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Political Thread: The Sequel

Bull and you know it. They had a debate scheduled on Fox, she backed out. If he backs out the media says he's scared of her... he can't win because the entire mainstream media is nothing but a Democrat mouthpiece and hate him
After tonight it doesnt really matter. Trump was supposed to be the master of the Art of the Deal. He could have demanded each choose a moderator. HE DIDNT
You don't have to like the guy, you don't have to like how he debates, how he talks, rambles, whatever but you cannot deny there were no wars during his tenure. You cannot deny that we now are on the brink of world war with this administration. Somethings are just fact whether you like it or not
Yes, but us saying it on here doesnt matter. Trump is blowing it so bad tonite its embarrassing
Harris is just hammering him. You can saynwhat you want and we all know yall like the guy. If you're being objective she is staying on point getting her message out and hitting him with hard-core factual hits where she doesn't have to get personal.

He is only talking to you guys and hos supporters. I can't think of one thing he has said that is reaching out to any other voter than his base.
Then dont debate. If you are negotiating a loan and the interest is 11% and you cant afford it dont sign on the dotted line
Look at the end of the debate, people still feel the inflation, still see the crime, still know Democrats will tax and are rigorously against the 2nd. The debate doesn’t change that.
Some people want change, some want more of the same. Another big election coming up with the Americans vs the Democrats
Harris said if Trump was President Putin would be sitting in Kyiv. Trump was President and Putin was in Moscow and no invasion, no war. Are Harris supporters, including you all on here, that ignorant or just hate Trump so bad you can't see the facts? Seriously