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Political Thread: The Sequel

I understand people not liking Don but, my goodness, did Harris say anything that had any truth at all? All her talk about unifying the country, not using race to divide people, stopping the influx of illegal drugs and guns through the border, having respect of world leaders, etc. She and Biden did NONE of that; none. Rather they ran an administration that fed the fires of those very issues; the very same issues their party has created and exacerbated for decades. She sounded like she was reading a play by play book for everything a candidate is supposed to say but she does not have a shred of evidence that she has ever done any of them, while her actual past shows she is complicit to them. Complete hypocritical baloney from her.
She is a Stalinist Marxist but trump couldnt focus on anything
The Senate and Supreme Court will block most of what she wants as long as the Republicans take it, and I think they will. Tester probably goes down in Montana and Justice will certainly take West Virginia.
Not a chance. She only wishes Harris would go even farther left.
Yeah maybe. I like Taylor Swift for some reason. Not her music but some things she’s not famous for. She seems like she really cares about average people, level headed and she’s a good at business. But she’s still a normie surrounded by libs.
I am luckily close to Tennessee which it’s legal in. But I can see where they could become addicted to it. I just do it for fun and plus it makes the games more interesting to watch. Learned about different sports in the process.
I'm all about personal freedom so gambling is no biggie. I don't personally do it though
This is the best take i have read on the debate. Yes, it was unfair, the moderators are Harris supporters, but Trump cant out of the way of his ego. Harris made it clear before the debate she was going to try to get under trumps skin and he fell for it.

"He didn't do it because he cannot do it, and he cannot do it because he has no discipline. The shots at his ego overpower his passions for policy by a factor of 1,000 to 1.Maybe the debate doesn't matter for what will happen in November. Maybe it comes down to 10,000 votes in a few counties in PA and GA, once again. I doubt those who had minds made up already changed their minds last night. But if you believe an UNDECIDED voter watched that, and came away saying "Trump is my guy," then you deserve a job on Trump's debate prep team."
Rape, imprisoning 12 year olds, beatings, starving , torture. This is America . This is us. Fascinating seeing the media report on this. The poor man in the beginning, from Bethlehem, the home of Jesus. If only Jesus knew there would be those who claimed their devotion to him was the most true , yet their actions would be the most antithetical to Jesus teachings. They would support murder, they would support torture, they would support war, they would support racism. All in the name of Jesus. If only Jesus knew how his followers today were …

Biden lost a debate and looked unfit snd democrats responded appropriately.

Trump botches a debate and his followers say he did great and lgnore how unfit he is

That was generally because the media built Biden as competent and sharp for months and they looked like idiots and had to try save face.