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Political Thread: The Sequel

That's really not having an effect on the insurance market in Georgia right now. Policies only pay out the limits that they have. Many people have low limits and don't even know it and they're on the hook for the rest if they're limits are not enough. The biggest problem in the Georgia insurance industry is the amount of tort reform that is needed. When someone can get paid $500,000 for a minor scratch on their bumper because they claimed physical or mental damages is absurd.
I'm sure that's part of the problem, but my point on car costs does too. The chip shortage in car manufacturing during Covid completely disrupted both car markets and supply/demand caused us to be here. More accidents happen in denser areas but we're too car-centric to have alternative transport, so accident rates stay high. When people can only buy expensive cars, and cheaper models get totaled daily, the companies have to make money somehow, so they make you pay through the nose so if something happens, we all pay for it.

On your point, that's regulations which I'm sure some people would have problems with, so we can only hope for change there. It also comes down to judges, so if they rule in favor or against these ridiculous suits that's on them, not the agencies. It's only on the agency when they lose millions to stupid cases.

Either way, it's still going to get more ridiculous and the only way to make it go down is get cars off the roads where possible.
Speaking of Christianity people.....my self proclaimed "super christian" co-worker and me were running a delivery the other day. A

Porsche flies by us on the right and he says it's a black dude and then says "wonder how many kilos he had to sell for that ride"

Get to the light it's a 60ish yr old overly tanned guy who has his shirt rolled up to his elbows big fat watch on his wrist and literally looks like an old jersey shore TV show alum.

Next thing out of Mr super christians mouth was......bet he has a 6 figure job.....
You live in Brunswick County, if he had to stereotype the stereotype would be rich asshole suburban right-wing yankees from NJ/NY with a lot of money, obesity, health problems, and general degeneracy. One of the commissioners down there got into it with the NAACP guy over development in their rural community ( Ash) racist bastard... asshole Yankees. I am sad they ruined that area. One of the most gorgeous parts of the state is being turned into a hot flat swampy parking lot of 70-year-olds with no common sense and a lot of dementia. The influx of money is absurd rn into Brunswick County. Top in the nation as all the old folks with more money than sense move in.
That's really not having an effect on the insurance market in Georgia right now. Policies only pay out the limits that they have. Many people have low limits and don't even know it and they're on the hook for the rest if they're limits are not enough. The biggest problem in the Georgia insurance industry is the amount of tort reform that is needed. When someone can get paid $500,000 for a minor scratch on their bumper because they claimed physical or mental damages is absurd. Most of the rate increases the last year or so has been for bodily injury liability not physical damage.
You should teach a class on how insurance works, teach us how to get the best rates
DeSantis is the only reason FLA turned republican. If one of trumps minions becomes gov in 2026 FLA will be blue in no time.


As Yoda might say, "I sense the dark side in Trump"

When will we address one of the biggest drivers of our decreased QOL? Our local representatives make a difference and the fact is most of them are in those roles for their own self interest… real estate agents and developers most of them. There is a reason our cities and towns are going bankrupt and this is a part of it, unfortunately money doesn’t equal intelligence and a lot of shortsighted , dumb, individuals with a lot of money happen to be driving a lot of the change in this country. People think our problem is lack of god, no it’s lack of community … here is a perfect example, from Florida none the less. Ask @Thor , he sees these corrupt officials and what they do all the time

When will we address one of the biggest drivers of our decreased QOL? Our local representatives make a difference and the fact is most of them are in those roles for their own self interest… real estate agents and developers most of them. There is a reason our cities and towns are going bankrupt and this is a part of it, unfortunately money doesn’t equal intelligence and a lot of shortsighted , dumb, individuals with a lot of money happen to be driving a lot of the change in this country. People think our problem is lack of god, no it’s lack of community … here is a perfect example, from Florida none the less. Ask @Thor , he sees these corrupt officials and what they do all the time

There's the same corruption around here in N GA. Lots of suburban sprawl. The more you look into it, our lives are getting WORSE because we're making so many large houses copy pasting them everywhere. You're right about there being no community which I think everyone can agree on. When there's community, people tend to be happier overall and I'm sure it'd slice down the depression/suicide rates too that will also continue rising.

For those who also complain about a decrease in Christians, this is also your answer. The church of 1940s where it was a tight community vs the church of 2020s that mimic corporations at times is caused by this suburban sprawl.

