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Political Thread: The Sequel

More of those republican values

Yeah can't treat your own damn kids the way that's best for them anymore, can't read certain books in the library anymore, can't be in control of your own body if your female, can't enroll your child in black history courses in HS. The list is long isn't it?
Let's pick this apart, shall we? Yeah can't treat your own damn kids the way that's best for them anymore (absolutely can! you have every right to raise your child to be a wholesome, healthy, moral adult citizen - what you don't have is the right to mutilate their body and play pretend with them if they have delusions and fantasies), can't read certain books in the library anymore (libraries are not the only place where books can be obtained and you don't have a right to access free books, where is that codified?), can't be in control of your own body if your female (You do if you're are an adult female, if your side can even identify what a female is, but if you are a female in utero, you can be murdered at anytime and your body parts sold by the murderers!), can't enroll your child in black history courses in HS (there is only history, it's not black or white, also where are all of the historical books from ancient middle-Africa?

Here is a list of rights that have been taken away:
1) equal opportunity (a majority of new hires have been non-whites over the past 10 years)
2) right to property (see property and income taxes)
3) right to free and fair elections (gee we found a few boxes of mail in ballets under this here table early this morning after the pipe leak was repaired - where did those come from?)
4) right to life - that's gone for 10's of millions of people in this country due to legalized baby murder.
5) free speech - this one is eroding fast! Compelled speech falls in this category.
Let's pick this apart, shall we? Yeah can't treat your own damn kids the way that's best for them anymore (absolutely can! you have every right to raise your child to be a wholesome, healthy, moral adult citizen - what you don't have is the right to mutilate their body and play pretend with them if they have delusions and fantasies), can't read certain books in the library anymore (libraries are not the only place where books can be obtained and you don't have a right to access free books, where is that codified?), can't be in control of your own body if your female (You do if you're are an adult female, if your side can even identify what a female is, but if you are a female in utero, you can be murdered at anytime and your body parts sold by the murderers!), can't enroll your child in black history courses in HS (there is only history, it's not black or white, also where are all of the historical books from ancient middle-Africa?

Here is a list of rights that have been taken away:
1) equal opportunity (a majority of new hires have been non-whites over the past 10 years)
2) right to property (see property and income taxes)
3) right to free and fair elections (gee we found a few boxes of mail in ballets under this here table early this morning after the pipe leak was repaired - where did those come from?)
4) right to life - that's gone for 10's of millions of people in this country due to legalized baby murder.
5) free speech - this one is eroding fast! Compelled speech falls in this category.
You are on point but it won't hit home. Some people are so distorted by what they want justified that they cannot see past themselves. His points and objections have been addressed many times but he sticks to the "body autonomy" and "book banning" narrative like the rest of the left instead of seeing the bigger and more important picture; but it always comes back to "I want to do what I want to do and no one can tell me no." Its the same way people justified slavery, Jim Crowe, etc; now it's abortion and body mutilation for kids and teens.
Yeah can't treat your own damn kids the way that's best for them anymore, can't read certain books in the library anymore, can't be in control of your own body if your female, can't enroll your child in black history courses in HS. The list is long isn't it?
There's nothing stopping you from reading a book about a boy turning into a girl to your kid every night if you want to.
I think everyone on here would agree that we are against crimes against children, crimes against humanity, corrupt government, chemicals and poisons in our food, contaminated water, contaminated air, contaminated soils, theft and over taxing the American people. We are at the stage now of exposing who is responsible. Simple as that. This Boar's Head crap and Tent Coalition with illegals is ridiculous. Also all the other companies on the bandwagon. Urgggg. Boar's Head is definitely not the Cadillac anymore. I bought some yesterday and it was not good texture or tasty. 16 bucks a pound. I'm throwing it out. I will no longer eat my Chobani yogurt. Sad.

Until recently I bought BH low sodium roast beef at Publix. But I’ve held off for the last month after hearing about this. I did notice that it perhaps wasn’t as lean as it used to be. I may start getting the house brand (Kroger or Publix) in the future.
This sh*t really pisses me off and there is no need to do it. You have to go out of your way to be this stupid.
