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Political Thread: The Sequel

Let's review who is the country that invaded who...hmmmm Russia invaded Ukraine...you suck up to Putin who is literally the war monger here.
Nobody is sucking up. Hes pointing out to you no one goes and tries for a peace deal, instead its 180 degrees opposite. Bad enough hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost on both sides fighting a proxy war between Nato and Russia. UKRAINE is just their pawn to do so.
Putin the whacko isnt gonna just go down,sit around while American and British Misskes land in Russia,guided by American and European satellites. Sooner rather than latter hes gonna reach over and press a red button for Kiev. Then whats the DC cartel Warmonger Crowds plan?
Actually, I am not. I want both sides to come to the table and put this to an end now before it is too late. However, your retoric here today would suggest you are the person who would prefer us to strike deep into Russia and escalate the situation into something we all would regret.

This is dumb, they have been striking deep into Russia for months, the Ukraine literally invaded Russia and currently controls part of RUSSIA...Putin isnt going to do anything stupid because he understands the ramifications of doing that. They cant even stop attacks on Moscow WTF would they do if NATO opened that can of whoop ass?
Nobody is sucking up. Hes pointing out to you no one goes and tries for a peace deal, instead its 180 degrees opposite. Bad enough hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost on both sides fighting a proxy war between Nato and Russia. UKRAINE is just their pawn to do so.
Putin the whacko isnt gonna just go down,sit around while American and British Misskes land in Russia,guided by American and European satellites. Sooner rather than latter hes gonna reach over and press a red button for Kiev. Then whats the DC cartel Warmonger Crowds plan?

Zelensky is clear there is only one way for peace and that is Putin to withdraw his troops from all of Ukraine....not sure why anyone would expect anything else from Ukraine.
Actually, I am not. I want both sides to come to the table and put this to an end now before it is too late. However, your retoric here today would suggest you are the person who would prefer us to strike deep into Russia and escalate the situation into something we all would regret.
People who love watching war from the couch and would never in a million years offer to fight one are often the most blood thirsty but least informed. We spent trillions of dollars expelling the Taliban only to give it back to them and fund them on top of that. Those old school Republicans don't have anything to lose but profits
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She’s officially gotten under his skin

Dude this is really a very adult and dare I say it presidential tweet... this is exactly the kind of thing I look for in my leaders...MAGA

Seriously though I thought this was fake at first cause come one who does this....then I remembered its Trump..... LOL it consumes him, he cant stand it, does anyone think tweets like this are done from a sound and stable mental state...anyone? Maga's how can you see stuff like this and think whew sure am glad this guy is running for president.
This is dumb, they have been striking deep into Russia for months, the Ukraine literally invaded Russia and currently controls part of RUSSIA...Putin isnt going to do anything stupid because he understands the ramifications of doing that. They cant even stop attacks on Moscow WTF would they do if NATO opened that can of whoop ass?
Put yourself in the average Russian's shoes for a moment. If you are getting long range ordinance vollyed from the CML into your country, you are going to demand that your leader respond in kind. Same as if it happened here in the US. We would demand a response in kind. That is what will happen if essentially long range balistic missles are launched into Russia.
Zelensky is clear there is only one way for peace and that is Putin to withdraw his troops from all of Ukraine....not sure why anyone would expect anything else from Ukraine.
Remember, the WOAT regime told the CML not to negotiate a peace settlement. This as with most geopolitical situations has to do with money. Hitler threw the Rothschild banks out of Germany and we have WW2. In 2014, Putin essentialy threw the Rothschild banks out of Russia and guess what, we are starring down the barrel of WW3 and the folks you support support that doctrine.
Put yourself in the average Russian's shoes for a moment. If you are getting long range ordinance vollyed from the CML into your country, you are going to demand that your leader respond in kind. Same as if it happened here in the US. We would demand a response in kind. That is what will happen if essentially long range balistic missles are launched into Russia.

