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Political Thread: The Sequel

You said this: “The same group of people have started every single war we have fought in.”

What group of people (that you refer to as evil bastards) are you referring to that you say has started every single war the U.S. has fought in?
The name is right there in Skippy post. If you can't figure it out from there?

Ok let’s just us something called logic; which is dumber, and much destructive?

“I hate Taylor Swift”


“I get super nervous and I can’t maintain eye contact with the interviewer and can’t explain one policy besides let’s chunk out free stuff despite being a high level politician for eight years.”
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The name is right there in Skippy post. If you can't figure it out from there?

You referred to a “group of people” starting every war the U.S. has fought in. Also, you said this same group that you refer to as evil bastards is trying to get rid of Donald Trump. What “group” are you referring to? I’m really not following you.
Ok let’s just us something called logic; which is dumber, and much destructive?

“I hate Taylor Swift”


“I get super nervous and I can’t maintain contact with the interviewer and can’t explain one policy besides let’s chunk out free stuff.”
If we go off logic and break it down further,

"I can't control myself" Vs "I can't control myself"

They're logically equally as bad. One cannot control their anger at the endorsement of a pop star after someone made her AI endorse him, and the other can't control what they because they're so clueless about top issues she's fed everything to say and laughs when she can't think. She has to ride her way to the presidency and be controlled to it to win.
If we go off logic and break it down further,

"I can't control myself" Vs "I can't control myself"

They're logically equally as bad. One cannot control their anger at the endorsement of a pop star after someone made her AI endorse him, and the other can't control what they because they're so clueless about top issues she's fed everything to say and laughs when she can't think. She has to ride her way to the presidency and be controlled to it to win.

It’s not Trump can’t control himself, it’s Trump is an attention ----- who will do whatever and post whatever to get people like above to look at him and it works every single time. He’s literally done it forever and he will continue as long as it draws eyes.

Harris on the other hand is just a moron.

Edit: Second censor! Wooo
Ok Mr Rothschild war monger
Mr Rothschild is Jewish and the biggest benefactor of Israel. He saved their settlements in the late 1800s as the Jews from Europe were failing in doing anything and were starving as they tried to make settlements in palestine … so what are you trying to say ? Hmmmmm
Mr Rothschild is Jewish and the biggest benefactor of Israel. He saved their settlements in the late 1800s as the Jews from Europe were failing in doing anything and were starving as they tried to make settlements in palestine … so what are you trying to say ? Hmmmmm
It is no secret the Rothschild family has financed war. They profit hugely from it.
Also the MTG tweet cant be confirmed yet. So she may be right,may be wrong. Best to wait an see. But the ABC News Whistleblower set to blow the lid open, just happened to die in a car crash in Maryland if true, Im sure he probably just hit a deer or dog or something by coincedence. Lol
Jury is out on that one. I cant substantiate, so this post with a grain of salt for the moment.
You referred to a “group of people” starting every war the U.S. has fought in. Also, you said this same group that you refer to as evil bastards is trying to get rid of Donald Trump. What “group” are you referring to? I’m really not following you.
The Rothschild family runs this planet partner. There are a handful of families that control every evil out there. When something bad happens they are either directly behind it or in charge of those directly behind it. I know it's "conspiracy" to some people but it's 100% true and has been for centuries. These ultra wealthy families, the Vatican, they are all evil and all tied together and they rule over everyone and everything within their "reach". They want Trump gone for a reason and people do not understand how powerful these people really are
Mr Rothschild is Jewish and the biggest benefactor of Israel. He saved their settlements in the late 1800s as the Jews from Europe were failing in doing anything and were starving as they tried to make settlements in palestine … so what are you trying to say ? Hmmmmm
Now YOU figured out why you are wasting your time and why that land you think belongs to you actually doesn't