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Political Thread: The Sequel

They took over after old orange man released 5000 talibans extremist radicals from prison and the guy who became their current leader
This would receive a failing grade for an incorrect response.

The correct answer is August, 2021. The Taliban just had a parade with our military equipment celebrating 3 years of control.
Here are your crickets.

Did the Taliban take over while Trump or Biden was in office? Why don’t you refresh our memories.

Actually mostly during Trumps....when Biden took over there were 2500 US troops in the entire country. Read the article below and then tell me what Biden should have done....Trump literally gave Afghanistan to the Taliban...Trump held these talks and made this deal without involving the legitimate Afghanistan government.

Biden had to choose between leaving or greatly ramping up all the troops Trump had withdrawn and then fighting the 5000 plus fighters Trump had let out if prison who were running around taking back the country. Whose fault would the US soldiers deaths that had occurred in that fighting been on had it happened hmmmmmm.

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Actually mostly during Trumps....when Biden took over there were 2500 US troops in the entire country. Read the article below and then tell me what Biden should have done....Trump literally gave Afghanistan to the Taliban...Trump held these talks and made this deal without involving the legitimate Afghanistan government.

Biden had to choose between leaving or greatly ramping up all the troops Trump had withdrawn and then fighting the 5000 plus fighters Trump had let out if prison who were running around taking back the country. Whose fault would the US soldiers deaths that had occurred in that fighting been on had it happened hmmmmmm.

Out of respect, and it being a respected outlet, I read this. One paragraph in I knew it was an opinion piece. When I get home I’m going to print it and use it for toilet paper. The guy contradicts himself saying the agreement was a “peace deal” agreed upon February 29th, 2020, but says the two parties are currently at war when the author wrote this in July of 2021, over a year later. If the deal was bad when signed in February of 2020, the Biden administration had 7 months to change course, they did not. This entire opinion piece is a deflection. Above all, his case is that Trump cut troop levels down to 4500 from 8600 before he left office. Obviously that was irrelevant because the disaster didn’t happen until August, 7 months into Biden’s presidency.

Out of respect, and it being a respected outlet, I read this. One paragraph in I knew it was an opinion piece. When I get home I’m going to print it and use it for toilet paper. The guy contradicts himself saying the agreement was a “peace deal” agreed upon February 29th, 2020, but says the two parties are currently at war when the author wrote this in July of 2021, over a year later. If the deal was bad when signed in February of 2020, the Biden administration had 7 months to change course, they did not. This entire opinion piece is a deflection. Above all, his case is that Trump cut troop levels down to 4500 from 8600 before he left office. Obviously that was irrelevant because the disaster didn’t happen until August, 7 months into Biden’s presidency.

Lol did Trump make the deal with the Taliban or not? Did Trump get 5000 Taliban fighters released or not? Trump ordered troop levels down to 2500 literally a week before he left office why? Trump did not invite the legitimate Afghan government to his talks with the Taliban and it's no wonder since he threw them to the wolves. Trump set the stage and shoved Biden out onto it....Biden certainly deserves some blame but in the end the USA would have had to really ramp up our presences and get into serious fighting in order to change the outcome. Fighting against troops Trump freed....
This would receive a failing grade for an incorrect response.

The correct answer is August, 2021. The Taliban just had a parade with our military equipment celebrating 3 years of control.
On the timeline that trump set after releasing their army. The only option Biden had was to stop the withdrawal and end trumps plan. In hindsight maybe he should have.
Biden completelty 1000 percent botched the entire Afghan exit all by himself/his administration. It was a rush to make news headlines for 9/11 anniversary coming up, instead of proceeding cautiously.
Everyone and anyone knows full well The Biden Administration botched , created the whole shennanigan. It was as bad as watching Saigon Fall. 1000% incompetence. Biden/Harris suporters can get on here and spin, defend all they want to. Your boy dropped the ball biggly and cost 13 troops their lives, turned his back on 1000s of our allies over there. JUST TO HAVE A SEPTEMBER 11TH , look what I did moment. Instead he got us all egg in the face.
Biden completelty 1000 percent botched the entire Afghan exit all by himself/his administration. It was a rush to make news headlines for 9/11 anniversary coming up, instead of proceeding cautiously.
Everyone and anyone knows full well The Biden Administration botched , created the whole shennanigan. It was as bad as watching Saigon Fall. 1000% incompetence. Biden/Harris suporters can get on here and spin, defend all they want to. Your boy dropped the ball biggly and cost 13 troops their lives, turned his back on 1000s of our allies over there. JUST TO HAVE A SEPTEMBER 11TH , look what I did moment. Instead he got us all egg in the face.
I think it was a great victory for Biden, he gave Afghanistan back to those who wanted to rule it. Good for the Afghan people. See it’s not all that bad, from what I’m hearing opium production is down to nothing and it’s a lot safer out there in afghanistan following the American withdrawal. You should be happy for the people there. Maybe one day they can leave the rest of the Middle East and take back the Europeans with em, Rhodesia failed so will israel
Actually mostly during Trumps....when Biden took over there were 2500 US troops in the entire country. Read the article below and then tell me what Biden should have done....Trump literally gave Afghanistan to the Taliban...Trump held these talks and made this deal without involving the legitimate Afghanistan government.

Biden had to choose between leaving or greatly ramping up all the troops Trump had withdrawn and then fighting the 5000 plus fighters Trump had let out if prison who were running around taking back the country. Whose fault would the US soldiers deaths that had occurred in that fighting been on had it happened hmmmmmm.

DARVO tactic
Yall just can't ve intellectually honest about that situation and the setup for failure that was left on bidens plate
ROFLMAO. I have posted on here many times with information counter to your narrative that over several months proved to be correct. You and others first reaction is to deny and attack.
How these guys convince themselves that everything about the Taliban deal is somehow not true and that its all Bidens fault that Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban.

everything in the below tweet is fact....

Trump did want to end forever wars, he did the right thing they should own it.