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Political Thread: The Sequel

Good news out of the Middle East, a drone went undetected and struck Tel Aviv! Yemen is suspected to be behind it, meaning this flew under the radar of the Americans , saudis , Israelis , Jordanians, British , and French
Watching Trumps speech, made me realize that all the assassinations of the last 50-60 years , and assassination attempts towards candidates that were "going against the grain". People don't realize but Reagan was an outsider and was made fun of by the media and Elite. They said he was just a movie star. He didn't play the political games that the establishment played. Kennedy, and now Trump. Makes you think the deep state has been around for decades.
Watching Trumps speech, made me realize that all the assassinations of the last 50-60 years , and assassination attempts towards candidates that were "going against the grain". People don't realize but Reagan was an outsider and was made fun of by the media and Elite. They said he was just a movie star. He didn't play the political games that the establishment played. Kennedy, and now Trump. Makes you think the deep state has been around for decades.
They have.

Great job by Trump. A bit rambling at times, but that's his style.
Watching Trumps speech, made me realize that all the assassinations of the last 50-60 years , and assassination attempts towards candidates that were "going against the grain". People don't realize but Reagan was an outsider and was made fun of by the media and Elite. They said he was just a movie star. He didn't play the political games that the establishment played. Kennedy, and now Trump. Makes you think the deep state has been around for decades.
Did the deep state try to kill Trump?

Edit: so bhammy … did they?
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1. Trump’s speech at 1:32 length was the longest acceptance speech in modern history and about as long as the avg movie! Is that a positive or a negative? I don’t know and assume opinions on that will vary. What do y’all think?

2. He was reading the teleprompter early on, including when he described the shooting in detail and also called for Republicans AND independents AND Dems to unite, which was well done. That was my favorite part of the speech. That portion was far different from his typical speech.

3. However, he then started to ad-lib more and sounded more typical for him for a good portion of the rest.

4. Trump preached “drill, baby, drill”, which dates back to 2008/Sarah Palin when oil production was much lower, a couple of times to bring down gasoline prices. But what he doesn’t say is that crude oil production has in 2023 ironically risen to all-time record highs for ANY country during the Biden admin due to increased fracking. Of course, production levels are largely unrelated to POTUS
policy and are more influenced by free market forces.

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1. Trump’s speech at 1:32 length was the longest acceptance speech in modern history and about as long as the avg movie! Is that a positive or a negative? I don’t know and assume opinions on that will vary. What do y’all think?

2. He was reading the teleprompter early on, including when he described the shooting in detail and also called for Republicans AND independents AND Dems to unite, which was well done. That was my favorite part of the speech. That portion was far different from his typical speech.

3. However, he then started to ad-lib more and sounded more typical for him for a good portion of the rest.

4. Trump preached “drill, baby, drill”, which dates back to 2008/Sarah Palin when oil production was much lower, a couple of times to bring down gasoline prices. But what he doesn’t say is that crude oil production has in 2023 ironically risen to all-time record highs for ANY country during the Biden admin due to increased fracking. Of course, production levels are largely unrelated to POTUS
policy and are more influenced by free market forces.

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I liked the beginning of the speech and I felt like the speech was too long.
Pretty interesting

Interesting indeed. I wonder if knowledge of the operation was restricted to one sniper in the building (corrupted SS?) and the patsy. Shots 3 and 6 could be the end of the corrupted professional. It would lend credence to the sloppiness of the entire operation. Cheatle is just reading the official transcripts so she's probably just another patsy. Either way, God saved Trump that day. Where do we go from here?

He lost Coulter again

It was a rambling unfocused mess. I only turned it on at the end thinking it would be long over and hear what Fox had to say. You could sense the crowd wondering what it would end.
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Enjoyed last night, espeacilly Trumps speech. Espeacilly first part. Straight from the heart. Sounded to me like a genuine Road to Damascus expierence. True proven Leader and Ill be voting for him, third time in a row as his vision agenda will serve the everyday jimmy and joes well.
Biggest difference in Trump Agenda verse Other Agenda is getting the power back to the people by unsurping Federal govt and pivoting it back to the states.
The other side/Establishment Crowd wants to take it out of the states and monopolize it away from the common man and transfer it to the Global crowd.
The most refreshing part about the whole convention, was the abscence of the old rhino guard/uniparty mainstays that have contributed heavily to situation our contry has fallen into.
I didn't make it all the way through the speech. I think he started off well but then started to ramble a bit and go off script. I still think he has a good chance to be elected, but it was not a slam dunk speech. I think his hope is that it went too long and a lot of people listened to the beginning and then turned it off. Trump has never been a great speaker though, so who knows. But I do think he had a huge audience and the chance to really shut the race down. Not so sure he did that tonight.
Trump came across as the same old, rambling man beyond the first few minutes. I will never understand how Republicans allowed him anywhere near their ticket again. He brings out the base who fondly remember the Limbaugh-esque antics but quite literally no one else. This election was handed to them on a silver platter had they ran someone younger or with real policy chops.

Assuming the Democrats find a reasonable candidate out of their mess in the coming weeks IMO the election is theirs to lose. I don’t say that as a homer, but as a realist seeing Trump on that stage. Independents and undecided voters are craving a return to normalcy that Biden has not delivered. All that chaos of Trump 2017-2020 just came back into the collective consciousness last night.
Welp, Biden is getting kicked to the curb in another stunning display of fidelity to democracy by the left. This whole thing has been planned for a long time.

The obvious collusion between the democrats and their surrogate media to subvert the will of the people, so they can stick in the candidate of their choice, while labeling Trump as the threat to democracy, has been next level. The gaslighting has been world class, I tell ya.

Chalk up another conspiracy fact for the deplorables!
Trump came across as the same old, rambling man beyond the first few minutes. I will never understand how Republicans allowed him anywhere near their ticket again. He brings out the base who fondly remember the Limbaugh-esque antics but quite literally no one else. This election was handed to them on a silver platter had they ran someone younger or with real policy chops.

Assuming the Democrats find a reasonable candidate out of their mess in the coming weeks IMO the election is theirs to lose. I don’t say that as a homer, but as a realist seeing Trump on that stage. Independents and undecided voters are craving a return to normalcy that Biden has not delivered. All that chaos of Trump 2017-2020 just came back into the collective consciousness last night.
The speech was ok. First part and the end were good. The other stuff was rambling platform stuff that we pretty much already know. Nothing was won or lost at this convention. It was a really good one. But the focus will rapidly turn away from his speech and the convention to what is going on over in lefty land.

The left needs an answer for all the things that are going wrong that people are upset about. And I can tell you that Kamala doesn't have any answers. They better dredge up somebody who does, or they're going to lose and lose bigly.

He lost Coulter again

It was a rambling unfocused mess. I only turned it on at the end thinking it would be long over and hear what Fox had to say. You could sense the crowd wondering what it would end.

The ending was the best! The opera singer sings "NESSUN DORMA". It is played at the end of the film The Sum of All Fears, in which time ALL the traitors & deep state actors were executed! There are no coincidences! BOOM 🔥💥