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Political Thread: The Sequel

Biggest Hurdle for Trump,conservatives is ballott harvesting , ballott dump shenanigans.
Yep and thankfully Elon Musk is putting his money where his mouth is to change the Rights views on this. Ballot harvesting has been their "grass roots" agenda all along. I think it should be outlawed nationwide but until that happens we better jump in that end of the pool and fight them for it
Give it up. 17 million zuckererberg bucks in ATL metro paying those Mules on video by the way. Not gonna get in back an forth. You are free to beleive,take stand as you wish on 2020 whether its the mail in ballott fiasco,Praising Lord Fauci etc.
Abolishing the federal Dept of Education is a start. To many 3 letter agencies and not what founders who penned our constitution intended. Again im for getting power back out of federal govt and back to the states, common man. You and half the country want it even more centralized federally than it currently is. I Know this because of the candidates, agenda one votes and stands up for.Theres a balance and it wasnt intended to be out of proportion like it is now.
Anybody got all the clips of Democrats screaming about cheating or preparing people there will be cheating when it's in their favor? Been going on for years. Also anybody who thinks our elections all the way down to local is 100% secure all these years is bonkers. The whole point of putting eyes on the process is the purpose of making it be better. Banana republic.
The Democrats may have an opportunity to hit the reset button on their campaign. Assuming Harris will be the nominee if Biden decides to hang it up, she can reshape the whole ticket depending on her selection of a running mate. If I were Harris, I'd stay away from trying to appeal to the ultra progressive side of the party and pick someone who appeals to suburban voters. The urban voters are firmly Democratic for the most part and the rural voters are in Trump's camp. The suburbs are the real territorial battlegrounds in this election and whoever wins there will probably be our next president.

I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy. The biggest problem for Harris(besides the fact that nobody likes her) is that it will be hard to distance herself from Biden’s policies that were already unpopular and were already putting him in the ditch before the media and democrats had their epiphany that Biden is not there.

The problem for the other candidates is they are gonna have to fight on two fronts. One that they are not Trump and that is why you should vote for them and secondly that they are not Biden and that is why you should vote for them. They have three months to distance themselves from Biden’s already unpopular policies and somehow shift more moderate with a sub-base that may come absolutely unglued if they do so.

Once again, Trump doesn’t need more votes to win, he just needs a very, very small portion of the democrat base to stay home.
Cooper for president. As a Bernie or bust person from the true Appalachia, I will not support Harris in a higher position. With that said, Project 2025 will destroy the weather NOAA and privatize everything for money. Abortion matters but so does the right candidate. Harris cannot win. Cooper could flip North Carolina. People want peace and calm at this point. That’s Trumps weakness. Cooper would shy away from culture wars and win in a landslide. More to come if allowed.
Give it up. 17 million zuckererberg bucks in ATL metro paying those Mules on video by the way. Not gonna get in back an forth. You are free to beleive,take stand as you wish on 2020 whether its the mail in ballott fiasco,Praising Lord Fauci etc.
Abolishing the federal Dept of Education is a start. To many 3 letter agencies and not what founders who penned our constitution intended. Again im for getting power back out of federal govt and back to the states, common man. You and half the country want it even more centralized federally than it currently is. I Know this because of the candidates, agenda one votes and stands up for.Theres a balance and it wasnt intended to be out of proportion like it is now.

I don’t want it more centralized federally. By the way, I’m not a Dem but rather am a right of center independent who had voted mainly for Republicans until recent years. (I voted all but once GOP for POTUS until 2016.)

Now it’s more of a mix. Regardless, I was still proud to vote for the reelection of GA Republicans Gov Kemp and Sec of State Raffensperger in 2022. Easy decisions.

What is your opinion of Raffensperger and how he did his job regarding the 2020 election in GA?
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Cooper for president. As a Bernie or bust person from the true Appalachia, I will not support Harris in a higher position. With that said, Project 2025 will destroy the weather NOAA and privatize everything for money. Abortion matters but so does the right candidate. Harris cannot win. Cooper could flip North Carolina. People want peace and calm at this point. That’s Trumps weakness. Cooper would shy away from culture wars and win in a landslide. More to come if allowed.

