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Political Thread: The Sequel

Because the picture was taken in 2010 when Biden was there in his official capacity as VP, he then asked to use a photo of him at Arlington in a ad and they allowed him to use that one 10 years after it was taken and not identifying anyone. Trump can do the same thing, and they would allow it as long as they control what the image shows to protect those buried there.

That is why the cemetery officials that were there tried to STOP Trump from filming and photographing in Section 60 since they would not have control of the images to protect the fallen buried there. Trump however is such a huge entitled asshat that he has his people physically remove her and threaten her to the point she was afraid to press charges. Now he is bashing those officials for doing their job to try and protect the fallen heros in Section 60 because they dare try to get in his way.....

OK let me tell you what the Army rules say. I know because I looked it up today. "Federal Law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities with in Army National military cemetaries to include photagraphers, content creators or any other persons in direct support of a partisan political canditate's campaign." So Woat did even if it was when he was VP, even if it he did get permision (Which I have seen no documentation on) he broke the law and used in an ad. End of story. Oh and once again, your side was invited 3 times to the same ceremony and blew it off.
Do any of the conservatives here like how Cooper has done for NC? Liked anything about him at all? I know severestorm likes some things about him. But anyone else? I have no opinion and haven’t followed him that closely. Is he a moderate?
Some will consider him a moderate but he's not. Personally I can't stand him. He went from a no show governor for most of his first term to being a power hungry daily thorn in our side during covid. Shutting down local businesses, bars, gyms, churches, releasing inmates, shutting down court, arresting protesters praying in front of an abortion clinic (peacefully and socially distanced), all while he himself marched with BLM protesters tearing down statues and vandalizing businesses. He also joined the defund police movement. He also vetoed any budget passed by legislators almost every year, including teacher pay raises then blaming the GOP house/senate for no pay raises. All while claiming to be the education governor.
Some will consider him a moderate but he's not. Personally I can't stand him. He went from a no show governor for most of his first term to being a power hungry daily thorn in our side during covid. Shutting down local businesses, bars, gyms, churches, releasing inmates, shutting down court, arresting protesters praying in front of an abortion clinic (peacefully and socially distanced), all while he himself marched with BLM protesters tearing down statues and vandalizing businesses. He also joined the defund police movement. He also vetoed any budget passed by legislators almost every year, including teacher pay raises then blaming the GOP house/senate for no pay raises. All while claiming to be the education governor.
Doesn't the house the supermajority and doesn't need cooper? He has been a sitting duck his whole term which is why we didn't see his full agenda out. But no way in hell should Robinson ever be governor.
OK let me tell you what the Army rules say. I know because I looked it up today. "Federal Law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities with in Army National military cemetaries to include photagraphers, content creators or any other persons in direct support of a partisan political canditate's campaign." So Woat did even if it was when he was VP, even if it he did get permision (Which I have seen no documentation on) he broke the law and used in an ad. End of story. Oh and once again, your side was invited 3 times to the same ceremony and blew it off.

No that picture is literally one of him when he was there in his capacity as the VP.....the photo that was taken was later ( literally 10 years later) given to him by the army to use in a ad....Trump went to Arlington with the express intent on filming a campaign ad, he had photographers and content creators with him for that purpose....when the cemetery officials attempted to stop him his staff literally shoved them away....

I will try to help you understand this since it seems to be hard for you....

This image was released by the army back when Trump was president.....it even includes names on tombstones...this is ok, had Trump used this image without their permission in a ad it would be violating the rule....


This is bad, this photo was taken by Trump's campaign for the express purpose of making a political ad against the protest of the accompanying cemetery officials.....thus Trump is a POS.....the family of the soldier on the left has already complained and said they were upset their son/husband tombstone was included in this ad....what do you say to them?

Doesn't the house the supermajority and doesn't need cooper? He has been a sitting duck his whole term which is why we didn't see his full agenda out. But no way in hell should Robinson ever be governor.
Yes, the NC Legislator had a veto proof supermajority if I remember right.
Doesn't the house the supermajority and doesn't need cooper? He has been a sitting duck his whole term which is why we didn't see his full agenda out. But no way in hell should Robinson ever be governor.
For most of the time yes and thankfully we didn't see his full agenda. He's a Biden/Harris liberal and I can't wait to vote for Robinson. Time for a change
The supermajority probably goes away though and if the Democrats get 2008 like momentum, the Legislator may actually flip.
i think the economy is about to fall through the roof. i think that will put a hamper on any dem momentum. You can see it on the indeed openings index. only way would be to stimulate the economy through liquidity or rate cuts which there are so many left.
i think the economy is about to fall through the roof. i think that will put a hamper on any dem momentum. You can see it on the indeed openings index. only way would be to stimulate the economy through liquidity or rate cuts which there are so many left.
You just may be right about that. Have you seen what happened to Dollar General stock today. It dropped 30% and did not come back. Dollar Tree was also down.
Some will consider him a moderate but he's not. Personally I can't stand him. He went from a no show governor for most of his first term to being a power hungry daily thorn in our side during covid. Shutting down local businesses, bars, gyms, churches, releasing inmates, shutting down court, arresting protesters praying in front of an abortion clinic (peacefully and socially distanced), all while he himself marched with BLM protesters tearing down statues and vandalizing businesses. He also joined the defund police movement. He also vetoed any budget passed by legislators almost every year, including teacher pay raises then blaming the GOP house/senate for no pay raises. All while claiming to be the education governor.
He tried to get the legislation passed for bigger teacher raises and he criticized the gop for not doing more to pay teachers better. What do you think he would have done if the gop passed a single line bill giving teachers a big raise? You really think Cooper would have vetoed it?

Take a look at this article @GaWx
