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Political Thread: The Sequel

Lots of buzz around him, seems the info leaking out points to either Kelly from AZ, Beshear from KY or Cooper as the most obvious pick, also seen Shapiro from PA tossed in the mix,......running a man known as a moderate would be a big help with moderates and independents and would really balance the ticket and Cooper would smack Vance around in any debate as he has a much more solid record to run on.

Why I think Cooper has the best shot...

Shapiro is only in second year of his term
Kelly holds a key senate seat from AZ they dont wanna risk losing
Beshear is ok but KY is not going to flip and even if it did it doesnt have as many EV as NC
Cooper is a termed limited Gov who is in his last months as gov and could deliver a key state.
I have not heard much about Cooper, but he seems to have avoided doing much to hurt himself and I would not be unhappy at all if he became VP.
I think the average Democrat voter is not going to pick up on this. I think most of them are basically voting "against" the Republicans and don't really care who their Democrat candidates are.
This is why I suggested Trump should have hammered this point home last night. Not trashing the leftist voters but slowly and methodically drawing this out on a diagram even Kamala would be proud of. This needs to be one of the top GOP talking points for the rest of the campaign. It funnels in to quite a few other points about conspiracy theories, honesty, democracy, inclusion, etc. that the left loves to harp on the right about.
I think this is what could bite the democrats the hardest. If you had claimed that he had become senile and kicked him to the curb say a year or so ago, you could have cleaned house of the Biden staff and started “changing” policy with Kamala or at least pretending you are doing so. Then right now you could blame the entire failing policies on the Biden team and also claim that it’s taking a while to reverse said policy even if you are really just bold face lying to the public. You would have a much better chance at the public buying that excuse.

However, by claiming for years Biden was in charge and his staff, all the democrats and media saying he is sharp, you pretty much gaslit yourself. With now the obvious fact that he is not in charge, you have tied his policy to all the main stream democrats who are really running the thing.
Yeah so why didn't they do that? They are not dumb people, stick together no matter what and have backup plan after backup plan. Instead, a day or two before they completely turned on him Joe Scarborough was laying it on sooo thick that he is at his best and gold. The rest of media was too. That in itself should tell people the media is one big talking controlled machine and literally fake news. Maybe they wanted to and Biden wouldn't hear of it. They are a very powerful corrupt establishment family. May not hear of it now either.
College educated white woman, mostly suburban, make enough money (or their spouses do) whereas inflation hasn't affected them enough to think for themselves economically. They will all vote for one issue, and that issue is Roe vs. Wade. They literally do not care to vote on any other issue because they are to busy keeping up with who said what on real housewives.
Yeah so why didn't they do that? They are not dumb people, stick together no matter what and have backup plan after backup plan. Instead, a day or two before they completely turned on him Joe Scarborough was laying it on sooo thick that he is at his best and gold. The rest of media was too. That in itself should tell people the media is one big talking controlled machine and literally fake news. Maybe they wanted to and Biden wouldn't hear of it. They are a very powerful corrupt establishment family. May not hear of it now either.

Good point, but you are taking to someone who half believes everything is rigged and elections predetermined as a game of yin/yang thus Trump is already determined to win.

Who knows maybe a 20 year old nut and complete incompetence almost derailed the whole plan.

Then again maybe none of them are as smart as we give them credit to be. I mean from a step back, very little our politicians do is based on any semblance of logic. Or it could be they are so high and mighty and intelligent, so they are cocky enough to think they can spin anything. I mean Biden’s administration was busy telling us China was not transmitting from the spy balloon. Probably closer to the truth.
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The best thing D candidates can do is just be positive. Inflation/crime/ etc are trending in the right direction and barring some other global calamity will continue to trend that way. It’s a tough message that voters don’t really want to hear or may not even believe, but they need to tout the primacy of the American economy compared to everyone else. In almost every metric we came out of the pandemic further ahead than what we were before.

I don’t like the message coming from the top painting Rs as a threat to democracy anymore than I like the R message painting themselves as true patriots and the “real” American people. It’s not a positive message and is rearward looking to the troubles of 2027-2021. Talk about the future. Talk about good paying jobs that will offset inflation. You rarely hear about the 10,000+ plus jobs being created right now by vehicle and battery storage manufacturing in NC and SC.

In the end until Democrats have a new candidate it’s all speculation. I would like to think Beshear/Whitmer/Shapiro would do well. Newsome would be DOA. Kamala could be good but it depends on if she’s cop Kamala or failed candidate Kamala.

