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Political Thread: The Sequel

Absolutely, it’s the right idea. Would end a lot of problems in this nation by finally shutting up the left.

Absolutely I’m a Christian nationalist, might as well be anyways. Maybe we can get back to Puritan laws. Maybe get back to our roots and cut women's rights to vote.
You are trolling right? There is a lot of sarcastic undertones in this, no way you genuinely believe any of that…
Absolutely, it’s the right idea. Would end a lot of problems in this nation by finally shutting up the left.

Absolutely I’m a Christian nationalist, might as well be anyways. Maybe we can get back to Puritan laws. Maybe get back to our roots and cut women's rights to vote.
The definition of "I don't like what you say so I must silence you" thinking right there. I thought the left wanted to silence people?
The definition of "I don't like what you say so I must silence you" thinking right there. I thought the left wanted to silence people?

They act tongue in cheek about it but don't doubt for a second that there are millions of men in this country that think things like women shouldnt vote etc...it'd mostly tied to Christian beliefs.

Guys like these....and there are plenty of others

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They act tongue in cheek about it but don't doubt for a second that there are millions of men in this country that think things like women shouldnt vote etc...it'd mostly tied to Christian beliefs.

Guys like these....and there are plenty of others

This kind of proves my point, might as well own the label because some people are so set in their beliefs debating them is like chiseling through inches of concrete to get a jelly bean which you then find is black licorice.
This kind of proves my point, might as well own the label because some people are so set in their beliefs debating them is like chiseling through inches of concrete to get a jelly bean which you then find is black licorice.
I’m telling your wife you said she shouldn’t be able to vote! You better get ready because you and JD Vance both about to be familiar with couches!
I’m telling your wife you said she shouldn’t be able to vote! You better get ready because you and JD Vance both about to be familiar with couches!
My wife would would look up off her Amazon Fire and shrug. I would have to find something to say far worse that that to have to sleep on the couch.
Team Kommiela has not accepted the ABC debate rules. Reading that the hang up is the muted mics rule. Probably also the No notes rule too. We are essentially a week away from the debate. My bet is ABC caves and says no muted mics. At that point, if team Orange Bad Man is smart they say no deal. If ABC does not cave to Kommiela she backs out. Point is given all this my guess is we might not see a debate on the 10th.
It is wise to understand your opponent. I posted earlier this week that I had been reading up on Saul Alinsky and that the Dems are using this playbook to the letter. I did not know that Saul Alinsky had written his Doctoral Disertation on Al Capone's mob during prohibition. Alinsky gained access to Capone's organization and said the Federal Government cannot touch their power. Many of you have seen stories written that depict the WOATs, Obeyme's, Killary's, and bushes as political crime families. If you read up on Alinsky, that actually makes sense. We have 4 or 5 political crime families beholden to a Global structure who's sole purpose is to rule over us not govern for us. Both Dems and Republicans buy into this strategy. We do not and have not had government for the people, by the people in decades. This has to change.