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Political Thread: The Sequel

But a good point was made. How did his murder rate go down so far? Makes perfect sense that these murderers were sent to the US.
Migration is rapidly rising from countries trump doesnt rip into, its falling rapidly from El Salvador.

“They’ve realized what he’s been doing works,” Damian Merlo, an American adviser to Bukele who is registered to lobby on the Salvadoran government's behalf, said in an interview from El Salvador. “If the U.S. is serious about wanting to address the root causes of migration, then Bukele is someone who has actually done it.”
The 42-year-old Bukele, who was reelected with 85% of the vote, has been wildly popular at home for his frontal attack on powerful gangs, which has converted what was once the world's murder capital into one of Latin America's safest countries. The improvement in public security is credited with a more than 60% drop in migration from the Central American country to the U.S. since Bukele took office in 2019 — a stark contrast with a growing exodus of migrants from other parts of Latin America."

I think what happened is Trump heard on TV somewhere about jails being emptied out and the inmates shipped here and in an a truly unhinged way has blamed the one man trying to stop it.
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Not a good argument, no. Trump does just fine. You guys act like he's just absolutely awful at everything he does. You take little snippets from speeches, soundbites from left-wing talk shows, and lies from the political left and develop this whole character that simply does not exist outside of your minds. You might as well sign up to go work for The View.

The irrefutable fact is, he is one of the most undeniably, indisputably successful and accomplished people in our nation's history. That is an impossible achievement if we are attribute to him even one fourth of the things that you guys claim. The actual evidence and the reality of the situation is overwhelmingly against you, on virtually every level.

Fact Check: Your claims are empirically false. ❌
He's a fraud and a conman. He has yall fooled with his facade. You keep saying we hear soundbites and so on but he tells you everything you need to know in plain English. He admits to his crimes says he wants to be a dictator for a day and you add that to his actual real history and those comments aren't just lies told by the media. They are an ad.ission of his desires
You would think that after 8 years of attacking a man for the same things you would realize that none of that stuff works, no one believes you.
No. You don't have to believe me you just keep believing him and all the lies he has told you. The man put our national secrets below his golf shirts for christ's sake.
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I think what happened is Trump heard on TV somewhere about jails being emptied out and the inmates shipped here and in an a truly unhinged way has blamed the one man trying to stop it.

Its a sad sign of how far gone most Trump supporters are that every time Trump does or says something stupid they all try to twist and spin things to try and make it look like its some profound understanding of how things.... instead of you know just saying Trump is being stupid or telling everyone how he really feels or thinks.

Also this is so spot on lol

Praise again for XI though

Well , I mean, they are kind of in the lead of the pack economically. It must be difficult to praise bringing companies local from outside and making a ton of money off of them! Maybe what 45 did in his business days. Not saying that’s he is helping his people from this income but I also understand that they don’t live by western values. You’ll retort with your argument and it will go no where as far as a civil discussion because people can’t do that anymore. Ask the Gvegas brothers! I’ll step back to the shadows and just read!
No. You don't half to believe me you just keep believing him and all the lies he has told you. The man put our national secrets below his golf shirts for christ's sake.
I mean the same could be said for the lies the media has told you about the right. Didn’t the savior Biden just say that you can’t believe the media, or did you conduct your own independent research?
He's a fraud and a conman. He has yall fooled with his facade. You keep saying we hear soundbites and so on but he tells you everything you need to know in plain English. He admits to his crimes says he wants to be a dictator for a day and you add that to his actual real history and those comments aren't just lies told by the media. They are an ad.ission of his desires
I'll take a conman who cons us out of wars, cons up a great economy, cons some constitutional justices onto the Supreme Court, cons us into national security, etc. all day long. Let's go!
Its a sad sign of how far gone most Trump supporters are that every time Trump does or says something stupid they all try to twist and spin things to try and make it look like its some profound understanding of how things.... instead of you know just saying Trump is being stupid or telling everyone how he really feels or thinks.

Also this is so spot on lol

Pot calling the Kettle Black!
Oh what should I be concerned about? Hulk Hogan at RNC or the fact that the current government bold face lies to me. Oh the choices.

The Secret Service acknowledged Saturday that it had turned down requests of additional resources sought by former President Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination last week, a reversal from earlier statements by the agency denying that such requests had been rebuffed.

So looking like WOAT is pissed at Obeyme and Piglosi. So to piss them off he is staying in the race. Will the DemoncRATs usurp their rules and eliminate him at the convention? Who has Killary and Big Mike on the bingo cards as replacements to WOAT and Heels Up?
So looking like WOAT is pissed at Obeyme and Piglosi. So to piss them off he is staying in the race. Will the DemoncRATs usurp their rules and eliminate him at the convention? Who has Killary and Big Mike on the bingo cards as replacements to WOAT and Heels Up?
I said a long time ago it's going to be Hillary. If Biden doesn't step down, they will either frame him for something or some "radical Trump supporter" or "unfortunate illness/natural causes" will take care of the situation, if you know what I mean.
I said a long time ago it's going to be Hillary. If Biden doesn't step down, they will either frame him for something or some "radical Trump supporter" or "unfortunate illness/natural causes" will take care of the situation, if you know what I mean.
What would be the repercussions from ousting a sitting President from being the front runner? I don’t see there being enough damage control possible!
No. You don't have to believe me you just keep believing him and all the lies he has told you. The man put our national secrets below his golf shirts for christ's sake.
No offense but that's the most small thinking I have ever heard of. I don't believe what I do because Trump says to believe it. Lol. But if that's what you need to think about everybody so you feel better about your life choices then go ahead. 🤣
What would be the repercussions from ousting a sitting President from being the front runner? I don’t see there being enough damage control possible!
Yeah I agree, that is, if you just oust him. You have to make it look like he is grossly incompetent or incapable or eliminate him, while making that look like you had nothing to do with it. The only other way is to get him to step down voluntarily. He can't be on the ticket come election day, so one of those scenarios will have to play out.

I think he doesn't want to step down voluntarily. So I think it's most likely that they'll work something up to get him out. Whatever it is, it has to look like there was no alternative to removing him or replacing him.
No offense but that's the most small thinking I have ever heard of. I don't believe what I do because Trump says to believe it. Lol. But if that's what you need to think about everybody so you feel better about your life choices then go ahead. 🤣
No it's just a pattern that's emerged that I've seen all over maga. Tru.p says he obstructed justice by refusing to comply with a subpoena and admits to it and magaverse says the charges are made up.

Is a real thing
No it's just a pattern that's emerged that I've seen all over maga. Tru.p says he obstructed justice by refusing to comply with a subpoena and admits to it and magaverse says the charges are made up.

Is a real thing
I'm sorry that you can't see the truth of what's going on.
No it's just a pattern that's emerged that I've seen all over maga. Tru.p says he obstructed justice by refusing to comply with a subpoena and admits to it and magaverse says the charges are made up.

Is a real thing
You do a great job of repeating MSM I can respect honest debate/conversation but you sound like a kindergartner at the playground. Didn’t Biden admit that the media lies, that’s just a side question?
Biden just said he's dropping out.

All I'm gonna say now is that this should've been arranged last year, and really the sad thing is that apparently, he was trying to search for a way to pass things off privately too, and there was no move to do so.