Just a side point, one thing I agree with Vance on is America’s place in the world has declined post 2000. This was inevitable with the rise of Asia and the EU and technological parity. We went through 20 years of war and there is zero appetite for more war in the under 40 crowd. Republican or Democrat. It’s disingenuous to say we’re embroiled in conflict at the moment. If us not being world police means there will be more conflict I personally think that trade off is okay. We need to stand with our allies, but not fight their fights for them.
Where is crime getting better? I trained LEO's after I retired from the military and I still have connections up and down the East Coast. Law enforcement is getting to a crisis level in major cities thanks to Democrats policies and I can assure you that crime is most certainly NOT trending better it's getting worse by the day. As far as inflation goes I don't see that getting better in MY wallet but I'll take your word for it. Unfortunately the damage has already been done because this is the new norm they created. You Lock people up like caged animals for a year then give them trillions before finally letting them out they are gonna go berserk partying will all that money. Inflation goes up people keep sending that free $$$$. Goes up more they still spending like it's 1999. Of course Biden's fed did a wonderful job of poor timing to keep it in check and now for the finale.....Money ran out, gotta get a job but oh sh*t look at these prices. Price don't matter when it's free money now it's paycheck to paycheck and credit cards. Do they really want 4 more years of this "getting better" because I've been hearing that silly nonsense since the last thread
Why don't we discuss how crime and inflation got so terrible in the first place?

Also, no thank you on the American Taxpayer being responsible for funding the world police. I'm of the belief if you bomb a city then we vaporize your country, but that doesn't provide the most compensatory funding for Raytheon. So we will just continue to provide just enough for Ukraine to lose slowly over two decades.
That’s a long conversation that gets way into the weeds of drug policy and firearms policy. I’m of the mind that 2020-2022 is a blip on a long term trend line as a result of the pandemic. Time will tell if that is true.

This is my opinion so take it for what it’s worth. I’m on the top end of the millennial generation and the opioid crisis and two decades of war has hit us very hard. As a result of that our views on big pharma, health insurance and foreign intervention are very different than those that came before us. You see this reflected in JD Vance’s positions on these issues as he’s in the millennial generation. Likewise for Gen Z/Gen Alpha, gun violence is going to shape them in ways those of who are older can’t reconcile. They’re the generation that came up post-assault weapons ban and the subsequent flooding of the country with guns by manufacturers infused with private equity capital. That is not a comment on the 2nd amendment, it’s only an observation of differing challenges younger generations face from the boomers who seem politically still to be fighting the Cold War.


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College educated white woman, mostly suburban, make enough money (or their spouses do) whereas inflation hasn't affected them enough to think for themselves economically. They will all vote for one issue, and that issue is Roe vs. Wade. They literally do not care to vote on any other issue because they are to busy keeping up with who said what on real housewives.
This guy gets it folks!!!!! Grocery bills be damned
Where is crime getting better? I trained LEO's after I retired from the military and I still have connections up and down the East Coast. Law enforcement is getting to a crisis level in major cities thanks to Democrats policies and I can assure you that crime is most certainly NOT trending better it's getting worse by the day. As far as inflation goes I don't see that getting better in MY wallet but I'll take your word for it. Unfortunately the damage has already been done because this is the new norm they created. You Lock people up like caged animals for a year then give them trillions before finally letting them out they are gonna go berserk partying will all that money. Inflation goes up people keep sending that free $$$$. Goes up more they still spending like it's 1999. Of course Biden's fed did a wonderful job of poor timing to keep it in check and now for the finale.....Money ran out, gotta get a job but oh sh*t look at these prices. Price don't matter when it's free money now it's paycheck to paycheck and credit cards. Do they really want 4 more years of this "getting better" because I've been hearing that silly nonsense since the last thread
The ugly truth is police staffing won’t get better until there’s more money available to pay them. I don’t know how it is in other places but here it’s a staffing issue. Taxes have not kept up with what it costs to run these services. There’s nothing left to cut after nearly 20 years of cutting since the financial crisis.

The even uglier truth is prices will not go down. The increase in inflation is what has come back down to earth. To get enough deflationary pressure to drop prices beyond a few cents would rival said financial crisis in severity. That’s why we need more and better paying jobs.
The ugly truth is police staffing won’t get better until there’s more money available to pay them. I don’t know how it is in other places but here it’s a staffing issue. Taxes have not kept up with what it costs to run these services. There’s nothing left to cut after nearly 20 years of cutting since the financial crisis.

The even uglier truth is prices will not go down. The increase in inflation is what has come back down to earth. To get enough deflationary pressure to drop prices beyond a few cents would rival said financial crisis in severity. That’s why we need more and better paying jobs.

The nation is about to see the same with regards Utility workers(electric, gas, water, wastewater) as well.

