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Political Thread: The Sequel

And yet the left has packed the lower courts with activist judges sympathetic to their beliefs and thus we have Satanists and other religious groups in schools and such but if Christians push for their beliefs the separation of church and state gets played. If I want to have Christian story time for kids at the library I would get pounded from all sides but you can bet your bottom dollar it’s ok for others to push their beliefs in such a manner. Point is Lick you can’t have it both ways.
Where exactly do we have that at? You can host a Christian library story time who is stopping you? A library is a shared public space where people have the choice to attend what you are doing unlike school. Libraries do not sponsor things. Go for it host a Christian story time, rent a room advertise the event and go for it.

Nonsense, this is a Christian nation and will be thus. Sounds like we need farther conservative justices on the SC to define what the Separation clause means excluding Satanists.

The ole we need the SCOTUS to turn us into a Christian theocracy post....why stop at Satanist toss in Islam and Hindu and the others while we are at it since this is a Christian nation after all.
The ole we need the SCOTUS to turn us into a Christian theocracy post....why stop at Satanist toss in Islam and Hindu and the others while we are at it since this is a Christian nation after all.
For someone that doesn't believe in God you sure have a lot of opinions about what to do with him.
The ole we need the SCOTUS to turn us into a Christian theocracy post....why stop at Satanist toss in Islam and Hindu and the others while we are at it since this is a Christian nation after all.
Luckily, those types of people are 50 years old and older; not many young people are hopping on the train for theocracy. America aint America if it is a theocracy.
Yet I have seen you harp incessantly on here about abortion law. I don’t believe you can find anywhere in the Constitution where it says it is the mandate of the Federal Government to ensure abortion rights for all. It ain’t there and I for one don’t think my federal tax dollars should go to subsidise that.
Show me where in constitution it says thebstate has a right to decide your Healthcare options.

I agree that federal tax dollars should never subsidize abortion care.
For someone that doesn't believe in God you sure have a lot of opinions about what to do with him.

