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Political Thread: The Sequel

Enjoyed last night, espeacilly Trumps speech. Espeacilly first part. Straight from the heart. Sounded to me like a genuine Road to Damascus expierence. True proven Leader and Ill be voting for him, third time in a row as his vision agenda will serve the everyday jimmy and joes well.
Biggest difference in Trump Agenda verse Other Agenda is getting the power back to the people by unsurping Federal govt and pivoting it back to the states.

When you say he wants to usurp the Fed govt and pivot it back to the states and the common man, how is his calling and pressuring the GA Sec of State to find 11,780 nonexistent Trump votes consistent with that?
Of course not. People LOVE being broke and scared to go out of their house. You have nothing to worry about. I have very few libs in my family but the biggest lib in our family is leaving California as we speak and will never vote Democrat again. Is she a Republican no but she has seen enough. You need a new game plan because it's not 2020 anymore and he isn't going to prison for life as you promised. Speaking of hammers? One is about to fall on YOUR buddies head any minute

I don't know anyone that is broke or scared to leave their house lol...fear monger much?

As for hammers he is literally a convicted felon, and he had to have one of his judges throw her career away throw out the doc case which will get reinstated by the 11th to save him from a second trial and conviction before Nov.
The Democrats may have an opportunity to hit the reset button on their campaign. Assuming Harris will be the nominee if Biden decides to hang it up, she can reshape the whole ticket depending on her selection of a running mate. If I were Harris, I'd stay away from trying to appeal to the ultra progressive side of the party and pick someone who appeals to suburban voters. The urban voters are firmly Democratic for the most part and the rural voters are in Trump's camp. The suburbs are the real territorial battlegrounds in this election and whoever wins there will probably be our next president.
What is the message to suburban voters? The economy is great look what we did and will continue to do? Look how tough we are on crime? They have done nothing but lie and bumble everything they have touched. They have destroyed the middle class and Kamala polls worse than a man with dementia. We love abortion isn't going to cut it this time around and the same incompetent people and policies won't either. It only has time to get worse for them in my opinion
I don't know anyone that is broke or scared to leave their house lol...fear monger much?

As for hammers he is literally a convicted felon, and he had to have one of his judges throw her career away throw out the doc case which will get reinstated by the 11th to save him from a second trial and conviction before Nov.
You live in one of the poorest counties in North Carolina. Last time I was there it looked just as I imagined and it sure as hell wasn't prosperity. There is a world outside of your bubble, you should get out more and open your eyes
Of course not. People LOVE being broke and scared to go out of their house. You have nothing to worry about. I have very few libs in my family but the biggest lib in our family is leaving California as we speak and will never vote Democrat again. Is she a Republican no but she has seen enough. You need a new game plan because it's not 2020 anymore and he isn't going to prison for life as you promised. Speaking of hammers? One is about to fall on YOUR buddies head any minute
There are a lot of residents that live in states like California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois like your relative who have seen the damage that Progressive politics can do to a state's economy and quality of life and moving to other states. North Carolina has certainly seen its share of new residents in recent years from other states. I am afraid that the Republicans might be in for a rude awakening in 2024 because of this. If these new voters haven't left their liberal voting records behind, then North Carolina might not be a lock to vote for Donald Trump like many are thinking and there might be some changes in the State Legislature coming.
I don't know anyone that is broke or scared to leave their house lol...fear monger much?

As for hammers he is literally a convicted felon, and he had to have one of his judges throw her career away throw out the doc case which will get reinstated by the 11th to save him from a second trial and conviction before Nov.
The left sure does love to use the legal system against its opponents but then cry "judicial activism" when it doesn't go their way. The NY case is going to get thrown out on appeal, eventually. We've seen this play out time and again. Y'all's party is rapidly becoming a clown show.
There are a lot of residents that live in states like California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois like your relative who have seen the damage that Progressive politics can do to a state's economy and quality of life and moving to other states. North Carolina has certainly seen its share of new residents in recent years from other states. I am afraid that the Republicans might be in for a rude awakening in 2024 because of this. If these new voters haven't left their liberal voting records behind, then North Carolina might not be a lock to vote for Donald Trump like many are thinking and there might be some changes in the State Legislature coming.
I've been hearing that for years. Florida, Texas, North Carolina. Trump leads by wide margins in all 3. One thing many people don't take in to consideration is that many of these people leaving blue states are moderates and/or right leaning people who can't take liberal policies anymore.
This was totally bizarre from Trump. Bukele is the type of leader every country in central and south america should have.

