they don’t care about us as citizens. They care about winning and pushing their agenda. Basically just over 90 days from an election and pull the rabbit out of the hat because we can and know he won’t get re-elected. I hope a lot more wake up! The right wing media outlets called it when they said this would happen today over 3 days ago.
Yep here we go. Never doubt the left, this was planned all along. Have an early debate, finally acknowledge after debate debacle that he can't win, "test pos for covid", have him step down and all happens during week of RNC bc any press is good press. Won't work but A for effort for the cheaters
Ahem 😂
Well looks like my post was off base earlier. WOAT did indeed drop out. Killary and Big Mike are on deck.

As much as I think Michele would be by far their best shot, I doubt she will be in the race. If she shown *any* desire to run, Biden would have been kicked to the curb long ago.
Since Biden's out, it gives the Dems an opportunity to choose someone a majority of the country can align with if they want to win unless they take the crazy route and choose surefire failures. We're probably screwed as a country either way no matter who wins because on one hand you get tax cuts to billionaires that will just put it back in their own pockets, and on the other you'll have more of what we have had the last 4 years, mismanaged unchecked inflation.

The real way to fix what's going on right now is with fixing the nation's horrendous inflation, cost of living, unchecked investors in the real estate market, and poor investment into infrastructure. If someone ran who could help alleviate that, and had a track record not dependent of the business cycle, which is currently pushing us closer to a depression, then they'd win. It'll not be pretty for the winner of 2024 with how the economy will go.
Since Biden's out, it gives the Dems an opportunity to choose someone a majority of the country can align with if they want to win unless they take the crazy route and choose surefire failures. We're probably screwed as a country either way no matter who wins because on one hand you get tax cuts to billionaires that will just put it back in their own pockets, and on the other you'll have more of what we have had the last 4 years, mismanaged unchecked inflation.

The real way to fix what's going on right now is with fixing the nation's horrendous inflation, cost of living, unchecked investors in the real estate market, and poor investment into infrastructure. If someone ran who could help alleviate that, and had a track record not dependent of the business cycle, which is currently pushing us closer to a depression, then they'd win. It'll not be pretty for the winner of 2024 with how the economy will go.

As I said days ago, it’s gonna be really interesting how they toe the line between the radical left and the moderate center. Lose either one and and you lose big.
It's going to be great TV in the next few weeks. Total chaos at the DNC convention, book it.
25th should be enacted!
The purpose behind the 25th amendment is a situation where the President is comatose or otherwise incapable of carrying out the duties of the office. It was silly when it was suggested post January 6th and silly now based on what we know. It would be an enormous political distraction we don’t need right now as it’s not as simple as saying “We invoke the 25th, you gone!”

Overall I see this is a sad and somewhat undignified end to Biden’s time in office. We could all see the decline by the 2022 midterms and especially into 2023. The debate and his return last week home with Covid was when no one could deny it any more. His campaign surrogates have been toeing the company line which is to be expected. I don’t see that as misleading the country as some do. There’s a fundamental accountability difference between a political campaign organization and the public office he holds.

We’ll see if Harris takes the reins and cash or we go to a brokered convention. I hope someone comes out of the ashes with a compelling vision of the future. The Biden campaign spent too much time talking about the past accomplishments. Trump and the GOP have thus far failed to provide (to me) any compelling policy proposals that are realistic in our political environment.
As I said days ago, it’s gonna be really interesting how they toe the line between the radical left and the moderate center. Lose either one and and you lose big.
They'll need to choose someone down to earth, but really appeals to the older dems and younger generation. My generation I've found almost everyone doesn't support either Trump nor Biden as well as their parties. No party speaks for them or represents them and it's well seen as empowering corporate greed that keeps them in low paying jobs as well as apartments they can barely afford. With the number growing of young voters that believe that, you're going to see a shift each election towards an ideal that weighs in more on taxing corporations and housing control as well as affordable housing. Both of those lean left so if the Dems can latch onto that, Trump's team will need to find a way to combat that. Alternatively they could throw and just go all in on more distractions instead of what's actually affecting the people and completely lose with a bad candidate like Hillary or Michelle. 2016 said wives of former presidents won't win.
The purpose behind the 25th amendment is a situation where the President is comatose or otherwise incapable of carrying out the duties of the office. It was silly when it was suggested post January 6th and silly now based on what we know. It would be an enormous political distraction we don’t need right now as it’s not as simple as saying “We invoke the 25th, you gone!”

Overall I see this is a sad and somewhat undignified end to Biden’s time in office. We could all see the decline by the 2022 midterms and especially into 2023. The debate and his return last week home with Covid was when no one could deny it any more. His campaign surrogates have been toeing the company line which is to be expected. I don’t see that as misleading the country as some do. There’s a fundamental accountability difference between a political campaign organization and the public office he holds.

We’ll see if Harris takes the reins and cash or we go to a brokered convention. I hope someone comes out of the ashes with a compelling vision of the future. The Biden campaign spent too much time talking about the past accomplishments. Trump and the GOP have thus far failed to provide (to me) any compelling policy proposals that are realistic in our political environment.
You seriously think he is capable of making POTUS decisions? You don't see serious issues with his health and being commander in chief?
Naw Kamala will get the nod and she will pick Cooper as her VP. The Dems will make a big show of uniting blah blah blah...

Yeah, this was probably something that Biden and Pelosi worked out.

Harris is going to be the nominee, the delegates get the message, and there will be no fighting like 1968.

And it probably is Harris/Cooper, her campaigning with Cooper in NC was likely a test run.

To give an idea of what an old fart Dem wants in my dad lmfao, he's saying firmly: Harris/Whitmer.