Its actually the other way around....do you think it is ok for a school system to pick and choose which religion they will allow into the school system. I actually believe there should be zero in schools, no religion should be allowed to have access to school kids at school, period....however if you are going to allow one you have to allow them all if you do not it is a blatant violation of our constitution.
For the record, I do not believe those who want to turn America into a theocracy have the remotest of a shot. At most, they have 20-30% support nationally. At most. At least that's what I theorize, although the weakness of democracy is the minority can sometimes exercise absolute power over the majority...
And yet the left has packed the lower courts with activist judges sympathetic to their beliefs and thus we have Satanists and other religious groups in schools and such but if Christians push for their beliefs the separation of church and state gets played. If I want to have Christian story time for kids at the library I would get pounded from all sides but you can bet your bottom dollar it’s ok for others to push their beliefs in such a manner. Point is Lick you can’t have it both ways.
You do realize satanism in what we see in schools for the most part is a parody and created to oppose the mono religious organization bias schools implemented right? Of course a few nuts actually believe it which is why we got flat earthers and antivaxxers more apparent. People miss the point and somehow buy into it. I don't support said activities, but in terms of separation of religion and government, if it's a govt organization they should uphold the first amendment of freedom of religion even if it's ridiculous just as you have the right to say the moon is a projection.
You do realize satanism in what we see in schools for the most part is a parody and created to oppose the mono religious organization bias schools implemented right? Of course a few nuts actually believe it which is why we got flat earthers and antivaxxers more apparent. People miss the point and somehow buy into it. I don't support said activities, but in terms of separation of religion and government, if it's a govt organization they should uphold the first amendment of freedom of religion even if it's ridiculous just as you have the right to say the moon is a projection.
Every Wedensday they held prayers over the radio in my middle school and met out at the courtyard to host prayers. Christian groups have been involved in every school I ever attended. In high school, they also held large worship gatherings after school on the football field. Meanwhile, I tried to start a club called the R.E.AL. club ( I forget what the acronym stood for). My club would focus on talking about real-world issues impacting teens and young adults (sex, drugs, finances, etc.) I was hoping to bring speakers to help improve on things I felt the school failed us at (economics, finance, our government, the law, etc etc.). I had a teacher willing to sponsor it and students helping out... instead, I got a call to the office to talk with a counselor who happened to be the most christian Christian christiany lady ever... she was alarmed and asked if we needed to talk to the principal or my parents... her daughter only ever befriended me because she had these dreams and belief I would join her church....and she def had a crush on me... meanwhile her mom mrs christian christiany lady cheated on her husband... oh and the daughter? A horny lil slut, hilariously enough she tried to sleep with the guy she ended up marrying before they got married but he made her pull a bible out instead! Lmao.
Anyone elses auto insurance go up? It's all a big scam. I'm paying 400+ dollars for 2 cars and 2 drivers.
Try 3/4 of that for 1 and 1 up 200. Gotta love Atlanta drivers, car prices being through the roof in new and used markets, and people driving worse post-covid. We need better public transportation so we can get some of these idiots off the roads. People also don't need 80k pickups to go grocery shopping, or Elon's 100k rolling dumpsters.
Try 3/4 of that for 1 and 1 up 200. Gotta love Atlanta drivers, car prices being through the roof in new and used markets, and people driving worse post-covid. We need better public transportation so we can get some of these idiots off the roads. People also don't need 80k pickups to go grocery shopping, or Elon's 100k rolling dumpsters.
I can buy an $80,000 truck if I want to buy one.
Every Wedensday they held prayers over the radio in my middle school and met out at the courtyard to host prayers. Christian groups have been involved in every school I ever attended. In high school, they also held large worship gatherings after school on the football field. Meanwhile, I tried to start a club called the R.E.AL. club ( I forget what the acronym stood for). My club would focus on talking about real-world issues impacting teens and young adults (sex, drugs, finances, etc.) I was hoping to bring speakers to help improve on things I felt the school failed us at (economics, finance, our government, the law, etc etc.). I had a teacher willing to sponsor it and students helping out... instead, I got a call to the office to talk with a counselor who happened to be the most christian Christian christiany lady ever... she was alarmed and asked if we needed to talk to the principal or my parents... her daughter only ever befriended me because she had these dreams and belief I would join her church....and she def had a crush on me... meanwhile her mom mrs christian christiany lady cheated on her husband... oh and the daughter? A horny lil slut, hilariously enough she tried to sleep with the guy she ended up marrying before they got married but he made her pull a bible out instead! Lmao.
Speaking of Christianity people.....my self proclaimed "super christian" co-worker and me were running a delivery the other day. A

Porsche flies by us on the right and he says it's a black dude and then says "wonder how many kilos he had to sell for that ride"

Get to the light it's a 60ish yr old overly tanned guy who has his shirt rolled up to his elbows big fat watch on his wrist and literally looks like an old jersey shore TV show alum.

Next thing out of Mr super christians mouth was......bet he has a 6 figure job.....
I can buy an $80,000 truck if I want to buy one.
You can, but for every person that does, and every person that gets into an accident with one, insurance only skyrockets to pay for a replacement, the medical bills of the child they crushed in the sedan in front of them, and any of the bills the driver had of it. Due to the nature of insurance companies, this is spread through all customers. Insurance companies basically implement communistic tendencies to keep customers, so congrats, we're all subscribed to communism too already by law too.

It also doesn't help there are fewer cheap car options out there now as auto makers purposefully are cutting the cheaper models and smaller cars in favor of expensive tanks and mid size SUVs.
You can, but for every person that does, and every person that gets into an accident with one, insurance only skyrockets to pay for a replacement, the medical bills of the child they crushed in the sedan in front of them, and any of the bills the driver had of it.

It also doesn't help there are fewer cheap car options out there now as auto makers purposefully are cutting the cheaper models and smaller cars in favor of expensive tanks and mid size SUVs.
That's really not having an effect on the insurance market in Georgia right now. Policies only pay out the limits that they have. Many people have low limits and don't even know it and they're on the hook for the rest if they're limits are not enough. The biggest problem in the Georgia insurance industry is the amount of tort reform that is needed. When someone can get paid $500,000 for a minor scratch on their bumper because they claimed physical or mental damages is absurd. Most of the rate increases the last year or so has been for bodily injury liability not physical damage.