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Political Thread: The Sequel

Why do you and Shaggy like abortion so much? Do you have stock in a clinic or something? Of all things to have an affinity for. It's really weird man. You used to like guns a lot. That is at least a little more normal.

Lol I don't like it...I also think it should be up to a women to decide if she wants to have the child or not. I 100% support a ban after 16 weeks for elective abortions. I also am against forcing women especially children to have children it's disgusting.
Liberal logic. Enact policy we think benefits us. When it doesn’t, move to an area unaffected by it and try to install those policies all over again in hopes it will work this time. This is up and down the chain on every position they take. They are invested in misery and gloom while hating and punishing success.

Look at some industries for example:

They were all over supplements and natural remedies like palm oil, bee pollen. When those industries became a market they vilified them.

Bottled water. They were in full support of it until it became profitable then that led to them hating the industry.

Heck, they hate your money and want it taken away.
Something like 65% of the country thinks some form of abortion is OK....you will understand it better in Nov when women put Harris in the WH and even red states vote amendments guaranteeing abortions into law.
Well, we have been in the wrong side of other issues as well. Took time to reveal that but it’s status quo now.

I know you like and want to defend abortion, no issue for you. It’s not the end of the world for it to be a state issue. It’s only the end of the world for the innocent baby
So your sides' logic is if a person may grow up to be a societal problem it's ok to murder them? Why stop at birth? Why not eliminate anyone that is deemed a cost to society. This is where your side goes off the rails.
No I'm saying the abortion issue is the biggest and worst type of virtue signaling there is. You all claim to care but none of you would adopt them, help them, mentor them or even give a crap if they are food insecure once they're born. The only time you say anything about them is when they get the help you would deny them and only then are they a burden to you.
Ok, you've got to be kidding me here!!!! 3.5 YEARS and 3 trillion dollars isn't enough time or money to hire back the inspectors and improve the food quality? Trump, you say, created the problem in less time than that but your guys can't fix it?

You've shown your hand it's full of TDS cards. Goodbye, sir, and enjoy being ignored.
Deregulation is a failure. It puts unsafe food and consumer products on our shelves and puts small farmers and manufacturers out of business. It's just as bad as too much regulation.

To start the Trump administration dissolved GIPSA in 2017 which dramatically shifted the balance between producers and processors and put hundreds of poultry growers out of business as this organization was previously standing between them and poverty contracts from processors. It's not up for debate that in the final two years of the Trump administration, trade wars and misguided domestic policy led to the most bankruptcies of farming businesses since the financial crash a decade earlier. In 2019 and 2020 the Commodity Credit Corporation (under USDA) was responsible for over 40% of farm income in the US. Unfortunately, 70% or so of that went to the 10 largest farming and agricultural businesses in the country leaving small and medium size producers hung out to dry. Trump's USDA head Sonny Perdue refused to spend the tax dollars allocated by Congress to backfill retirements in FSIS which ultimately made the pandemic period worse than it had to be. Now the GOP whether in the Senate or House has refused to fund FSIS to increase inspection staff and actually cut the USDA budget in the previous two Fiscal Years.

Actions speak louder than words. Trump's executive appointments and Republicans in Congress thereafter have harmed the agricultural industries of this country for at least another decade. They've reduced protections for consumers and growers, and set up the equivalent of welfare for the wealthiest processing businesses in the country.
Something like 65% of the country thinks some form of abortion is OK....you will understand it better in Nov when women put Harris in the WH and even red states vote amendments guaranteeing abortions into law.
The split ticket voting is going to be fascinating this year. Josh Stein will most likely win the Governor's race in NC by close to the definition of an electoral landslide (8+ percentage points). No one thinks VP Harris or Trump will win by that amount so a lot of votes are going to be split. The Presidential race is likely to be 2 points either way.

This may be coming back to 2020 levels with lockdowns and restrictions.

As someone who sort of works in healthcare, it's definitely been raging again throughout the summer.

I'd say like 99%+ don't really care though, and this includes "both sides." The 1ish% or so that do are super online and it's kind of funny to witness.

There's not much you can really do unless you're higher risk.

The split ticket voting is going to be fascinating this year. Josh Stein will most likely win the Governor's race in NC by close to the definition of an electoral landslide (8+ percentage points). No one thinks VP Harris or Trump will win by that amount so a lot of votes are going to be split. The Presidential race is likely to be 2 points either way.

Adding this in even though it's a different topic because why not...even if the polling suggests that this race is Safe D, I'd be skeptical. I'd call it tilt D and there will probably be a polling miss here, even though I'd say Stein most likely wins.

I will say without me really poking at the hornet's nest that Robinson is the kind of candidate that needs "Likely to Safe R" areas/states for a prominent race...and that has not been the way North Carolina has voted for 20 years.
I mean this is just ridiculous for NC. Shows just how awful of a candidate Robinson is when the confidence intervals of high quality polling don't even intersect.

I mean this is just ridiculous for NC. Shows just how awful of a candidate Robinson is when the confidence intervals of high quality polling don't even intersect.

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The dude has some serious issues and just spews so much hate. People are getting weary of the hatefulness which is why Harris's pick of VP in Walz is resonating. The dudes just a joyful guy
As someone who sort of works in healthcare, it's definitely been raging again throughout the summer.

I'd say like 99%+ don't really care though, and this includes "both sides." The 1ish% or so that do are super online and it's kind of funny to witness.

There's not much you can really do unless you're higher risk.

Adding this in even though it's a different topic because why not...even if the polling suggests that this race is Safe D, I'd be skeptical. I'd call it tilt D and there will probably be a polling miss here, even though I'd say Stein most likely wins.

I will say without me really poking at the hornet's nest that Robinson is the kind of candidate that needs "Likely to Safe R" areas/states for a prominent race...and that has not been the way North Carolina has voted for 20 years.
From the outside looking in I just don't understand how he received the nomination. I mean I DO understand, but it's baffling. I haven't had a chance to work with anyone in the NCGOP in recent years so don't have anything inside to guess at. Just looks like a mess from the outside. It's quite funny how the two Carolinas are opposite in this way. NCDEMS are professional and competent, NCGOP is....not. SCGOP is competent and SCDEMS are LOL.

Regardless of the outcome in this years' election the SCDEMS are going to march ahead in our internal battle. The Party is nearly entirely controlled by Columbia metro people leaving rural and suburban Dems with an empty pot. There's a reason anytime someone in the SC State House or GOP needs something from the Democratic Party they go straight to Congressman Clyburn even though he's rarely involved in state politics. The state and country leadership are simply not up to the job.
I live these conversations everyday when I talk to my mom who has dementia. Me and my wife call the "flight of ideas" it's absolutely a common display for dementia patients.

It’s a shame, the moloch Satan worshipping Israeli American alliance is kicking out god fearing Christian’s, descendants from the earliest disciples from Jesus himself out of their land. Jesus will come back and liberate us from the Satan antichrists. Pretty sure the Bible spoke of this

Lol I don't like it...I also think it should be up to a women to decide if she wants to have the child or not. I 100% support a ban after 16 weeks for elective abortions. I also am against forcing women especially children to have children it's disgusting.
Why can't a woman decide to not have sex and take the risk in the first place? I mean, that's the biological purpose of sex, right?
Why can't a woman decide to not have sex and take the risk in the first place? I mean, that's the biological purpose of sex, right?
Be careful bro you gon get called a Virgin for making that suggestion, stg it’s over rain cold ! It’s giving dawg, girls will hit you with the “ it’s giving virgin energy, like so not pur, not brat, you don’t slay queen” . Stg bro that’s how these hoes be talking , rip rain cold.