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Political Thread: The Sequel

The speech was ok. First part and the end were good. The other stuff was rambling platform stuff that we pretty much already know. Nothing was won or lost at this convention. It was a really good one. But the focus will rapidly turn away from his speech and the convention to what is going on over in lefty land.

The left needs an answer for all the things that are going wrong that people are upset about. And I can tell you that Kamala doesn't have any answers. They better dredge up somebody who does, or they're going to lose and lose bigly.
At this point outside of someone on the D side catching fire and driving huge turnout, I see this as a very low turnout election. Generally this would favor Republicans but again the issue comes back to Trump and Vance. Both have lots of personal negatives that I think weigh more than policy negatives on the D side. In the end it’s still a popularity contest.

Quite literally all Trump had to do was have a “normal” acceptance speech and he could cruise. He doesn’t need to rile up his base with nonsense because they’re going to vote for him anyway.

This doesn’t even touch on the issue of split ticket voters which have dramatically risen beginning in 2020.
Welp, Biden is getting kicked to the curb in another stunning display of fidelity to democracy by the left. This whole thing has been planned for a long time.

The obvious collusion between the democrats and their surrogate media to subvert the will of the people, so they can stick in the candidate of their choice, while labeling Trump as the threat to democracy, has been next level. The gaslighting has been world class, I tell ya.

Chalk up another conspiracy fact for the deplorables!
Nothing screams democracy like planting a President in that the people can't even vote for....What a wild ride!
The speech was ok. First part and the end were good. The other stuff was rambling platform stuff that we pretty much already know. Nothing was won or lost at this convention. It was a really good one. But the focus will rapidly turn away from his speech and the convention to what is going on over in lefty land.

The left needs an answer for all the things that are going wrong that people are upset about. And I can tell you that Kamala doesn't have any answers. They better dredge up somebody who does, or they're going to lose and lose bigly.
I almost think he went so long just to prove he could. I was thinking that while watching hubby's eyes get heavy and eventually close. 😂
The speech was ok. First part and the end were good. The other stuff was rambling platform stuff that we pretty much already know. Nothing was won or lost at this convention. It was a really good one. But the focus will rapidly turn away from his speech and the convention to what is going on over in lefty land.

The left needs an answer for all the things that are going wrong that people are upset about. And I can tell you that Kamala doesn't have any answers. They better dredge up somebody who does, or they're going to lose and lose bigly.
I was toying with the idea of staying up and hearing Trump's speech but I ended up going to bed. I'm glad I did because Trump's speech at a hour and a half would have kept me up a lot longer than I wanted. That's a long speech! Trump gets carried away with words quite often and could use a speech writer that understands brevity but in content I think it projected the message that Republicans wanted to give. There are things about Donald Trump I like and admire but he is not someone I would choose to enter an oratory contest.
Nothing screams democracy like planting a President in that the people can't even vote for....What a wild ride!
Believe me there was complaining, but in the end the tradition and inertia of the incumbent having the choice whether to run for reelection was too much.

Also worth remembering the parties are private entities and can do whatever they want.
At this point outside of someone on the D side catching fire and driving huge turnout, I see this as a very low turnout election. Generally this would favor Republicans but again the issue comes back to Trump and Vance. Both have lots of personal negatives that I think weigh more than policy negatives on the D side. In the end it’s still a popularity contest.

Quite literally all Trump had to do was have a “normal” acceptance speech and he could cruise. He doesn’t need to rile up his base with nonsense because they’re going to vote for him anyway.

This doesn’t even touch on the issue of split ticket voters which have dramatically risen beginning in 2020.
What do the Democrats have to offer? 4 more years of inflation? 4 more years of crime ridden inner cities imploding? More conflicts all over the globe? I think you are grossly underestimating the fact that the majority of the Democrat base is living off credit cards right now. You are a good poster but I think you are in denial. The GOP won't be caught with their pants down again and there is no covid BS to save them
Trump came across as the same old, rambling man beyond the first few minutes. I will never understand how Republicans allowed him anywhere near their ticket again. He brings out the base who fondly remember the Limbaugh-esque antics but quite literally no one else. This election was handed to them on a silver platter had they ran someone younger or with real policy chops.

Assuming the Democrats find a reasonable candidate out of their mess in the coming weeks IMO the election is theirs to lose. I don’t say that as a homer, but as a realist seeing Trump on that stage. Independents and undecided voters are craving a return to normalcy that Biden has not delivered. All that chaos of Trump 2017-2020 just came back into the collective consciousness last night.

The biggest problem with the Dems is the fact that their platform at this point is a mess. We cant forgot that one of the reasons Biden won is that he sold “I’ll be a moderate” card. The issue here is that card won’t work in this cycle for the democrats. If you can find and run another Biden, you can absolutely forget the youth vote which the democrats desperately need. If you want the young vote you have to throw someone very progressive out there and then you lose the Rust Belt moderates who you absolutely need in this cycle. I’m still sold on the person the Democrats need to convince is Michele who can turn out the black vote, probably turn out the youth vote and still probably convince the rust state voter that she isn’t a Biden. Unless Michele runs and the democrat turnout problem gets solved, this is Trumps election to lose.

