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Political Thread: The Sequel

We reached the point consumers can't give anymore to corps. It's going to be class warfare and the wealthy will sacrifice the middle class.
I hate to tell you, but without a successful middle class, this country, including the wealthy, doesn't exist. So while the wealthy could momentarily sacrifice the middle class through policy, they wouldn't survive long enough to enjoy it.

What really baffles me, even though its an extreme minority here, is the amount of Libtards that are hell bent on destroying this country. This last term undid 30 years of progress, and we are too far gone to come back from it. I honestly feel like that in the next 20-30 years, this country will truly divide its borders until a war occurs....that may be after all of our lifetimes. That is the only fix at this point IMO....
I hate to tell you, but without a successful middle class, this country, including the wealthy, doesn't exist. So while the wealthy could momentarily sacrifice the middle class through policy, they wouldn't survive long enough to enjoy it.

What really baffles me, even though its an extreme minority here, is the amount of Libtards that are hell bent on destroying this country. This last term undid 30 years of progress, and we are too far gone to come back from it. I honestly feel like that in the next 20-30 years, this country will truly divide its borders until a war occurs....that may be after all of our lifetimes. That is the only fix at this point IMO....
We are in a civil war NOW just not as we envision civil war. At this point it's being fought in courts, some at the ballot box and the occasional dust up. Evil is present across this planet not just the country and at some point that ever expanding bubble will burst. This can't last forever and it's every single one of us contributing not just one singular group
I hate to tell you, but without a successful middle class, this country, including the wealthy, doesn't exist. So while the wealthy could momentarily sacrifice the middle class through policy, they wouldn't survive long enough to enjoy it.

What really baffles me, even though its an extreme minority here, is the amount of Libtards that are hell bent on destroying this country. This last term undid 30 years of progress, and we are too far gone to come back from it. I honestly feel like that in the next 20-30 years, this country will truly divide its borders until a war occurs....that may be after all of our lifetimes. That is the only fix at this point IMO....
It’s almost like the middle class started struggling almost 40 years ago. I wonder what happened then.

Btw: if the term Libtard is okay, can I call people cousin kissing, knuckle dragging troglodytes?
It’s almost like the middle class started struggling almost 40 years ago. I wonder what happened then.

Btw: if the term Libtard is okay, can I call people cousin kissing, knuckle dragging troglodytes?
It’s kissing cousins, get it right.
Sure it's just another angle but the media has lost it's grip in the mind control game and it's showing. In the last 2 days alone we get a bombshell from Zuckerberg admitting what many of us were blasted for by a select few on this board. Don Lemon drops a bomb about black voters as well and I think a segment of black males may join that group of hidden voters that have been impossible to calculate the last 2 elections. Buckle up because a rough ride is incoming

Trump goes all in for abortion up to birth. Amendment 4 will mandate abortion till birth. I was going to vote for him with RFK dropping out but abortion to birth is the extreme left position. I will not vote for this human trash.

All he had to do was say its a states right issue and he was voting no. The unborn scream out as trump knifes them in the back
It’s almost like the middle class started struggling almost 40 years ago. I wonder what happened then.

Btw: if the term Libtard is okay, can I call people cousin kissing, knuckle dragging troglodytes?
I thought Obama/Biden fixed all that?.....lol. It honestly depends on what you call struggling. I know more middle class people doing well than I do struggling and to be honest those people do well despite who is in power due to one main factor. Those people know how to manage money, they save, understand how to say no and they take a common sense approach to investing. Most people struggling could turn things around if they didn't have roots growing under their feet. Is the middle class struggling as a whole absolutely. But the reason why is that neon God Simon and Garfunkel sang about. I have done a few speeches to small groups on how the SEAL teams prepare us for the business world and one of my best examples is this.....

We are the best at what we do because we are all moving forward in lock step with the guy in front and the guy behind us at ALL TIMES. If you invite positive energy into your space and keep negative energy out the positive will always shield you from the negative. What does that mean today? Stop allowing negative people to tell you how you feel and what your value is!
Ok. Who are you going to write on the ballot? DeSantis? I guess if you have down ballot options, there is still a reason to go to the polls.

I'm still voting for "not a tyrannical socialist government" and casting my vote for Trump - as soon as possible. Also, I want RFK to get a chance to dismantle the USDA, FDA and EPA.
Ok. Who are you going to write on the ballot? DeSantis? I guess if you have down ballot options, there is still a reason to go to the polls.

I'm still voting for "not a tyrannical socialist government" and casting my vote for Trump - as soon as possible. Also, I want RFK to get a chance to dismantle the USDA, FDA and EPA.
So you want polluted air, unsafe food, and unsafe drugs. I'll pass on that trash.
You do realize WOAT had an image of him looking down on a tomb stone at Arlington in a 2020 campaign ad. If you are gonna be triggered about this you should be equally triggered about WOAT and his campaign ad.

They are not the same, the military took the photo and allowed its use, notice you cant read the tombstones......that's deliberate. Trump and his team were told to NOT film or photograph in that section, the women officer that attempted to stop them was physically assaulted and verbally abused by Trump's staff. You do not care that that happened at all.....
They are not the same, the military took the photo and allowed its use, notice you cant read the tombstones......that's deliberate. Trump and his team were told to NOT film or photograph in that section, the women officer that attempted to stop them was physically assaulted and verbally abused by Trump's staff. You do not care that that happened at all.....
Ha.. it clearly says: Army and DOD policies prohibit political activities on cemetary grounds. So how is it any different and not deliberate that WoAT clearly used a photo taken on cemetary grounds for political purposes. I do care but am merely pointing out the gap in your argument.
Ha.. it clearly says: Army and DOD policies prohibit political activities on cemetary grounds. So how is it any different and not deliberate that WoAT clearly used a photo taken on cemetary grounds for political purposes. I do care but am merely pointing out the gap in your argument.

Because the picture was taken in 2010 when Biden was there in his official capacity as VP, he then asked to use a photo of him at Arlington in a ad and they allowed him to use that one 10 years after it was taken and not identifying anyone. Trump can do the same thing, and they would allow it as long as they control what the image shows to protect those buried there.

That is why the cemetery officials that were there tried to STOP Trump from filming and photographing in Section 60 since they would not have control of the images to protect the fallen buried there. Trump however is such a huge entitled asshat that he has his people physically remove her and threaten her to the point she was afraid to press charges. Now he is bashing those officials for doing their job to try and protect the fallen heros in Section 60 because they dare try to get in his way.....

Because the picture was taken in 2010 when Biden was there in his official capacity as VP, he then asked to use a photo of him at Arlington in a ad and they allowed him to use that one 10 years after it was taken and not identifying anyone. Trump can do the same thing, and they would allow it as long as they control what the image shows to protect those buried there.

That is why the cemetery officials that were there tried to STOP Trump from filming and photographing in Section 60 since they would not have control of the images to protect the fallen buried there. Trump however is such a huge entitled asshat that he has his people physically remove her and threaten her to the point she was afraid to press charges. Now he is bashing those officials for doing their job to try and protect the fallen heros in Section 60 because they dare try to get in his way.....

He never says anything bad about the staff at Arlington. He was talking about prosecutors and the Attorney General when he said they are bad people.