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Political Thread: The Sequel

What??? Lol, this is insane. Every single person needs an ID to breathe just about but when it comes to voting, taxpayers and government needs to help the victims. Wow.

It is a relatively small price to pay imo to get Dems/libs to agree to it. Is working with the other side to get something to occur a bad thing? You don’t think it would be worth it to allow it to happen? Then there would be no longer be a valid reason for libs to keep claiming it would be unfair to the poor and non-drivers.
There’s literally information everywhere right now that he voted for Trump in 2016 and wanted a Vivek/Haley ticket in 2024. It’s right there but you’d rather use your “sources”.
It aint there. He donated heavily to Dems. Got called out on soc media a few years ago by Tulsi Gabbard. Good pals with NBC correspondent. Etc
But you run shade for your marxist idealogy pals.
There are exactly zero Democrats out there saying that trump should be shot or that he must be stopped with violence. Or anyone saying they’re glad this almost attack happened.

No one has or currently is calling for any violence towards him.