The most interesting thing to me is to see if the governors like Whitmer have the guts to throw it all out there and risk what may be their only shot while trying to distance themselves from Biden, or if they decide to punt.
What do the Democrats have to offer? 4 more years of inflation? 4 more years of crime ridden inner cities imploding? More conflicts all over the globe? I think you are grossly underestimating the fact that the majority of the Democrat base is living off credit cards right now. You are a good poster but I think you are in denial. The GOP won't be caught with their pants down again and there is no covid BS to save them
He is a good poster.
What do the Democrats have to offer? 4 more years of inflation? 4 more years of crime ridden inner cities imploding? More conflicts all over the globe? I think you are grossly underestimating the fact that the majority of the Democrat base is living off credit cards right now. You are a good poster but I think you are in denial. The GOP won't be caught with their pants down again and there is no covid BS to save them
But none of that is true. We just think it's true. What we see and feel is not really happening. We have more money than we think because we can't count. We can't think or feel for ourselves. SMDH
Gonna be wild seeing how this shakes out over the day. Hearing of ATM runs as panic gets underway at some locals

Apparently Cloudstrike and has been fixed mostly is the latest


UPDATE: Massive Global Microsoft outage blamed on “GLITCH” .. Could take WEEKS to repair​

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Welp, Biden is getting kicked to the curb in another stunning display of fidelity to democracy by the left. This whole thing has been planned for a long time.

The obvious collusion between the democrats and their surrogate media to subvert the will of the people, so they can stick in the candidate of their choice, while labeling Trump as the threat to democracy, has been next level. The gaslighting has been world class, I tell ya.

Chalk up another conspiracy fact for the deplorables!
The only true collusion over the last 8 yrs plus has been the Dems and the media/social media outlets. Sprinkle in a few indoctrination universities and voilà, power grab maintained
The biggest problem with the Dems is the fact that their platform at this point is a mess. We cant forgot that one of the reasons Biden won is that he sold “I’ll be a moderate” card. The issue here is that card won’t work in this cycle for the democrats. If you can find and run another Biden, you can absolutely forget the youth vote which the democrats desperately need. If you want the young vote you have to throw someone very progressive out there and then you lose the Rust Belt moderates who you absolutely need in this cycle. I’m still sold on the person the Democrats need to convince is Michele who can turn out the black vote, probably turn out the youth vote and still probably convince the rust state voter that she isn’t a Biden. Unless Michele runs and the democrat turnout problem gets solved, this is Trumps election to lose.

The most interesting thing to me is to see if the governors like Whitmer have the guts to throw it all out there and risk what may be their only shot while trying to distance themselves from Biden, or if they decide to punt.
It's been one cluster after another for 4 years. The only thing the left offers at this point is abortion as an issue but suburban women handle the bills too. At this point it's math and the math ain't matching at this point
At this point outside of someone on the D side catching fire and driving huge turnout, I see this as a very low turnout election. Generally this would favor Republicans but again the issue comes back to Trump and Vance. Both have lots of personal negatives that I think weigh more than policy negatives on the D side. In the end it’s still a popularity contest.

Quite literally all Trump had to do was have a “normal” acceptance speech and he could cruise. He doesn’t need to rile up his base with nonsense because they’re going to vote for him anyway.

This doesn’t even touch on the issue of split ticket voters which have dramatically risen beginning in 2020.

I dont think many on the Trump train understand just how many moderates and independents and even Republicans will not vote for Trump ever, and him getting shot or pretending to be less divisive is not going to change that. Nor is the Dems switching candidates because it is not really about who they run, if anything running someone else will help them by getting the folks that might sit it out due to Bidens age etc on their side back in the game. Even if Trump was less Trumpy he still has a uphill battle, they lean on these polls that lean R as proof and then when Trump inevitably loses like he has the last several elections they will blame fraud and the deep state and all manner of things.

They blew it here, they had a chance to get some one like Haley in with a good chance of controlling the WH for 8 years, now Biden drops out and the dems get to pick a new younger more appealing ticket lol..to run against a guy old Biden would probably still have beat.
Gonna be wild seeing how this shakes out over the day. Hearing of ATM runs as panic gets underway at some locals

Apparently Cloudstrike and has been fixed mostly is the latest

View attachment 148643

UPDATE: Massive Global Microsoft outage blamed on “GLITCH” .. Could take WEEKS to repair​

I never knew you were Jewish. Learn something new everyday
What do the Democrats have to offer? 4 more years of inflation? 4 more years of crime ridden inner cities imploding? More conflicts all over the globe? I think you are grossly underestimating the fact that the majority of the Democrat base is living off credit cards right now. You are a good poster but I think you are in denial. The GOP won't be caught with their pants down again and there is no covid BS to save them
4 years of crime ridden inner cities imploding 😂. You should try getting outside of your bubble
At this point outside of someone on the D side catching fire and driving huge turnout, I see this as a very low turnout election. Generally this would favor Republicans but again the issue comes back to Trump and Vance. Both have lots of personal negatives that I think weigh more than policy negatives on the D side. In the end it’s still a popularity contest.