A quick check online says there are 461 municipalities in AL, and I heard from a class the other day that there are just over 3600 licensed water/wastewater operators in AL with many retiring or about to. Not hard to see what is coming.
The ugly truth is police staffing won’t get better until there’s more money available to pay them. I don’t know how it is in other places but here it’s a staffing issue. Taxes have not kept up with what it costs to run these services. There’s nothing left to cut after nearly 20 years of cutting since the financial crisis.

The even uglier truth is prices will not go down. The increase in inflation is what has come back down to earth. To get enough deflationary pressure to drop prices beyond a few cents would rival said financial crisis in severity. That’s why we need more and better paying jobs.
Oh it's not pay its the profession being slaughtered and having funding stripped which of course means they double down on DEI which has been a complete disaster! Ask the citizens of metros across the country how it's going for them on the crime front. They are sick of it!

I'm with you on better paying jobs but in this case it's like finding out you got a $200 dollar raise a month and to celebrate your health insurance went up $201 a month.
That’s a long conversation that gets way into the weeds of drug policy and firearms policy. I’m of the mind that 2020-2022 is a blip on a long term trend line as a result of the pandemic. Time will tell if that is true.

This is my opinion so take it for what it’s worth. I’m on the top end of the millennial generation and the opioid crisis and two decades of war has hit us very hard. As a result of that our views on big pharma, health insurance and foreign intervention are very different than those that came before us. You see this reflected in JD Vance’s positions on these issues as he’s in the millennial generation. Likewise for Gen Z/Gen Alpha, gun violence is going to shape them in ways those of who are older can’t reconcile. They’re the generation that came up post-assault weapons ban and the subsequent flooding of the country with guns by manufacturers infused with private equity capital. That is not a comment on the 2nd amendment, it’s only an observation of differing challenges younger generations face from the boomers who seem politically still to be fighting the Cold War.
I would agree with you that 2020-2022 was a blip in the long term trend, but we need to understand why that blip came to be. The handling of covid was completely egregious. Closing businesses down and printing of ridiculous amounts of money that was pissed away or stolen is the root cause of the inflation we currently face. The media portrayal of the George Floyd incident was one of the worst things to ever happen to this country. Police brutality for sure, but there was no damage to the mans trachea as pointed out in recent court medical documents, and there was certainly no evidence it was racially motivated. What did we get? Hundreds of millions in property damage, riots across the country, and months of propaganda to "defund the police". When your media lies and says the police force is murdering certain people for the color of their skin, it doesn't matter if it is actually true or not. What does this lead do? Low morale and the determent of good police officers, minority distrust of law enforcement, empowerment of criminals to commit more crimes, etc. What did we get, more crime.

I do not study the gun industry enough to comment on that subject specifically.

20 years of war in a land that is the main producer of opium all the while the opioid pandemic rose exponentially, its not hard to connect the dots on this one.
Our media is complete idiots. Are they seriously trying to sell this? If only 60% of dems think she would be a good President, she is sunk.

Our media is complete idiots. Are they seriously trying to sell this? If only 60% of dems think she would be a good President, she is sunk.

But suburban women!
Oh it's not pay its the profession being slaughtered and having funding stripped which of course means they double down on DEI which has been a complete disaster! Ask the citizens of metros across the country how it's going for them on the crime front. They are sick of it!

I'm with you on better paying jobs but in this case it's like finding out you got a $200 dollar raise a month and to celebrate your health insurance went up $201 a month.
This is why I’ve long been a proponent of a public option for health insurance. Not government run healthcare, but government funded insurance. Get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and the VA. Roll it all into a public insurer that anyone, at any age, can buy into. The wealthy would still have their private insurance but for working people and business balance sheets this would be a windfall.

Private health insurance as we do it now is an enormous drag on the economy. The insurance companies themselves generate nothing of value.
The nation is about to see the same with regards Utility workers(electric, gas, water, wastewater) as well.

A quick check online says there are 461 municipalities in AL, and I heard from a class the other day that there are just over 3600 licensed water/wastewater operators in AL with many retiring or about to. Not hard to see what is coming.
I wonder too how things like that are sustainable. Privatization is not an option.

I would guess you’d see more consolidation of tax districts to start. Rural and ex-urban areas flat out don’t have the density to generate the revenue they need. You can’t expect people to bear the tax burden it would take either. Not to mention good luck having any businesses stay around. In many ways post WW2 until the end of the Cold War was the exception not the norm. That doesn’t mean me won’t have prosperity in the future, it just means we’ll need to rethink how we run our public entities to adapt to the new world which is more ways than one resembles the old world pre-WW2.
With Trump and Vance reeling in a lot of Silicone Valley support, y'all see where this is going right?