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Political Thread: The Sequel

No I'm saying the abortion issue is the biggest and worst type of virtue signaling there is. You all claim to care but none of you would adopt them, help them, mentor them or even give a crap if they are food insecure once they're born. The only time you say anything about them is when they get the help you would deny them and only then are they a burden to you.
You don't seem to understand any of the points people make on this issue but I will try, in good faith, to address this one. Your post is so incorrect and off base I don't hardly know what to say. I personally know many, many Christians, conservatives, and people against abortion who have adopted, fostered, and helped kids. Friends, co workers, neighbors, church members, on and on. That statement that you made is either totally ignorant or just in effort to justify your position. You literally couldn't be more wrong. And by the way, even if what you say were true (and its not), it still would not justify abortion. Once again, it comes back to personable responsibility. If you and your side cared at all about kids they would not support abortion and they would encourage personal responsibility for people that do not want kids in the first place. You're not even trying to make a rational and reasonable argument here.
You don't seem to understand any of the points people make on this issue but I will try, in good faith, to address this one. Your post is so incorrect and off base I don't hardly know what to say. I personally know many, many Christians, conservatives, and people against abortion who have adopted, fostered, and helped kids. Friends, co workers, neighbors, church members, on and on. That statement that you made is either totally ignorant or just in effort to justify your position. You literally couldn't be more wrong. And by the way, even if what you say were true (and its not), it still would not justify abortion. Once again, it comes back to personable responsibility. If you and your side cared at all about kids they would not support abortion and they would encourage personal responsibility for people that do not want kids in the first place. You're not even trying to make a rational and reasonable argument here.
100% correct. The post you were referring to was a really, really bad take.
Why can't a woman decide to not have sex and take the risk in the first place? I mean, that's the biological purpose of sex, right?

I assume you have never used birth control since sex is only for biological purposes right? Also there seems to be a lot of blame focused on women associated with unwanted pregnancies, and none on the other half required to create it. Even when precautions are taken mistakes happen.
Lol they want religious liberty etc etc etc as long as it is Christian religious liberty.....if you are going to allow one faith you need to allow them all.

I assume you have never used birth control since sex is only for biological purposes right? Also there seems to be a lot of blame focused on women associated with unwanted pregnancies, and none on the other half required to create it. Even when precautions are taken mistakes happen.

What portion of thy backside did you pull this gem from and how do you think we feel that way? Hahaha.
Nah. Allowing something wrong because of the need for equality is stupid.
Wrong? It’s their belief why is satanism wrong? It’s just as valid as Christianity. After all, this country worships moloch, we are historically a satanic nation. I support satanists being able to be represented. I trust satanic ministers more than school chaplains tbh, at least one group isn’t actively trying to convert me to their cause
Wrong? It’s their belief why is satanism wrong? It’s just as valid as Christianity. After all, this country worships moloch, we are historically a satanic nation. I support satanists being able to be represented. I trust satanic ministers more than school chaplains tbh, at least one group isn’t actively trying to convert me to their cause

Their opinion isn’t valid IMO at all because it is evil and evil cannot stand with what is good.
Their opinion isn’t valid IMO at all because it is evil and evil cannot stand with what is good.
Your opinion of them is irrelevant to the laws of this nation though. Separation of church and state is a principle of this nation. When you start muddying that line then guess what, you have zero argument to disallow other religious groups from also partaking. Either they let no school chaplains or they let all religious groups that want representation to be represented , including satanists.
Something like 65% of the country thinks some form of abortion is OK....you will understand it better in Nov when women put Harris in the WH and even red states vote amendments guaranteeing abortions into law.
If the state of Bama wants to vote that into existence then so be it. Point is that it’s the state’s choice not the Federal Government’s choice or mandate.
I live these conversations everyday when I talk to my mom who has dementia. Me and my wife call the "flight of ideas" it's absolutely a common display for dementia patients.

I said that about WOAT on this forum years ago yet many on this forum including yourself chose to ignore it.
It shouldn't be a states decision it should be an individual decision.
Yet I have seen you harp incessantly on here about abortion law. I don’t believe you can find anywhere in the Constitution where it says it is the mandate of the Federal Government to ensure abortion rights for all. It ain’t there and I for one don’t think my federal tax dollars should go to subsidise that.
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Your opinion of them is irrelevant to the laws of this nation though. Separation of church and state is a principle of this nation. When you start muddying that line then guess what, you have zero argument to disallow other religious groups from also partaking. Either they let no school chaplains or they let all religious groups that want representation to be represented , including satanists.

Nonsense, this is a Christian nation and will be thus. Sounds like we need farther conservative justices on the SC to define what the Separation clause means excluding Satanists.
Nonsense, this is a Christian nation and will be thus. Sounds like we need farther conservative justices on the SC to define what the Separation clause means excluding Satanists.
Verifiably false on so many accounts. Putting activist judges on the court is not the right idea. Glad you admit you are a Christian nationalist though. Hopefully freedom stands and people who want to take away our freedoms never get the chance. The Christian right showing its true colors, anti American, anti constitution, anti democracy, anti freedom. America is a secular nation that does not interfere with religion nor enforce religious practice into its public institutions. You are free to enforce a theocracy in your own household but stay out of the rest of ours. Here’s to Satanist’s, real Americans

Yet I have seen you harp incessantly on here about abortion law. I don’t believe you can find anywhere in the Constitution where it says it is the mandate of the Federal Government to ensure abortion rights for all. It ain’t there and I for one don’t think my federal tax dollars should go to subsidise that.
Anything not listed specifically in the Constitution is up to the States. Anyone that is trying to do otherwise is not being truthful or they just don't give a dang about the Constitution. But it all makes sense if these are the same people wanting to stack the supreme Court because they're not liking the outcomes not in their favor..
Verifiably false on so many accounts. Putting activist judges on the court is not the right idea. Glad you admit you are a Christian nationalist though. Hopefully freedom stands and people who want to take away our freedoms never get the chance. The Christian right showing its true colors, anti American, anti constitution, anti democracy, anti freedom. America is a secular nation that does not interfere with religion nor enforce religious practice into its public institutions. You are free to enforce a theocracy in your own household but stay out of the rest of ours. Here’s to Satanist’s, real Americans

And yet the left has packed the lower courts with activist judges sympathetic to their beliefs and thus we have Satanists and other religious groups in schools and such but if Christians push for their beliefs the separation of church and state gets played. If I want to have Christian story time for kids at the library I would get pounded from all sides but you can bet your bottom dollar it’s ok for others to push their beliefs in such a manner. Point is Lick you can’t have it both ways.