The left sure does love to use the legal system against its opponents but then cry "judicial activism" when it doesn't go their way. The NY case is going to get thrown out on appeal, eventually. We've seen this play out time and again. Y'all's party is rapidly becoming a clown show.
Well that's what they believe democracy really is. Eff the voters we'll handle business in a lib cesspool court system. It's been their MO for decades
The left sure does love to use the legal system against its opponents but then cry "judicial activism" when it doesn't go their way. The NY case is going to get thrown out on appeal, eventually. We've seen this play out time and again. Y'all's party is rapidly becoming a clown show.

The Trump doc case is not activism....Trump knowingly kept docs he was told to return and went out of his way to obstruct the return of those docs...
When you say he wants to usurp the Fed govt and pivot it back to the states and the common man, how is his calling and pressuring the GA Sec of State to find 11,780 nonexistent Trump votes consistent with that?
Give it up. 17 million zuckererberg bucks in ATL metro paying those Mules on video by the way. Not gonna get in back an forth. You are free to beleive,take stand as you wish on 2020 whether its the mail in ballott fiasco,Praising Lord Fauci etc.
Abolishing the federal Dept of Education is a start. To many 3 letter agencies and not what founders who penned our constitution intended. Again im for getting power back out of federal govt and back to the states, common man. You and half the country want it even more centralized federally than it currently is. I Know this because of the candidates, agenda one votes and stands up for.Theres a balance and it wasnt intended to be out of proportion like it is now.
Well, it looks like Biden is staying in. His campaign chairman says that he is absolutely not dropping out.
Hows he gonna net 81 million balletts?? Seriously. In NC now you aint voting without ID/ in person and there want be any mail in ballotts being distributed to everyone registered to vote.
There are a lot of residents that live in states like California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois like your relative who have seen the damage that Progressive politics can do to a state's economy and quality of life and moving to other states. North Carolina has certainly seen its share of new residents in recent years from other states. I am afraid that the Republicans might be in for a rude awakening in 2024 because of this. If these new voters haven't left their liberal voting records behind, then North Carolina might not be a lock to vote for Donald Trump like many are thinking and there might be some changes in the State Legislature coming.
Actually if we learned anything in NC, it went hard core Red. Veto proof majority both house and flipped to strong majority on state supreme court. The AOC's aint leaving blue states. Its the Redtaggers in droves leaving NY,Cali etc
I've been hearing that for years. Florida, Texas, North Carolina. Trump leads by wide margins in all 3. One thing many people don't take in to consideration is that many of these people leaving blue states are moderates and/or right leaning people who can't take liberal policies anymore.
On the whole, I think things probably break about even as far as the political affiliation of the new residents who are moving to the Sunny South to escape economic and political persecution. There are a lot of people who are sick of the way their states are being run and there are a lot of people who are moving in just to take advantage of better job opportunities and will keep thinking and voting the same way they did when they lived elsewhere. I prepare taxes for a living and do accounting work I and see a lot of the people who are recent residents of North Carolina donating their money to non profits with left leaning agendas.
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It's been one cluster after another for 4 years. The only thing the left offers at this point is abortion as an issue but suburban women handle the bills too. At this point it's math and the math ain't matching at this point
35 pages into the thread. And not one post from a Dem voter on here, why we should vote for the agenda they vote for. They cant promote it,Dem vision for America. All they have is to take out opposition, TDS.
On the whole, I think things probably break about even as far as the political affiliation of the new residents who are moving to the Sunny South to escape economic and political persecution. There are a lot of people who are sick of the way their states are being run and there are a lot of people who are moving in just to take advantage of better job opportunities and will keep thinking and voting the same way they did when they lived elsewhere.
Ok so show me which big red state is about to turn blue this cycle.....Trump is ahead in every swing state now I believe. Are these new transplants not being polled somehow? People change parties all the time when their livelyhoods are affected