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Political Thread: The Sequel

Now YOU figured out why you are wasting your time and why that land you think belongs to you actually doesn't
I’m well aware of the connection of these evil people and that land. So, why do you support them? I don’t get it. You say you’re against them but for Israel? It doesn’t add up

Either way sounds like you need to thank the Palestinians. Only people on earth willing to fight that evil. Palestine will free us all
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It’s not Trump can’t control himself, it’s Trump is an attention ----- who will do whatever and post whatever to get people like above to look at him and it works every single time. He’s literally done it forever and he will continue as long as it draws eyes.

Harris on the other hand is just a moron.

Edit: Second censor! Wooo

Dude he cant control himself, Trump did not make that post as a attention getter, he did it because he literally hates her and has no impulse control to stop from actually sending it. Somewhere in that demented childish mind of his there should have been a moment where logic and common sense said "hold up there buddy it might not be a good idea to send that tweet why dont you just erase it"...intrusive thoughts happen to everyone, most of us understand how to control those emotions and thoughts Trump does not and the inability to do so should worry everyone.
The Rothschild family runs this planet partner. There are a handful of families that control every evil out there. When something bad happens they are either directly behind it or in charge of those directly behind it. I know it's "conspiracy" to some people but it's 100% true and has been for centuries. These ultra wealthy families, the Vatican, they are all evil and all tied together and they rule over everyone and everything within their "reach". They want Trump gone for a reason and people do not understand how powerful these people really are
Thank you for explaining it. I guess I have given up on trying to persuade anyone.
I’m well aware of the connection of these evil people and that land. So, why do you support them? I don’t get it. You say you’re against them but for Israel? It doesn’t add up
The people I support are those who's lives are destroyed by senseless wars. Your victim hood is personal to you not me
The Rothschild family runs this planet partner. There are a handful of families that control every evil out there. When something bad happens they are either directly behind it or in charge of those directly behind it. I know it's "conspiracy" to some people but it's 100% true and has been for centuries. These ultra wealthy families, the Vatican, they are all evil and all tied together and they rule over everyone and everything within their "reach". They want Trump gone for a reason and people do not understand how powerful these people really are
I will say this though... These people definitely use war to stay in power and anytime they feel like their power is weakened in any way they will start up another conflict or war. Also pandemics can be useful.
Thank you for explaining it. I guess I have given up on trying to persuade anyone.
This is one of those topics that people need to research for themselves and not be spoon fed or it gets heated really quick. You won't like this answer man but if you really look with an open mind you will find out you have been lied to through your religion as well. That normally ends the conversation with most but it's right there in front of you if you choose to seek out the truth. At some point in your life it will hit you like a ton of bricks and you will understand "awakening" in its truest form. I think you have looked pretty deep but I thought I had too until it smacked me in the face. Trust me our history goes much deeper and does the deception
This is one of those topics that people need to research for themselves and not be spoon fed or it gets heated really quick. You won't like this answer man but if you really look with an open mind you will find out you have been lied to through your religion as well. That normally ends the conversation with most but it's right there in front of you if you choose to seek out the truth. At some point in your life it will hit you like a ton of bricks and you will understand "awakening" in its truest form. I think you have looked pretty deep but I thought I had too until it smacked me in the face. Trust me our history goes much deeper and does the deception
I'm sure there are problems in religion just like everything else that's why I focus on relationship with Christ only. But everything else I agree with you.
I'm sure there are problems in religion just like everything else that's why I focus on relationship with Christ only. But everything else I agree with you.
Well I applaud you on that. Look into the Nag Hammadi and it will all come together. The evil killed millions of gnostics for a reason. Because the gnostics knew who Jesus was, what his mission was, where he went for most of his life and who he learned from and what. The knowledge the gnostics possessed that wasn't destroyed or stolen was hidden for centuries until the Nag Hammadi was discovered in the 40's. This planet is slowly waking up and those who choose to accept this spiritual awakening are finding the truth. Anger is the first phase of it as a few of you have witnessed and I apologize for it but as you grow that anger fades away. I'm always here if you ever have questions. That goes for anybody......
Well I applaud you on that. Look into the Nag Hammadi and it will all come together. The evil killed millions of gnostics for a reason. Because the gnostics knew who Jesus was, what his mission was, where he went for most of his life and who he learned from and what. The knowledge the gnostics possessed that wasn't destroyed or stolen was hidden for centuries until the Nag Hammadi was discovered in the 40's. This planet is slowly waking up and those who choose to accept this spiritual awakening are finding the truth. Anger is the first phase of it as a few of you have witnessed and I apologize for it but as you grow that anger fades away. I'm always here if you ever have questions. That goes for anybody......
Another good thing to research is about the nephilim mentioned in the Old testament.
Another good thing to research is about the nephilim mentioned in the Old testament.
Yahweh of the Old testament is actually what set me free from religion. There is no way Yahweh is the loving God that created my soul. Yahweh is a brutal dictator named Amen-Ra and once that became understood to me I was off to the races in search of what came long before the Bible. From there the anger set in because we have been lied to for longer than we even knew we existed
You have tunnel vision right now so you clearly don't get it and you won't. You are no different than anyone else who "knows they are right". I'm not a cheerleader which is what you really want

There are clear rights and wrong brother. As for cheerleader you are indeed cheerleader, just not for the side of justice. Now if you come out and say “ I’m not on any side “ that’s different but that isn’t the case
There are clear rights and wrong brother. As for cheerleader you are indeed cheerleader, just not for the side of justice. Now if you come out and say “ I’m not on any side “ that’s different but that isn’t the case
I'm on the side of anyone who's life is destroyed by war whether that be by terrorists or occupiers. Does that make you feel better? Does it change anything? The answer is NO
Why all of a sudden these shootings? I’m not aware of any shootings targeted at Trump in the previous 8 years since 2016 and now we have 2 in 2 months ?
Why all of a sudden these shootings? I’m not aware of any shootings targeted at Trump in the previous 8 years since 2016 and now we have 2 in 2 months ?
Because he's winning in the polls at least some of them much more than he's ever been in the polls ever before now.
Why all of a sudden these shootings? I’m not aware of any shootings targeted at Trump in the previous 8 years since 2016 and now we have 2 in 2 months
Trying to impeach didn't work. Taking his money didn't work and threatening him with life in prison for banging a porn star isn't going to work so murdering him it is. He knows something very damning