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Political Thread: The Sequel

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At this point it appears to me that the exploding pagers and walkie-talkies, unlike the very aggressive war tactics in Gaza, are largely justified to be used for Israel’s defense against the terrorist group, Hezbollah. This is to me very much unlike the innocent people in Gaza that have been obliterated indiscriminately.

These communication devices apparently were almost all used by Hezbollah. Thus Israel fine tuned the specific target/enemy. They destroyed key devices used to communicate how they plan attacks on Israel. What an ingenious plan!

Yes, there were likely a significant number of innocent people injured and even some killed. However, in this case those unfortunate innocent folks seem to have been unavoidable casualties of war. If a significant % of the casualties turn out to be doctors and emergency responders, that would change my opinion. But I’m thinking that they had other (older) sources for pagers.
So they are essentially ISIS lol? Evangelicals man, y’all are screwed up … they were duped. Israel loves milking them for their money
It's close to be honest. They share more with islamic militants than many of them are willing to admit. It's easy to debate politics in concept but they've mixed politics and religion to the point where if you disagree with them, you are disagreeing with them on a fundamental religious level.
Please never be complacent. It doesn't take a genius to realize what's going on. But just because you've never seen it in your lifetime doesn't mean it can't happen.
It's not complacency when people scream in fear at the most ridiculous things that are misunderstood by them but have been well studied over time to be more of a root driver than a politician. America has lost its sense of community and reliance on them as we became more oil dependent and isolated in our soulless 800k mcmansions and strip malls. I think that's what the larger issue is. We become hyperfixated on crap when reality is we're already divided and isolated and let politicians and media on both sides become our only sense of communal autonomy.
McCarthyism and the subsequent evangelical revival and rise to power really screwed politics in the US up

I'm sad to say that I have to completely agree with this, even if I wouldn't side with some of your takes involving Palestine.

You can thank my dad here though for the last part, and we do have a bit of a case. Grandpa was Jewish and was a Holocaust survivor from Poland. So, he absolutely, 100% sees the need for a Jewish state, but he does call Bibi a failure.

Anyhow, I just personally see no way or how that politics can be discussed successfully in real life anymore if you have differences.

Edit: One other thing that I kind of find funny. My grandpa was definitely conservative in his later years, but he was to the "left" of my dad (bleeding heart liberal) on Israel/Palestine. He apparently believed in the two state solution.
I'm sad to say that I have to completely agree with this, even if I wouldn't side with some of your takes involving Palestine.

You can thank my dad here though for the last part, and we do have a bit of a case. Grandpa was Jewish and was a Holocaust survivor from Poland. So, he absolutely, 100% sees the need for a Jewish state, but he does call Bibi a failure.

Anyhow, I just personally see no way or how that politics can be discussed successfully in real life anymore if you have differences.

Edit: One other thing that I kind of find funny. My grandpa was definitely conservative in his later years, but he was to the "left" of my dad (bleeding heart liberal) on Israel/Palestine. He apparently believed in the two state solution.

I don’t think believing in a two state solution is necessarily all that lib. To me it just sounds logical if it can actually be accomplished without reducing Israel’s security. For one thing, I’d be totally against it if Hamas were to still be the leadership of the Palestinians.
United States needs the Two State Solution
Walmart and Target. No money and all the money. Food and no food. The Flinstones vitamin dwellers and the ultra communistic technocrats.

Basically saying cut the other hand off with one hand and ask it to cut the first hand off. Can't be done without making it a 0 state solution. A solution so absurd you're just saying end America faster.
Walmart and Target. No money and all the money. Food and no food. The Flinstones vitamin dwellers and the ultra communistic technocrats.

Basically saying cut the other hand off with one hand and ask it to cut the first hand off. Can't be done without making it a 0 state solution. A solution so absurd you're just saying end America faster.
What the suzerners would find out real quick is they would look a lot like a third world country real fast… the entire economy would be corrupt, theocratic , and dependent on the outsourcing of cheap labor from our wealthier half of the nation, we kinda already are like that lol… now get rid of federal protections and bam . Who would want to live in the south? It would turn into a giant 400 lane Walmart buccees parking lot that is hot flat and swampy. No nature . The rest of the country would be prettier
People act like it is sometimes and have been doing it since the 2008 election only getting more intense as time has gone on. As I said Trump didn't nuke the world in 2016 and Biden was too weak to really do anything that people feared.

