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Political Thread: The Sequel

The last time it snowed here was March 2022... his last post was in March 2022...
If you let me bring a bad hurricane season this year I will bring snow chances as part of an official sky balancing act. But I want sickening floods for at least two of the following areas listed…Houston…Charlestown…New Orleans…or any city in the state of Florida.
Welp, Biden is getting kicked to the curb in another stunning display of fidelity to democracy by the left. This whole thing has been planned for a long time.

The obvious collusion between the democrats and their surrogate media to subvert the will of the people, so they can stick in the candidate of their choice, while labeling Trump as the threat to democracy, has been next level. The gaslighting has been world class, I tell ya.

Chalk up another conspiracy fact for the deplorables!
Party of democracy don't ya know.
Party of democracy don't ya know.
To be fair this is what the conventions are for…old school anyways in terms of what the Dems are about to do. Most republicans I know (which is all of Wilkes co) would have not supported Vance if he had to fight for his way on the ticket at the RNC. The RNC picked for you (and in my opinion) was nowhere near the best pick for Trump.
My basic overall feeling is Biden and Harris ain't goin nowhere. If anybody IS inserted it will be M Obama or possibly the Hilda beast. Call me crazy (won't be the first time or last) and not basing on any details like polls or anything at all. (Wouldn't say that in the weather threads LOL) Just my feeling.
It's crazy some of you people support a party that hid The truth about Biden for over a year at least . No telling who was really running the country but I guess that doesn't matter to some of you.
Guess it makes sense all the circus acts we've been seeing the past few years. All of the threats, all of the taunts for supporting Trump and them saying you were against democracy if you supported Trump. All the same time they were hiding the president so no one would find out.
To be fair this is what the conventions are for…old school anyways in terms of what the Dems are about to do. Most republicans I know (which is all of Wilkes co) would have not supported Vance if he had to fight for his way on the ticket at the RNC. The RNC picked for you (and in my opinion) was nowhere near the best pick for Trump.

It didn't have to be that way this time though, its how they wanted it. The power brokers (MIC, etc.) want the least resistant guy that they can control in the white house. Biden was perfect because he is a corpse, an empty suit who has no agenda. The power brokers could care less about social policy, so they let the administration put in a bunch of under 40s who are trained from the liberal playbook of policies. What they want is a continuance of the real things that matter, war funding, pharmaceutical funding. They would love to have Biden re-elected, but if he can't speak coherently, in which he can't, they have to find someone who will, and the last thing they want is their voters choosing. The power brokers along with the intel agencies do not believe in any sort of democracy.
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It's crazy some of you people support a party that hid The truth about Biden for over a year at least . No telling who was really running the country but I guess that doesn't matter to some of you.
Um it’s perfectly ok to vote for Trump and support the dem party aka Bernie or bust style. A lot of unaffiliated people will not support Harris just like Hillary. 👍 It’s the only way to make your voice heard is to vote in retaliation to bring about change.
What do the Democrats have to offer? 4 more years of inflation? 4 more years of crime ridden inner cities imploding? More conflicts all over the globe? I think you are grossly underestimating the fact that the majority of the Democrat base is living off credit cards right now. You are a good poster but I think you are in denial. The GOP won't be caught with their pants down again and there is no covid BS to save them
The best thing D candidates can do is just be positive. Inflation/crime/ etc are trending in the right direction and barring some other global calamity will continue to trend that way. It’s a tough message that voters don’t really want to hear or may not even believe, but they need to tout the primacy of the American economy compared to everyone else. In almost every metric we came out of the pandemic further ahead than what we were before.

I don’t like the message coming from the top painting Rs as a threat to democracy anymore than I like the R message painting themselves as true patriots and the “real” American people. It’s not a positive message and is rearward looking to the troubles of 2027-2021. Talk about the future. Talk about good paying jobs that will offset inflation. You rarely hear about the 10,000+ plus jobs being created right now by vehicle and battery storage manufacturing in NC and SC.

In the end until Democrats have a new candidate it’s all speculation. I would like to think Beshear/Whitmer/Shapiro would do well. Newsome would be DOA. Kamala could be good but it depends on if she’s cop Kamala or failed candidate Kamala.

Just a side point, one thing I agree with Vance on is America’s place in the world has declined post 2000. This was inevitable with the rise of Asia and the EU and technological parity. We went through 20 years of war and there is zero appetite for more war in the under 40 crowd. Republican or Democrat. It’s disingenuous to say we’re embroiled in conflict at the moment. If us not being world police means there will be more conflict I personally think that trade off is okay. We need to stand with our allies, but not fight their fights for them.
It's crazy some of you people support a party that hid The truth about Biden for over a year at least . No telling who was really running the country but I guess that doesn't matter to some of you.

I think this is what could bite the democrats the hardest. If you had claimed that he had become senile and kicked him to the curb say a year or so ago, you could have cleaned house of the Biden staff and started “changing” policy with Kamala or at least pretending you are doing so. Then right now you could blame the entire failing policies on the Biden team and also claim that it’s taking a while to reverse said policy even if you are really just bold face lying to the public. You would have a much better chance at the public buying that excuse.

