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Political Thread: The Sequel

It's against the law for someone to act as president when they're not. So you don't think getting rid of issis was notable? Hmm.
If he can end it… he can end it whether he’s the POTUS or not. Or he can tell Ole Joe what to do to end it and then take credit for it.. but let’s say he really has a magic solution to end the war in 24 hrs (which he doesn’t.. just another one of his lies) and he’s been sitting on the solution for 2 yrs and let hundreds of thousands of people die and billions of dollars spent all for him to gain some personal political advantage… the price of the blood of over a quarter million people is on his head
If he can end it… he can end it whether he’s the POTUS or not. Or he can tell Ole Joe what to do to end it and then take credit for it.. but let’s say he really has a magic solution to end the war in 24 hrs (which he doesn’t.. just another one of his lies) and he’s been sitting on the solution for 2 yrs and let hundreds of thousands of people die and billions of dollars spent all for him to gain some personal political advantaged… the price of the blood of over a quarter million people is on his head
Ok. Lol.
Trump got the Abraham Accords signed
The Abraham accords only represent the interests of the wealthy dictatorship elites of the gulf and the Israelis. It has no benefit to the average Arab citizen, it’s also a complete abandonment of the Palestinian people. What the Arab leaders do does not reflect what the Arab street wants. Dictatorship does that.
So at the beginning of debate there are 387 pages in this thread… 24 hrs from now I’m saying the under/over is 400… how are you betting?
Well they both have either lied or avoided the answer in their responses to the first question … the bar is set so low