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Political Thread: The Sequel

So the NY Slimes puts an article out saying that “Election Results could take a while”. No first world country runs their elections this way period. The only reason to prolong the count is to give time to change the result if needed. This should be settled day of and if there are allegations of irregularities from either side Congress should pause and conduct the 10 day investigation.

Wouldn’t it make sense to take their time to make sure the votes are counted accurately? Wouldn’t rushing through the count increase the chance for errors? This should not be a partisan issue. What you’re saying sounds counterintuitive.
If what im seeing gets confirmed. Still checking.
This guy spent 8 months in ukraine, apparently lives resides in Hawaii. once again Still checking. But hasn't worked full time for a while. Yet has funds for world travel, to criss cross across the pac and conus. Just be sitting in woods with a scoped rifle go pro on a day Trumps schedule, whereabouts, isnt public. Follow the money trail.
lol. It’s sad that you are serious. Many residents have came out discussing how the influx has depleted them whether it’s clinics, schools, social programs. However to you Dems things like this don’t matter. The welfare of illegals is at the top of their agendas. Screw Americans
Those may certainly be legitimate concerns and problems. Nothing wrong in discussing that. Saying they're eating pets is not that.

The towns been inundated with violent rheotirc bomb threats and people showing up to confront the Haitian migrants.
Wouldn’t it make sense to take their time to make sure the votes are counted accurately? Wouldn’t rushing through the count increase the chance for errors? This should not be a partisan issue. What you’re saying sounds counterintuitive.
Why are we in 2024 having such an issue with such a simple process? Seriously?
Wouldn’t it make sense to take their time to make sure the votes are counted accurately? Wouldn’t rushing through the count increase the chance for errors? This should not be a partisan issue. What you’re saying sounds counterintuitive.
Hogwash. Sorry but longcounting technigue in ATL,Philly,Detroit,Milwaukee. Needs to stop. Technology so great. Yet back a few cycles ago, it got done by hand. Night of. This is another tactic to cheat in precisely the metros i just mentioned.
If what im seeing gets confirmed. Still checking.
This guy spent 8 months in ukraine, apparently lives resides in Hawaii. once again Still checking. But hasn't worked full time for a while. Yet has funds for world travel, to criss cross across the pac and conus. Just be sitting in woods with a scoped rifle go pro on a day Trumps schedule, whereabouts, isnt public. Follow the money trail.
An unemployed guy doing this. Yet State’s rights are wrong to liberals because people can’t afford to navigate to States that are similar to their beliefs and political structure.
Maybe we should not give mentally ill folks access to weapons? Seems like that would be a non partisan issue.
There is a common mental illness thread with the past 6 + mass shootings. But I gurantee you dont want to address it.
If what im seeing gets confirmed. Still checking.
This guy spent 8 months in ukraine, apparently lives resides in Hawaii. once again Still checking. But hasn't worked full time for a while. Yet has funds for world travel, to criss cross across the pac and conus. Just be sitting in woods with a scoped rifle go pro on a day Trumps schedule, whereabouts, isnt public. Follow the money trail.
He’s from Greensboro. He was a Vivek and Haley supporter. He had a long rap sheet and apparently several mental health run ins with authorities.

Maybe we should not give mentally ill folks access to weapons? Seems like that would be a non partisan issue.
Maybe the FBI and ATF should do a better job on enforcement. Maybe focus on hiring qualified agents and officers, spend the time and money to properly train them as well as provide the resources to carryout their duties, instead of being focused on DEI hirings. Instead of defunding the police policies and actions.
Maybe the FBI and ATF should do a better job on enforcement. Maybe focus on hiring qualified agents and officers, spend the time and money to properly train them as well as provide the resources to carryout their duties, instead of being focused on DEI hirings. Instead of defunding the police policies and actions.
Just say you don’t think non white men can be qualified. Don’t be a wimp.
I agree 100% about voter ID but only if the federal govt were to issue a voter ID to all registered voters.
What??? Lol, this is insane. Every single person needs an ID to breathe just about but when it comes to voting, taxpayers and government needs to help the victims. Wow.
There is a common mental illness thread with the past 6 + mass shootings. But I gurantee you dont want to address it.
People are getting more and more unstable and nobody cares about the mental health side of these incidents. It always gets blocked by noise of conspiracy or politics but you don't get focus on the mental health. Polarized people who have poor mental health will resort to these acts and that's most likely what happened here.