Also, if you pay any attention to how the US and global economy cycle, you'd know our situation has little to do with who's in office because of its cyclical nature. The presidents only act as accelerants or decelerants to the economy in the dieection its going. Covid was a drug to the global economy and we are about to see a large correction with the market because if how high we went with the additional extra money stimulus added.

Trump accelerated us and Biden kept accelerating us before decelerating us too late. Kamala would likely accelerate us into the floor and Trump would slow us slightly but the downturn will come regardless. You can be mad about the business cycle but it's a symptom of our market type that you have to be aware of and roll with.
I agree with what you are saying (for the most part) but to act as if certain individuals or group don't come along in your lifetime and pose a threat to YOUR WAY OF LIFE is a bit disingenuous in my opinion. There are people out there, even in your own country that don't have your best interest at heart and while you personally may not buy into it, some of us do, mainly those of us who are older and more entrenched in life. I don't find it ironic at all that you brought up the 2008 election because that's when this all started (in my opinion of course) and I don't have to remind people who was elected that year. Joe Biden WAS NOT IN CHARGE of this country the last 4 years. That title belongs to Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and most likely a slew of others and that's going to be the case again if they aren't stopped. Again it may not bother you but I don't what your life is really like and how much responsibility you have to others. It's ok to think what you do, I'm simply implying that it's also ok to think the sky could fall on us because it's happening all across the globe not just here at home. If there is a small group of people, families, organizations controlling mankind (and you bet your arse I believe it) I have a right to speak up if I think it affects my family. With that being said you obviously have 2 groups pointing a finger at the other and saying the same thing, that the other is a danger. That is why you have a thread like this to begin with. To discuss what we see happening
Interview Question: "How will you bring down the cost of living?"
Commiela: "In terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family working hard and finding that American Dream is for this generation and so many recently, far more elusive than its been, and we need to deal with that."

More word salad!
I agree with what you are saying (for the most part) but to act as if certain individuals or group don't come along in your lifetime and pose a threat to YOUR WAY OF LIFE is a bit disingenuous in my opinion. There are people out there, even in your own country that don't have your best interest at heart and while you personally may not buy into it, some of us do, mainly those of us who are older and more entrenched in life. I don't find it ironic at all that you brought up the 2008 election because that's when this all started (in my opinion of course) and I don't have to remind people who was elected that year. Joe Biden WAS NOT IN CHARGE of this country the last 4 years. That title belongs to Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and most likely a slew of others and that's going to be the case again if they aren't stopped. Again it may not bother you but I don't what your life is really like and how much responsibility you have to others. It's ok to think what you do, I'm simply implying that it's also ok to think the sky could fall on us because it's happening all across the globe not just here at home. If there is a small group of people, families, organizations controlling mankind (and you bet your arse I believe it) I have a right to speak up if I think it affects my family. With that being said you obviously have 2 groups pointing a finger at the other and saying the same thing, that the other is a danger. That is why you have a thread like this to begin with. To discuss what we see happening

I think what Forsyth was getting at is the fact that the world won’t end if Kamala is president. Economy might go south, people lose some jobs, more illegals and crime to deal with, more wars but it’s not all that bad because we will make it through and persevere.
I think what Forsyth was getting at is the fact that the world won’t end if Kamala is president. Economy might go south, people lose some jobs, more illegals and crime to deal with, more wars but it’s not all that bad because we will make it through and persevere.
Of course and I alluded to that. The world is not going to end but the life we enjoy living is being taken from us (or some of us) and we have a right to be angered by it to the point that we feel like we can show that displeasure in a forum. As I vet I guess I see it a little different. I see where we are headed because I have already seen it first hand. It's just MY OPINION but I think we really are at the tipping point of no return and that may sound gloom and doom to some but I can't sit by with the mindset that it will all be ok in the end because it wont. I'm just in a different place than most I suppose
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