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Political Thread: The Sequel

That’s because when corp tax rates get lowered suddenly there is capital to expand business and take risks on innovation, which in turn employs people.
Yes, but Trump needs to get the interest rates down, this time, in addition to lowering regulation and reducing the corporate tax rate. Terrible monetary policy has created an inflationary condition that prevents lower interest rates. High cap rates are going to keep businesses from expanding, cost of cash is too high. If anyone can do it, Trump can, but he won't have a second term to use to get it done. Kamala's clan has no chance and no desire to do this. Her approach will eventually evaporate the middle class, leaving most people owning nothing, dependent on the government and having no real opportunity. She said she was for an "opportunity economy" but that's a mis-direction. It means that you will have an opportunity to comply with government instructions. Trump is for a "participation economy", where you can actually realize your potential based on merit and compentency, which will make the U.S. economy stronger and more resilient. It's going to take longer than four years, though.
In other political news Johnson doesnt have the votes to get the CR passed. We will end up just doing whatever the senate democrats propose as usual.

I think we shut down for a long time this round, maybe through election day. This will hurt the Republicans and may very well result in the Democrats having the White House and all of Congress when they come back next year.
I think we shut down for a long time this round, maybe through election day. This will hurt the Republicans and may very well result in the Democrats having the White House and all of Congress when they come back next year.
It won't hurt this time. 80% of the population thinks there should be voter ID. If Republicans don't advertise their reasons well enough then it will hurt them but I don't think It will this time. There needs to be attention brought to this for sure.
I think we shut down for a long time this round, maybe through election day. This will hurt the Republicans and may very well result in the Democrats having the White House and all of Congress when they come back next year.
No shutdown. Reps will pass anything the senate proposes