However, by claiming for years Biden was in charge and his staff, all the democrats and media saying he is sharp, you pretty much gaslit yourself. With now the obvious fact that he is not in charge, you have tied his policy to all the main stream democrats who are really running the thing.
I think this is what could bite the democrats the hardest. If you had claimed that he had become senile and kicked him to the curb say a year or so ago, you could have cleaned house of the Biden staff and started “changing” policy with Kamala or at least pretending you are doing so. Then right now you could blame the entire failing policies on the Biden team and also claim that it’s taking a while to reverse said policy even if you are really just bold face lying to the public. You would have a much better chance at the public buying that excuse.

However, by claiming for years Biden was in charge and his staff, all the democrats and media saying he is sharp, you pretty much gaslit yourself. With now the obvious fact that he is not in charge, you have tied his policy to all the main stream democrats who are really running the thing.
I think the average Democrat voter is not going to pick up on this. I think most of them are basically voting "against" the Republicans and don't really care who their Democrat candidates are.
Um it’s perfectly ok to vote for Trump and support the dem party aka Bernie or bust style. A lot of unaffiliated people will not support Harris just like Hillary. 👍i It’s the only way to make your voice heard is to vote in retaliation to bring about change.
I would usually agree with that except some people would literally vote for the devil and get us destroyed to retaliate against Trump. People that are just misled by untruthful media without thinking for themselves and some just thinking of themselves. Too important this time. For all of us. Strange times and behavior.
Cooper for president. As a Bernie or bust person from the true Appalachia, I will not support Harris in a higher position. With that said, Project 2025 will destroy the weather NOAA and privatize everything for money. Abortion matters but so does the right candidate. Harris cannot win. Cooper could flip North Carolina. People want peace and calm at this point. That’s Trumps weakness. Cooper would shy away from culture wars and win in a landslide. More to come if allowed.
Yep, this is what will happen, and we will have to start paying for stuff that should be free. They want the NWS to only collect data and privatize everything else. No more free forecasts or warnings either.
Project 2025 is a joke, and a timely released talking point because Biden lost the debate so badly . Anyone who takes this thing seriously, or relates it to Trump needs to re-evaluate how they consume their information.
I think the average Democrat voter is not going to pick up on this. I think most of them are basically voting "against" the Republicans and don't really care who their Democrat candidates are.
This is absolutely true on both sides.
It didn't have to be that way this time though, its how they wanted it. The power brokers (MIC, etc.) want the least resistant guy that they can control in the white house. Biden was perfect because he is a corpse, an empty suit who has no agenda. The power brokers could care less about social policy, so they let the administration put in a bunch of under 40s who are trained from the liberal playbook of policies. What they want is a continuance of the real things that matter, war funding, pharmaceutical funding. They would love to have Biden re-elected, but if he can't speak coherently, in which he can't, they have to find someone who will, and the last thing they want is their voters choosing. The power brokers along with the intel agencies do no believe in any sort of democracy.
Buddy you are on top of it! Reptiles. That's why they target the young and minorities. They create victim hood and make sure it sticks for generations to come. Not sure why it isn't obvious to people but I see a huge awakening bubble about to go pop in the next 2 years
Cooper and Bernie. Widely popular and keep some of the “old” on the ticket. Old school conventions gave everyone a chance to get on the ticket. There will be chaos and excitement even more-so than the convention last night. It would steal the thunder from Trump and the media would pounce like humping dawgs right up until Election Day. Wilkes will still vote red but at least Cooper knows where we are on the map and has helped bring nascar back to Wilkes co.
NASCAR made a huge mistake leaving North Wilkesboro. Good for Cooper on that one.
I think the average Democrat voter is not going to pick up on this. I think most of them are basically voting "against" the Republicans and don't really care who their Democrat candidates are.

You are correct, the average democrat voter won’t, however the average moderate swing voter will. Once again they don’t have to swing the whole way and vote for Trump. If they look at the situation, get irritated and decide well I don’t like Trump, but I also don’t want the policies of Biden to continue so I’m not voting; Trump wins.
The best thing D candidates can do is just be positive. Inflation/crime/ etc are trending in the right direction and barring some other global calamity will continue to trend that way. It’s a tough message that voters don’t really want to hear or may not even believe, but they need to tout the primacy of the American economy compared to everyone else. In almost every metric we came out of the pandemic further ahead than what we were before.

I don’t like the message coming from the top painting Rs as a threat to democracy anymore than I like the R message painting themselves as true patriots and the “real” American people. It’s not a positive message and is rearward looking to the troubles of 2027-2021. Talk about the future. Talk about good paying jobs that will offset inflation. You rarely hear about the 10,000+ plus jobs being created right now by vehicle and battery storage manufacturing in NC and SC.

In the end until Democrats have a new candidate it’s all speculation. I would like to think Beshear/Whitmer/Shapiro would do well. Newsome would be DOA. Kamala could be good but it depends on if she’s cop Kamala or failed candidate Kamala.

Just a side point, one thing I agree with Vance on is America’s place in the world has declined post 2000. This was inevitable with the rise of Asia and the EU and technological parity. We went through 20 years of war and there is zero appetite for more war in the under 40 crowd. Republican or Democrat. It’s disingenuous to say we’re embroiled in conflict at the moment. If us not being world police means there will be more conflict I personally think that trade off is okay. We need to stand with our allies, but not fight their fights for them.
Why don't we discuss how crime and inflation got so terrible in the first place?

Also, no thank you on the American Taxpayer being responsible for funding the world police. I'm of the belief if you bomb a city then we vaporize your country, but that doesn't provide the most compensatory funding for Raytheon. So we will just continue to provide just enough for Ukraine to lose slowly over two decades.