If there is a open DNC and they pick a new ticket I could see Cooper for VP...it would be a smart move to try and put NC in play, he is on just about every short list as possible picks for Harris or whoever gets the nod.
Ok so show me which big red state is about to turn blue this cycle.....Trump is ahead in every swing state now I believe. Are these new transplants not being polled somehow? People change parties all the time when their livelyhoods are affected
So far according to the polling data I've seen from various sources you are correct. Trump has leads in eleven of the fourteen battleground states in the polling data on the Real Clear Politics averaging of the polls and is even leading in states like Virginia and putting Minnesota into play which hasn't voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Nixon in 1972. When the Democrats are running a walking corpse like Joe Biden for President this is no surprise. If and I think it is just a matter of time he drops out of the race then things could get more competitive if the Democrats can find a ticket that voters are more attuned to. Hillary Clinton was ahead at this date in 2016 by about the same margin Trump is now and things changed.
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If there is a open DNC and they pick a new ticket I could see Cooper for VP...it would be a smart move to try and put NC in play, he is on just about every short list as possible picks for Harris or whoever gets the nod.
I am no fan of Roy Cooper, that's for sure, but he fits the bill perfectly. He is considered moderate in today's Democratic Party and his term for governor is expiring and he can not run again.
Cooper for president. As a Bernie or bust person from the true Appalachia, I will not support Harris in a higher position. With that said, Project 2025 will destroy the weather NOAA and privatize everything for money. Abortion matters but so does the right candidate. Harris cannot win. Cooper could flip North Carolina. People want peace and calm at this point. That’s Trumps weakness. Cooper would shy away from culture wars and win in a landslide. More to come if allowed.
Cooper and Bernie. Widely popular and keep some of the “old” on the ticket. Old school conventions gave everyone a chance to get on the ticket. There will be chaos and excitement even more-so than the convention last night. It would steal the thunder from Trump and the media would pounce like humping dawgs right up until Election Day. Wilkes will still vote red but at least Cooper knows where we are on the map and has helped bring nascar back to Wilkes co.
The only way Dems win without Cooper is if we get a double black ticket. Two negatives Michelle Obama and VP Harris would cancel each other out and bring out the women to vote in numbers we have never seen before. And more than just women. Obama would be back in the White House. We are living in crazy times right now so nothing can be ruled out. I would wager tho that the DNC will not listen to voters and prop up Harris and someone we don’t like as VP similar to how JD Vance was selected.
I am no fan of Roy Cooper, that's for sure, but he fits the bill perfectly. He is considered moderate in today's Democratic Party and his term for governor is expiring and he can not run again.

Lots of buzz around him, seems the info leaking out points to either Kelly from AZ, Beshear from KY or Cooper as the most obvious pick, also seen Shapiro from PA tossed in the mix,......running a man known as a moderate would be a big help with moderates and independents and would really balance the ticket and Cooper would smack Vance around in any debate as he has a much more solid record to run on.

Why I think Cooper has the best shot...

Shapiro is only in second year of his term
Kelly holds a key senate seat from AZ they dont wanna risk losing
Beshear is ok but KY is not going to flip and even if it did it doesnt have as many EV as NC
Cooper is a termed limited Gov who is in his last months as gov and could deliver a key state.
I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy. The biggest problem for Harris(besides the fact that nobody likes her) is that it will be hard to distance herself from Biden’s policies that were already unpopular and were already putting him in the ditch before the media and democrats had their epiphany that Biden is not there.

The problem for the other candidates is they are gonna have to fight on two fronts. One that they are not Trump and that is why you should vote for them and secondly that they are not Biden and that is why you should vote for them. They have three months to distance themselves from Biden’s already unpopular policies and somehow shift more moderate with a sub-base that may come absolutely unglued if they do so.

Once again, Trump doesn’t need more votes to win, he just needs a very, very small portion of the democrat base to stay home.
The county is watching a different Republican party unite with a message that's positive even if there are people who disagree. The Democrats are an ugly mess and getting uglier by the day and the country sees it.
The county is watching a different Republican party unite with a message that's positive even if there are people who disagree. The Democrats are an ugly mess and getting uglier by the day and the country sees it.
I hear you but unfortunately the woke/DEI/ This matters that matters/Inclusion has reached levels that is far beyond return. I’m as conservative as they come but if you get a different Dem candidate on the ticket I don’t see any change. I know people are fed up but a different name on the ticket will mean more of the same and the downfall of our Republic I’m afraid!