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Political Thread: The Sequel

Dude never owns anything, he takes zero responsibility for things he does wrong, he always try to blame anything he does wrong on others etc......even implying the families he was with put out the videos etc......this would have been a perfect chance to own the mistake and apologies etc. instead he continues to get absolutely demolished and rightfully so for this....

Layoffs and Labor Day: I subscribe to a page that tracks layoffs, closures, mergers etc... For the month of August, I count 61,618 layoffs. This does not include the companies like Intel that only gave a percentage but not a hard number. Last month was above 60,000 as well. So in two months you have over 120K layoffs give or take a few hundred from hard numbers that can be tracked. The Build Back Better economy of WOAT/Kommiela ain't running well.
If everybody has not, they need to go to Tuckercarlson.com and LISTEN in its entirety to RFK's interview!! Dayumm. Great interview.
Wow. Party realignment is definitely happening. The old Republican Party is fading out fast. The Democrat Party is now the Socialist Party and the Republican Party is now the Libertarian Party (close to the old Democrat party of the Kennedy era).
Wow. Party realignment is definitely happening. The old Republican Party is fading out fast. The Democrat Party is now the Socialist Party and the Republican Party is now the Libertarian Party (close to the old Democrat party of the Kennedy era).
The Unity Party.
Have been reading up on Saul Alinski’s rules for radicals which is known to be Lefty’s Bible. Killary wrote a college paper on it. Now the how and why what several on here post makes sense. Y’all have fallen in line with all and I mean all of lefty’s radical talking points hook line and sinker. No critical thinking or original thoughts just what lefty tells you to think and believe.
Have been reading up on Saul Alinski’s rules for radicals which is known to be Lefty’s Bible. Killary wrote a college paper on it. Now the how and why what several on here post makes sense. Y’all have fallen in line with all and I mean all of lefty’s radical talking points hook line and sinker. No critical thinking or original thoughts just what lefty tells you to think and believe.
What is the antidote to "Rules for Radicals"? Original thoughts are a product of creativity that is highly correlated with intelligence. A majority of the population is going to lack this combination and be incapable of thinking for themselves on major issues. The more technical and complex the issue, the more helpless they become. They will not realize they are being manipulated. A better design for governance would be to restrict voting to only the highest IQ's. Would that help?
I think everyone on here would agree that we are against crimes against children, crimes against humanity, corrupt government, chemicals and poisons in our food, contaminated water, contaminated air, contaminated soils, theft and over taxing the American people. We are at the stage now of exposing who is responsible. Simple as that. This Boar's Head crap and Tent Coalition with illegals is ridiculous. Also all the other companies on the bandwagon. Urgggg. Boar's Head is definitely not the Cadillac anymore. I bought some yesterday and it was not good texture or tasty. 16 bucks a pound. I'm throwing it out. I will no longer eat my Chobani yogurt. Sad.
I think everyone on here would agree that we are against crimes against children, crimes against humanity, corrupt government, chemicals and poisons in our food, contaminated water, contaminated air, contaminated soils, theft and over taxing the American people. We are at the stage now of exposing who is responsible. Simple as that. This Boar's Head crap and Tent Coalition with illegals is ridiculous. Also all the other companies on the bandwagon. Urgggg. Boar's Head is definitely not the Cadillac anymore. I bought some yesterday and it was not good texture or tasty. 16 bucks a pound. I'm throwing it out. I will no longer eat my Chobani yogurt. Sad.
Looks like we are going to have to cook everything really well - even deli meats.
I think everyone on here would agree that we are against crimes against children, crimes against humanity, corrupt government, chemicals and poisons in our food, contaminated water, contaminated air, contaminated soils, theft and over taxing the American people. We are at the stage now of exposing who is responsible. Simple as that. This Boar's Head crap and Tent Coalition with illegals is ridiculous. Also all the other companies on the bandwagon. Urgggg. Boar's Head is definitely not the Cadillac anymore. I bought some yesterday and it was not good texture or tasty. 16 bucks a pound. I'm throwing it out. I will no longer eat my Chobani yogurt. Sad.
I agree with all of those things, but would add that we need to reduce the size of government overall. Make it more efficient and effective at keeping air, water and soil, clean.
Based on what I keep seeing from people we will find out in a couple months whether Americans are really waking up or whether it was all a big lie. As I see it now there is no way in hell Harris is anywhere remotely close poll wise
Based on what I keep seeing from people we will find out in a couple months whether Americans are really waking up or whether it was all a big lie. As I see it now there is no way in hell Harris is anywhere remotely close poll wise
There is when Trump continues to contract the party. He has now abandoned the pro-life movement and is choosing socialism in saying either the govt will pay(taxpayers) for IVF babies or he will force insurance companies to pay for them. He continues to be grossly outspent.
Based on what I keep seeing from people we will find out in a couple months whether Americans are really waking up or whether it was all a big lie. As I see it now there is no way in hell Harris is anywhere remotely close poll wise
Even though I am on your side of the fence, my take is it will be closer than many would like it to be.
It was a dumb flex on Vances part and he obviously didn't vet the person he picked. Also Mrs Upton suffered a lot of bullying etc over this 17 yrs ago and now has to deal with all over again thanks to Vance.

She did fine in school. Some same classes. Something she was nervous about when she was a teenager was hardly something to go viral anyway, but I guess a lot of ugly jealous people saw it as an opportunity to attack something they couldn't ever be.

JD sure does have a way of having things bite him in the ass when he talks though. I expect some leaked video of a spelling bee failure of him soon.