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Political Thread: The Sequel

Well considering he is on the network where the leftist is I would be talking over the mic too.
Harris is fake and now changing her tune since she isn’t connect to Biden.
Just saying what she needs to say to get votes. We all know her values haven't changed and that her policies will hurt this country
Hell Bernie Sanders said it best. She is going to change her position on social issues in the debate to try to win but she won’t really abandoned her socialist positions.
IT was up to Trump to focus on that or focus on anything. Right now poor JD is saying to himself, "I could have had a nice cushy senate seat and let Youngkin have to deal with this"
We care about economy, crime, security. Liberals care about mic time in a debate. Head scratcher for sure.

I suppose we should give her more time since she hasn’t spoken to the media about anything policy related since she began her campaign 😂
You are right but here is the problem. Before tonite the biggest talking point against Harris was she couldnt even handle friendly media. Thats gone and buried now.
Trump has won by hitting her on Afghanistan withdrawal, wars, economy, inflation, and crime.

He wasn’t able to convey her position changes the last few weeks. That was a failure on his part. Bush won the 2nd term by labeling Kerry a flipflopper
"Why didn't she do it"

Most sane people know she isnt president and couldn't do it. He needs to.ask Joe that question but oh wait.....he's not running anymore.
Both suck in their own ways but since we are forced to have these two horrendous candidates I'd rather play to choose the one who isn't going to crash the economy further than it needs to. Hopefully by 2028 people learn to stop electing the worst politicians of our nations history a little better and real logical Americans with great answers to our problems step up to the plate that people can respect better too. America can't feel unified or be if neither side gets wide respect of their candidates, which neither really are realistically from the people.

Reality though is it's better to just get it over with and just take 4 more years of someone that we don't like than walk into a coming global financial crisis with a bomb strapped to us.