Quite literally all Trump had to do was have a “normal” acceptance speech and he could cruise. He doesn’t need to rile up his base with nonsense because they’re going to vote for him anyway.

This doesn’t even touch on the issue of split ticket voters which have dramatically risen beginning in 2020.
I agree about the riling up of the base. Much of the speech was directed toward the base, which for a lot of it anyway, was unnecessary. Just being objective, he missed a couple of real golden opportunities. The idea going in was about unity. Instead of fluffing the middle of the speech up, repeating the same things about border issues, illegal immigration, drill baby drill, and election shenanigans, do this:

1) Explain in detail the conspiracy that has been enacted by the left on their constituents. This is the most low-hanging fruit example of how they lie, spin, and obfuscate (all while gaslighting their constituents by accusing the other side of doing what they are doing). Overtly connect those dots.

2) Explain in detail how the supposed party of love, inclusion, and unity doesn't care at all about Biden's health from a personal level. They're only discussing it as it pertains to their political plans. That's not loving at all. And there are plenty of other examples of this.

3) Outline an energy policy that predominately features fossil fuels but at least nods in the direction of clean alternatives and some level of concern for the environment. Just talk about it like that. And then explain in detail all of the dire predictions that have not come to pass and the outrageously enormous amount of fossil fuel-generated energy that some of the leading green new deal proponents use every day.

4) Explain in detail how the left looks down their nose at average, everyday conservatives, calling them names like deplorables and conspiracy theorists, and show example after example of all of the things we've been right about and how now many on the left are claiming that the assassination attempt was staged.

5) Explain in detail all of the things the left has accused him of over the last 9 years and how time after time after time, they have been proven wrong. Show the examples of collusion on the left to lie about and just make up these things out of thin air. There are too many to even count. Explain how things like this lead to events like last Saturday.

He could have done those things and it would have been a grand slam speech. You can't just rail to your base and have people on the other side wake up. You have to shake them loose by beating them over the head with examples. That, alongside of the failing economy, inflation, rising global instability, massive illegal immigration, crime-ridden cities, unprecedented drug crisis, rising mental health issues, and many other things, would have moved the needle with some people who are at least close to waking up.

The left have been lying and getting away with it for far too long, aided by the media. This era is coming to an end. I don't think this election is going to be about personalities. I think it's going to be about whether or not we want America to collapse in on itself or not. People, thankfully, are starting to realize this. Trump could have helped that along last night, much more effectively. Unfortunately, he did not. But the speech was still fine; it was just too long.
I dont think many on the Trump train understand just how many moderates and independents and even Republicans will not vote for Trump ever, and him getting shot or pretending to be less divisive is not going to change that. Nor is the Dems switching candidates because it is not really about who they run, if anything running someone else will help them by getting the folks that might sit it out due to Bidens age etc on their side back in the game. Even if Trump was less Trumpy he still has a uphill battle, they lean on these polls that lean R as proof and then when Trump inevitably loses like he has the last several elections they will blame fraud and the deep state and all manner of things.

They blew it here, they had a chance to get some one like Haley in with a good chance of controlling the WH for 8 years, now Biden drops out and the dems get to pick a new younger more appealing ticket lol..to run against a guy old Biden would probably still have beat.
Of course not. People LOVE being broke and scared to go out of their house. You have nothing to worry about. I have very few libs in my family but the biggest lib in our family is leaving California as we speak and will never vote Democrat again. Is she a Republican no but she has seen enough. You need a new game plan because it's not 2020 anymore and he isn't going to prison for life as you promised. Speaking of hammers? One is about to fall on YOUR buddies head any minute
I dont think many on the Trump train understand just how many moderates and independents and even Republicans will not vote for Trump ever, and him getting shot or pretending to be less divisive is not going to change that. Nor is the Dems switching candidates because it is not really about who they run, if anything running someone else will help them by getting the folks that might sit it out due to Bidens age etc on their side back in the game. Even if Trump was less Trumpy he still has a uphill battle, they lean on these polls that lean R as proof and then when Trump inevitably loses like he has the last several elections they will blame fraud and the deep state and all manner of things.

They blew it here, they had a chance to get some one like Haley in with a good chance of controlling the WH for 8 years, now Biden drops out and the dems get to pick a new younger more appealing ticket lol..to run against a guy old Biden would probably still have beat.
The Democrats may have an opportunity to hit the reset button on their campaign. Assuming Harris will be the nominee if Biden decides to hang it up, she can reshape the whole ticket depending on her selection of a running mate. If I were Harris, I'd stay away from trying to appeal to the ultra progressive side of the party and pick someone who appeals to suburban voters. The urban voters are firmly Democratic for the most part and the rural voters are in Trump's camp. The suburbs are the real territorial battlegrounds in this election and whoever wins there will probably be our next president.