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Political Thread: The Sequel

I wonder if we can try to become a little more civilized and adult like in discussions. I'd prefer no libtard, magtards, mags, rednecks, troglodytes or whatever the heck else derogatory 5 year old names you guys/gals come up. The personal attacks are ridiculous and this place is on thin ice as far as I'm concerned.
Is anybody here on either side happy with the direction of the country?

Like when you look back at when you were younger do you feel the country was in a better place then or now? Do you feel safer? Feel the economy is better? Can you live more peacefully?

I think most everything here we are arguing about is a distraction to the erosion of our quality of life.
Things started on the way down with Johnson and Nixon and we never completely recovered. It accelerated around 2013 or so.
Based on what I keep seeing from people we will find out in a couple months whether Americans are really waking up or whether it was all a big lie. As I see it now there is no way in hell Harris is anywhere remotely close poll wise

Close poll wise how, there is a undeniable evident shift in this race since Harris took over for the Dems...Trump will be lucky to get the same number of votes he had in 2020....that won't be enough...his only chance is to win the EC which seems harder to do everyday....he will lose the popular vote by 10 million.
Tired of watching it honestly and it's the same culprit(s) every single time. I hate putting people on ignore but sometimes you have to take control of what you have to look at
You should try posting on the weather side it's a good distraction from this part of the forum
Even though I am on your side of the fence, my take is it will be closer than many would like it to be.
If you start at the base voter that will always vote "x" way it starts at an almost equal divide. There are obviously groups of people who will never vote for Trump for whatever reason but this is the first time since 2016 that I am seeing real frustration on the left side from multiple demographics. I wonder how real it really is especially with black voters. If it's real as Don Lemon was alluding to it's going to be really bad for Kamala. Hispanics have moved big time as well and we get differing opinions on younger voters. It will be interesting to see how it breaks and if it has real legs. If it does have legs it may force the left to end this woke, progressive BS that is at the heart of what is tearing this country and world apart
Is anybody here on either side happy with the direction of the country?

Like when you look back at when you were younger do you feel the country was in a better place then or now? Do you feel safer? Feel the economy is better? Can you live more peacefully?

I think most everything here we are arguing about is a distraction to the erosion of our quality of life.
My quality of life is the same as when I was younger. The economy is how the economy always is. Ups and downs and good times and bad......maybe a few less bad tines as each admin continues to prop it up out of fear of the downturn on their watch.

Safer? I spent a year on a grand jury and most violent crime was between associated people with almost no random crime. The exception being concerned some lunatic can go and shoot up my son's school because he was able to buy any weapon he wants because we can't pass common sense gun laws.
If you start at the base voter that will always vote "x" way it starts at an almost equal divide. There are obviously groups of people who will never vote for Trump for whatever reason but this is the first time since 2016 that I am seeing real frustration on the left side from multiple demographics. I wonder how real it really is especially with black voters. If it's real as Don Lemon was alluding to it's going to be really bad for Kamala. Hispanics have moved big time as well and we get differing opinions on younger voters. It will be interesting to see how it breaks and if it has real legs. If it does have legs it may force the left to end this woke, progressive BS that is at the heart of what is tearing this country and world apart
I posted a link a few days ago a out voter registration numbers and it astronomical how high the young black woman registering was going. Some recent polling also shows kamala gaining back some of that Hispanic support.
It'll be even worse if we get rid of the agencies like the FDA.
Nobody is getting rid of the FDA, that is just utter nonsense but it's ok to have the desire to reign them in because they have gone the way of deep corruption like most government agencies when they get too big. The FDA, the FBI, IRS and multiple others are drowning in power and corruption. These are the people who can use their power to ruin your life because they can. That is NOT what this country was founded on at all
Nobody is getting rid of the FDA, that is just utter nonsense but it's ok to have the desire to reign them in because they have gone the way of deep corruption like most government agencies when they get too big. The FDA, the FBI, IRS and multiple others are drowning in power and corruption. These are the people who can use their power to ruin your life because they can. That is NOT what this country was founded on at all
8 years ago everyone said "they aren't getting rid of Roe v Wade"......we don't believe the gop anymore because they are all liars.
My quality of life is the same as when I was younger. The economy is how the economy always is. Ups and downs and good times and bad......maybe a few less bad tines as each admin continues to prop it up out of fear of the downturn on their watch.

