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Political Thread: The Sequel

there's a reason you weren't getting callbacks for your job search
Ahhhh yes that is true. The hiring process just like most things in this country has become inherintly racist. Whether the Dems, Repubs, I don'care who it is, when you promote policies that exclude a race of people that is racist plane and simple.
Do any of the conservatives here like how Cooper has done for NC? Liked anything about him at all? I know severestorm likes some things about him. But anyone else? I have no opinion and haven’t followed him that closely. Is he a moderate?
I made sure to keep him up all night with my ambulance sirens! F him and his wife! F the Feds
Nothing is going to stop the truth. When it's time, it's time. I think it's almost time. I think it will be what causes the next campaign upset. Let's see what happens.
Yank Get Off GIF