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Political Thread: The Sequel

Ok, add to the pile of excrement states that include Illinois, California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Vermont and Wisconsin. We are going to have to separate from them some how. We need to stop their citizens from infecting the sane states.
Only the big cities are liberal in most of them, California being the exception.
It was never about policy with them. They are their own worst enemy filled with hate so that's all they know to talk about .
I could list many things biden-harris has done from negotiating drug prices to infrastructure bills. The local wilkesboro speedway was saved and reopened because of the American rescue package. Border crossing have dramatically fallen. I do admit he should have done the border rules similar to title 21 early in his presidency. I'm not happy with everything but I never hear Republicans talk about the child tax credit or giving low income tax breaks. All I see is them taking the rights away from women the right the vote ECT.
You come from a simple place snowman. A place where people don't evolve or change their mind or grow as people, you just stay the same no matter what? It seems as if Kamala has changed her stance on a few things lately, mainly changing to Trump's ideas. Things that suit HER interest
I live in the most conservative district in the state. I know your trolling me but you gotta do better instead of mediocre cheap shots implying I'm a dumbass hillbilly.
Im voting to uphold the Constitution and rule of law. That out ways policy at the moment and we have the supreme Court to keep things in check.
Im voting to uphold the Constitution and rule of law. That out ways policy at the moment and we have the supreme Court to keep things in check.
Good maybe we'll get another covid snitch line when the next one happens. They are really cool to have. I'm sure it's very constitutional.
Im voting to uphold the Constitution and rule of law. That out ways policy at the moment and we have the supreme Court to keep things in check.
And maybe they'll try to tell Facebook what the cover and what not to let me known. I'm sure that's constitutional as well.
Nice...Harris flips to not supporting EV mandate. How convenient.
We're not ready for evs there has to be a balanced approach. Many low income Americans can't afford one and the infrastructure for recharging is not there nationwide. But we do need to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels so future generations have some. We use petroleum for some many products other than gas.
If you took those little blue dots on the big red map away most of the countries issues would disappear over night
Well there exist certain tools in the world that could make those blue dots disappear in only a few seconds. Would it be a bad thing long term? Not sure...
Sherrod brown may keep his but with Joe manchin retiring the Senate is a for gone conclusion imo.
I live in the most conservative district in the state. I know your trolling me but you gotta do better instead of mediocre cheap shots implying I'm a dumbass hillbilly.
It was formed as a question not a statement. It's ok for people to change views even Trump. That's how we grow. It is ok to modify your views isn't it? I would see that as a good thing right?
I could list many things biden-harris has done from negotiating drug prices to infrastructure bills. The local wilkesboro speedway was saved and reopened because of the American rescue package. Border crossing have dramatically fallen. I do admit he should have done the border rules similar to title 21 early in his presidency. I'm not happy with everything but I never hear Republicans talk about the child tax credit or giving low income tax breaks. All I see is them taking the rights away from women the right the vote ECT.
You do know the trump tax cuts, with Child tax credits, expires after 12/31/24. Yet the establishment, led by Harris/Biden will not renew.
And we all low,middle,upper class pay to much in taxes,all need less of our money confiscated.
We're not ready for evs there has to be a balanced approach. Many low income Americans can't afford one and the infrastructure for recharging is not there nationwide. But we do need to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels so future generations have some. We use petroleum for some many products other than gas.
Resell is horrible and disposable/scrapping is problematic for EVs. They will be a niche product as hybrid tech takes the market. ICE are not going away, either.
Well there exist certain tools in the world that could make those blue dots disappear in only a few seconds. Would it be a bad thing long term? Not sure...
This is sick. And it's exactly the mindset Putin Xi and Kim have worked so hard for years to imbed within American society...I'm not calling you out but we should be able to have civil discourse in this country without killing each other other.