The answer is stop building so many mcmansions and build denser cities and less suburbs, plan cities properly, and you'll get more community.
There's the same corruption around here in N GA. Lots of suburban sprawl. The more you look into it, our lives are getting WORSE because we're making so many large houses copy pasting them everywhere. You're right about there being no community which I think everyone can agree on. When there's community, people tend to be happier overall and I'm sure it'd slice down the depression/suicide rates too that will also continue rising.

For those who also complain about a decrease in Christians, this is also your answer. The church of 1940s where it was a tight community vs the church of 2020s that mimic corporations at times is caused by this suburban sprawl.

The answer is stop building so many mcmansions and build denser cities and less suburbs, plan cities properly, and you'll get more community.
Pretty much, I think COVID made it worse. They build neighborhoods far into the countryside now, where there are no other neighborhoods schools or grocery stores for miles. Johnston and Harnett county are notorious for this. What ya expect from greedy idiots with money though. Furthermore, housing should be limited as an investing tool. So much of our houses are locked up with investors it’s not funny, we are having to build more as we lose lots of inventory to investors… there are millions of vacant homes in this country. The most ironic thing is these corrupt people in our government are republicans , and the people moving into those sprawling developments they build tend to be browner and more democrat … they build their own demise lol
Pretty much, I think COVID made it worse. They build neighborhoods far into the countryside now, where there are no other neighborhoods schools or grocery stores for miles. Johnston and Harnett county are notorious for this. What ya expect from greedy idiots with money though. Furthermore, housing should be limited as an investing tool. So much of our houses are locked up with investors it’s not funny, we are having to build more as we lose lots of inventory to investors… there are millions of vacant homes in this country. The most ironic thing is these corrupt people in our government are republicans , and the people moving into those sprawling developments they build tend to be browner and more democrat … they build their own demise lol
The GA market is horrendous because of investors. As I mentioned a bit ago, some investors purchase homes as scalps and sell them 10s of thousands of dollars higher with 0 modifications. It's artificial inflation that hurts everyone, as it makes small houses statewide more expensive, even crap trailers. You can live 80 miles from work and still have to spend 200k on a barely livable trailer in the middle of nowhere. These investors bought up all of the 100k small houses and sold them for 150, 200k, or more just because of demand, which makes 300k houses 400k houses, and so on. Soon enough, there's no cheap inventory so you can't downsize as a retiree or move out of your parent's because rent laws stop most who are in entry-level as do costs, and it's just not economical to spend 4 hours of your life commuting to and from work daily.
The GA market is horrendous because of investors. As I mentioned a bit ago, some investors purchase homes as scalps and sell them 10s of thousands of dollars higher with 0 modifications. It's artificial inflation that hurts everyone, as it makes small houses statewide more expensive, even crap trailers. You can live 80 miles from work and still have to spend 200k on a barely livable trailer in the middle of nowhere. These investors bought up all of the 100k small houses and sold them for 150, 200k, or more just because of demand, which makes 300k houses 400k houses, and so on. Soon enough, there's no cheap inventory so you can't downsize as a retiree or move out of your parent's because rent laws stop most who are in entry-level as do costs, and it's just not economical to spend 4 hours of your life commuting to and from work daily.
Wendel is booming here right now, they are trying to develop another 300 acres in an area I didn’t think they would reach … it got denied years ago but they are back again… on top of thousands of other homes…the worst of these is a development I kid you not that’s marketing itself as LUXURY RENTALS. That is absurd. Don’t worry soon they will invent teleportation and you won’t have to commute
Verifiably false on so many accounts. Putting activist judges on the court is not the right idea. Glad you admit you are a Christian nationalist though. Hopefully freedom stands and people who want to take away our freedoms never get the chance. The Christian right showing its true colors, anti American, anti constitution, anti democracy, anti freedom. America is a secular nation that does not interfere with religion nor enforce religious practice into its public institutions. You are free to enforce a theocracy in your own household but stay out of the rest of ours. Here’s to Satanist’s, real Americans

Absolutely, it’s the right idea. Would end a lot of problems in this nation by finally shutting up the left.

Absolutely I’m a Christian nationalist, might as well be anyways. Maybe we can get back to Puritan laws. Maybe get back to our roots and cut women's rights to vote.