WTF are you talking about, Russia has been hitting all over Ukraine with ballistic missiles and drones for 2 ------- years.....Russian missiles have killed thousands of Ukrainian civilians are you suggesting that Ukraine should not be allowed to respond in kind to Russian attacks?
WTF are you talking about, Russia has been hitting all over Ukraine with ballistic missiles and drones for 2 ------- years.....Russian missiles have killed thousands of Ukrainian civilians are you suggesting that Ukraine should not be allowed to respond in kind to Russian attacks?
And we have been hiting Russia in kind. I am not suggesting Ukraine should not have been allowed to respond. What I am saying and the point you are missing is it is time for this to end before it gets out of hand.
And we have been hiting Russia in kind. I am not suggesting Ukraine should not have been allowed to respond. What I am saying and the point you are missing is it is time for this to end before it gets out of hand.

I agree but only Putin can do that by GTFO of Ukraine...until then I fully expect Ukraine to continue to fight and do what they have to to prevent Putin from taking over ANY of their country.
I expect Zelensky to end up dead from his inner circle

Naw if anyone gets a bullet in the back of the head soon it will be Putin, over half a million Russians have been killed or wounded for NOTHING, the country literally gets nothing even if they manage to keep a small piece of Ukraine that will forever hate and revolt.
Naw if anyone gets a bullet in the back of the head soon it will be Putin, over half a million Russians have been killed or wounded for NOTHING, the country literally gets nothing even if they manage to keep a small piece of Ukraine that will forever hate and revolt.
How do you know? For real how do you know all these things that you put on here?
In a stunning admission, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, said he was willing “to create stories” on the campaign trail while defending his spreading false, racist rumors of pets being abducted and eaten in a town in his home state of Ohio.
Vance’s remarks came during an appearance on Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, where he said he felt the need “to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people”.

In a stunning admission, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, said he was willing “to create stories” on the campaign trail while defending his spreading false, racist rumors of pets being abducted and eaten in a town in his home state of Ohio.
Vance’s remarks came during an appearance on Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, where he said he felt the need “to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people”.

Like or hate Vance, let’s not be disingenuous. I doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what he meant.

Asked to support his claims in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Vance pointed to what he said are firsthand accounts from constituents who have told him this is happening, though he didn’t provide the evidence.

“The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do,” the Ohio senator said.

Bash replied, “You just said that this is a story that you created.”

Vance said, “It comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents. I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it. I didn’t create 20,000 illegal migrants coming into Springfield thanks to Kamala Harris’ policies. Her policies did that. But yes, we created the actual focus that allowed the American media to talk about this story and the suffering caused by Kamala Harris’ policies.”

I can see this tweet coming from a 13 yr old girl or maybe a teenage boy who is a metal music fan… but from a supposedly grown man who is running for President??? The immaturity and jealousy is overwhelming 😂😂😂
Remember, the WOAT regime told the CML not to negotiate a peace settlement. This as with most geopolitical situations has to do with money. Hitler threw the Rothschild banks out of Germany and we have WW2. In 2014, Putin essentialy threw the Rothschild banks out of Russia and guess what, we are starring down the barrel of WW3 and the folks you support support that doctrine.
My friend you have figured the puzzle out. Congrats! The same group of people have started every single war we have fought in. Most people think of Hitler as evil and he was but he didn't start out that way. You are one giant step closer to knowing why these evil bastards are trying so desperately to get rid of Donald Trump. Buckle up because the next few years are going to be world changing
My friend you have figured the puzzle out. Congrats! The same group of people have started every single war we have fought in. Most people think of Hitler as evil and he was but he didn't start out that way. You are one giant step closer to knowing why these evil bastards are trying so desperately to get rid of Donald Trump. Buckle up because the next few years are going to be world changing

You said this: “The same group of people have started every single war we have fought in.”

What group of people (that you refer to as evil bastards) are you referring to that you say has started every single war the U.S. has fought in?