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Political Thread: The Sequel

As of right now I think that is fake news as I can’t find any other source

Currently, Robinson is the #1 topic of discussion in AmerWx’s off topic/political section. They’re taking it seriously but of course they’re 75%+ Dems/libs and are thus naturally going to take it seriously since they can’t stand him and hope it is true. With Robinson being so far behind Stein, I wonder if him pulling out would help the GOP in NC.
Currently, Robinson is the #1 topic of discussion in AmerWx’s off topic/political section. They’re taking it seriously but of course they’re 75%+ Dems/libs and are thus naturally going to take it seriously as they hope it is true. With Robinson being so far behind Stein, I wonder if him pulling out would help the GOP in NC.
Larry, I honestly believe they have something on him that they planned to use the second he became unelectable. Right now, I don’t think the man is electable and the deadline for ballot printing is literally tomorrow. They are trying to go 2 for 1 with delaying ballot distribution to hurt early voting and getting rid of Robinson in the same swoop.
We have so many good conservatives in the state legislature that could have won the Gov race but because this lunatic said nice things about Trump republicans decided to nominate the King of Porn and now he could cause trump to lose NC

Currently, Robinson is the #1 topic of discussion in AmerWx’s off topic/political section. They’re taking it seriously but of course they’re 75%+ Dems/libs and are thus naturally going to take it seriously since they can’t stand him and hope it is true. With Robinson being so far behind Stein, I wonder if him pulling out would help the GOP in NC.
A little late for that now. Dems have timed this perfectly. And Robinson was on record making alot of lunatic comments before this but the stupid rep primary voters nominated yet another Trump lunatic


Robinson also recently suggested that transgender women should be arrested if they use women’s restrooms, adding at a campaign event last month that people who “are confused” about their genders should “find a corner outside somewhere to go.” Robinson has also described the LGBTQ community as “filth.”

Opponents also point out that Robinson has slammed public school teachers as “wicked people"; revealed himself to be a full-throated election denier, saying Biden "stole the election"; and cast doubt on whether the Holocaust occurred, writing on Facebook in 2017 that “Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash.”

In 2022, he said he owned assault rifles so he’d be prepared if “the government got too big for its britches.” In other Facebook posts that year, he called the Civil Rights Movement "crap."

Trump endorsed Robinson over the weekend, calling him "Martin Luther King on steroids."

Maybe Larry Flynt on steroids might be a better analogy
We have so many good conservatives in the state legislature that could have won the Gov race but because this lunatic said nice things about Trump republicans decided to nominate the King of Porn and now he could cause trump to lose NC

He was always too far right. McCrory got elected by campaigning in the middle and moving right during his time in office.
Its a little late for Trump to try and get Robinson off the ballot. Maybe robinson could drop out? And lets not forget the reason he is ON THE BALLOT is because of Trump. Listening to Clay and Buck now and they have Whatley on talking about NC and not a word about Robinson, lol. You would think they would talk about an important Gov race.

You don't even know for sure it's happened the way it's being reported just wait and see before jumping to the conclusions.
He has said enough lunatic things before this which is why he is going to lose in a landslide without this coming out. Lets not forget another loon in AZ can cost Trump that state as well and trump endorsed her as well
He has said enough lunatic things before this which is why he is going to lose in a landslide without this coming out. Lets not forget another loon in AZ can cost Trump that state as well and trump endorsed her as well
People think that we're loons for posting on a weather board non-stop about politics so it doesn't matter.
Larry, I honestly believe they have something on him that they planned to use the second he became unelectable. Right now, I don’t think the man is electable and the deadline for ballot printing is literally tomorrow. They are trying to go 2 for 1 with delaying ballot distribution to hurt early voting and getting rid of Robinson in the same swoop.
He has had a lot of dirt come out in this race.
I wasn’t a fan of him to begin with, as I stated before I think he will lose. His words will cost him as it should with anyone.

However, I can separate him from Trump or anyone else. People speak for themselves good or bad.