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Political Thread: The Sequel

Elon sees the writing on the wall

Stuff like this is why I'm hoping the Senate goes over to the Republicans. A lot of this stuff would not happen without the Democrats getting both houses of Congress. We do still have the Supreme Court, but that probably would not be a problem if the Democrats have everything else. They would kill the filibuster and be off to the races.
Ok so restricting freedom is fine making your previous post a non-serious post.
Dude, you know there is a large segment of society that feel abortion is murder. Your party is in fact restricting the freedom of the MOST innocent among us. We are trying to get that freedom back in their hands to grow up, have a family, or live their life as they please. Your party wants them dead on arrival with NO hope.
Dude, you know there is a large segment of society that feel abortion is murder. Your party is in fact restricting the freedom of the MOST innocent among us. We are trying to get that freedom back in their hands to grow up, have a family, or live their life as they please. Your party wants them dead on arrival with NO hope.
Sure save them and then let them starve ir be gunned down in schools. Makes sense. George Carlin has you guys pegged on this issue
This lady is famous for her delulu. Bruh. Imagine Arabs claiming they are the native original inhabitants of Norway and that Norwegian is an ideology lol. If she wasn’t so crazy we would even accept her in the Middle East though she gon burn up . Rip

Until recently I bought BH low sodium roast beef at Publix. But I’ve held off for the last month after hearing about this. I did notice that it perhaps wasn’t as lean as it used to be. I may start getting the house brand (Kroger or Publix) in the future.
A lot of people don't really get that this is the real legacy of the Trump administration. In 2019 his administration infamously enacted executive directives to allow faster run rate in processing plants and cut inspection staff by almost 40%. The administration also well full-bore into self-certification not only in food processing but in automotive and aerospace as well. Boar's Head is just the latest. It will continue for years until Congress re-appropriates the money to fully staff these agencies again.

There's plenty of waste in the Federal government. Reducing headcount and spend on services that provide incalculable benefit to all Americans ain't the way to go about reducing it.
Sure save them and then let them starve ir be gunned down in schools. Makes sense. George Carlin has you guys pegged on this issue
So your sides' logic is if a person may grow up to be a societal problem it's ok to murder them? Why stop at birth? Why not eliminate anyone that is deemed a cost to society. This is where your side goes off the rails.
They wouldn’t dare do that in election season. Not happening, I’d like some lockdowns though. Some of the best days of my life! Simple times , swimming and fishing that’s all I did early that lockdown. Peaceful
Glad you don’t own a business. I felt bad for them.
Dude, you know there is a large segment of society that feel abortion is murder. Your party is in fact restricting the freedom of the MOST innocent among us. We are trying to get that freedom back in their hands to grow up, have a family, or live their life as they please. Your party wants them dead on arrival with NO hope.

Something like 65% of the country thinks some form of abortion is OK....you will understand it better in Nov when women put Harris in the WH and even red states vote amendments guaranteeing abortions into law.
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A lot of people don't really get that this is the real legacy of the Trump administration. In 2019 his administration infamously enacted executive directives to allow faster run rate in processing plants and cut inspection staff by almost 40%. The administration also well full-bore into self-certification not only in food processing but in automotive and aerospace as well. Boar's Head is just the latest. It will continue for years until Congress re-appropriates the money to fully staff these agencies again.

There's plenty of waste in the Federal government. Reducing headcount and spend on services that provide incalculable benefit to all Americans ain't the way to go about reducing it.
Ok, you've got to be kidding me here!!!! 3.5 YEARS and 3 trillion dollars isn't enough time or money to hire back the inspectors and improve the food quality? Trump, you say, created the problem in less time than that but your guys can't fix it?

You've shown your hand it's full of TDS cards. Goodbye, sir, and enjoy being ignored.
Something like 65% of the country thinks some form of abortion is OK....you will understand it better in Nov when women put Harria in the WH and even red states vote amendments guaranteeing abortions into law.
Why do you and Shaggy like abortion so much? Do you have stock in a clinic or something? Of all things to have an affinity for. It's really weird man. You used to like guns a lot. That is at least a little more normal.
Why do you and Shaggy like abortion so much? Do you have stock in a clinic or something? Of all things to have an affinity for. It's really weird man. You used to like guns a lot. That is at least a little more normal.
Let them have their abortions RainCold! I will be innocent of that no matter what authority I ever encounter. It’s on their hands not ours.