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Political Thread: The Sequel

You understand that she is a batshit crazy racist conspiracy hack right? This is the person Trump is choosing to be with him as he campaigns, he let her be on his debate prep team. Hell you know its bad when MTG is saying you are a racist lol.
The racist talk gets thrown around a lot so here is one you seem to forget. Do you really believe Biden wasn't racist? Calling grown black men the word "boy". Also, why do you think the country is better off with Kamala? There is nothing she has said that is in the slight bit convincing so just curious.
Just going with the facts... some conclusions are easy when you don't avoid/dismiss the evidence... but Maga doesn't want you to do that
When 82% of Christians are voting The same way, I don't really care what your opinion is when I see it as flawed as it is.
I mean if an ultra rich celebrity who has absolutely NOTHING in common with the average American can get so many people to vote for the candidate they endorse (instead of thinking for themselves), such that it can change the course of a presidential election then our country is already past the point of no return.
Yeah... just like the ultra rich former orange prez who plays and cons so many of the right wing sheeple into thinking he does
Yeah... just like the ultra rich former orange prez who plays and cons so many of the right wing sheeple into thinking he does

Yeah Trump certainly sees himself as one of those ultra rich elite celebrities. It's hilarious that his followers think he is some kind of common mans man...Trump is disgusted by most of his followers. Lets compare Swift and Trump on things like donating to charities, which Trump actually NEVER does even though he says it all the time, how about running a successful empire etc, lets see checking my notes I see Swift has never declared bankruptcy...this is a interesting video from last election where Swift tells her team she is going to speak out against Trump and Marshburn....

You guys missed my point. I am talking about a person telling people who to vote for, not someone running for president. Personally I don't think anyone running for president has much in common with regular people. Do you really think the Clintons, the Bushes, Obama, Biden, or Harris have anything in common with us? I don't. None of the candidates are regular people and few of them walk the moral high road; unfortunately neither Trump, Biden, nor Harris do. But why should people listen to a Swift to decide who to vote for?
A line is most likely going to be crossed and NATO countries will give the CML (chief money launderer) the go ahead to strike deep into Russia with long range ordinance. Putin will be well within his rights to strike back and strike back with Russian long range ordinance. Ordinance that will reach NATO countries. I am not a Putin apologist. That being said, if we do this he has every right to strike back and protect his people. Why do we seem so reluctant to work a peace deal here? Why is our current leadership not understanding where this will go?
A line is most likely going to be crossed and NATO countries will give the CML (chief money launderer) the go ahead to strike deep into Russia with long range ordinance. Putin will be well within his rights to strike back and strike back with Russian long range ordinance. Ordinance that will reach NATO countries. I am not a Putin apologist. That being said, if we do this he has every right to strike back and protect his people. Why do we seem so reluctant to work a peace deal here? Why is our current leadership not understanding where this will go?

Lol ease up there comrade Skippy Putin gonna start sending you love letters.

Seriously this entire post is absolutely Putin apologist 💩...Putin has the right to strike back did you seriously type that out...its the other way around buddy. Peace deal thats easy Putin can GTFO of Ukraine.
As you can tell by recent posts, policy simply doesn’t matter to libs, and neither does quality of life. Just celebrities, songs, wealthy elites, and personal lives are what’s on the table for them.
I can only tell we're completely screwed as a nation for the next decade or two because the division has gotten so much worse overall on both sides. I guarantee the articles about "fascist extremist murders liberal neighbor" and "lib murders patriot" will be seen in our lifetimes if people don't ease up with how they're influenced. Nobody is immune to political propaganda and the lack of awareness of what is propaganda is terrifying.
I can only tell we're completely screwed as a nation for the next decade or two because the division has gotten so much worse overall on both sides. I guarantee the articles about "fascist extremist murders liberal neighbor" and "lib murders patriot" will be seen in our lifetimes if people don't ease up with how they're influenced. Nobody is immune to political propaganda and the lack of awareness of what is propaganda is terrifying.
People have to decide if they’re going to be influenced by those things or policy.
Lol ease up there comrade Skippy Putin gonna start sending you love letters.

Seriously this entire post is absolutely Putin apologist 💩...Putin has the right to strike back did you seriously type that out...its the other way around buddy. Peace deal thats easy Putin can GTFO of Ukraine.
Ok Mr Rothschild war monger
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Looks like Melania is going to be a stepmom! Congratulations!
Let's review who is the country that invaded who...hmmmm Russia invaded Ukraine...you suck up to Putin who is literally the war monger here.
Actually, I am not. I want both sides to come to the table and put this to an end now before it is too late. However, your retoric here today would suggest you are the person who would prefer us to strike deep into Russia and escalate the situation into something we all would regret.