Safer? I spent a year on a grand jury and most violent crime was between associated people with almost no random crime. The exception being concerned some lunatic can go and shoot up my son's school because he was able to buy any weapon he wants because we can't pass common sense gun laws.
There is no happy median with this though. The far left wants all guns took away, even for hunting and self-defense, while the far right wants every weapon made to be legal and with no restrictions on buying them.

I think a 3-5 day waiting period and background checks are fine, along with getting AR-15s and other machine guns off the street. Possession of them should carry a mandatory 20 year sentence with no parole.

Now as far as guns used for self defense and hunting, they do not need to mess with them.
There is no happy median with this though. The far left wants all guns took away, even for hunting and self-defense, while the far right wants every weapon made to be legal and with no restrictions on buying them.

I think a 3-5 day waiting period and background checks are fine, along with getting AR-15s and other machine guns off the street. Possession of them should carry a mandatory 20 year sentence with no parole.

Now as far as guns used for self defense and hunting, they do not need to mess with them.
LOL......First off an AR is NOT a machine gun. It isn't even remotely close to an automatic rifle. Secondly you aren't going to get rid of them period. If they try there will be a civil war I can assure you. If you want to ban them you will only do so for law abiding people. Criminals don't seem to be detered by things like gun laws
Nobody is getting rid of the FDA, that is just utter nonsense but it's ok to have the desire to reign them in because they have gone the way of deep corruption like most government agencies when they get too big. The FDA, the FBI, IRS and multiple others are drowning in power and corruption. These are the people who can use their power to ruin your life because they can. That is NOT what this country was founded on at all
That is fair point, but there are some who would like to see all of those agencies you brought up except maybe for the FBI completely shut down.
There is no happy median with this though. The far left wants all guns took away, even for hunting and self-defense, while the far right wants every weapon made to be legal and with no restrictions on buying them.

I think a 3-5 day waiting period and background checks are fine, along with getting AR-15s and other machine guns off the street. Possession of them should carry a mandatory 20 year sentence with no parole.

Now as far as guns used for self defense and hunting, they do not need to mess with them.
I can use an AR-15 style rifle for self defense, and hunting, especially varmint control. Also, machine guns are pretty much everything but pump action shot guns, bolt action rifles and revolvers. That's insane and won't do anything to reduce crimes committed with guns by people already breaking laws. The correct answer is to qualify, train and encourage as many people as possible to conceal carry, everywhere. Mass shootings don't typically take place in gun controlled locations, do they? Changes the dynamic to have many times the barrels pointing at you as you have pointing at your victims.

You want to limit gun crime? Put a gun in every eligible persons hand and especially women. Every eligible person gets range time and instruction paid for by our state government!

We can discuss the eligibility requirements.
LOL......First off an AR is NOT a machine gun. It isn't even remotely close to an automatic rifle. Secondly you aren't going to get rid of them period. If they try there will be a civil war I can assure you. If you want to ban them you will only do so for law abiding people. Criminals don't seem to be detered by things like gun laws
They got banned in the 90's and guess what? No civil war and if the machine guns and AR-15s are banned again we get the same result. Now if they go after all guns it would be another story entirely.
They got banned in the 90's and guess what? No civil war and if the machine guns and AR-15s are banned again we get the same result. Now if they go after all guns it would be another story entirely.
New sales were banned. They didn't confiscate. You could still own them with proper permits. Totally different than "getting them off the streets".
There is no happy median with this though. The far left wants all guns took away, even for hunting and self-defense, while the far right wants every weapon made to be legal and with no restrictions on buying them.

I think a 3-5 day waiting period and background checks are fine, along with getting AR-15s and other machine guns off the street. Possession of them should carry a mandatory 20 year sentence with no parole.

Now as far as guns used for self defense and hunting, they do not need to mess with them.
I'm fine with just having red flag laws and universal background checks