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Political Thread: The Sequel

The information is there for anyone to see but these guys believe any fake ass info that confirms their biases. Read the article below it does a great job of showing the pros and cons Springfield and other communities have faced with the influx of immigrants. The overall take away though is the long term benefits outweigh the short term challenges....

Maybe Im just actually reading the article, but I couldn’t find many pros.
In all fairness, if it's done legally, there is absolutely no issue with it. Low cost of living makes random towns in the rust belt and midwest appealing to foreigners from unwealthy backgrounds. That's why there's a huge Somalian population in MN too for over a decade. They come and set up a community then more flood there because that's what happens. Even as far back as the 1900s, 1800s, 1700s, foreigners gathered in communities in certain cities so it's not abnormal. The issue only arises if it's confirmed most of them have no work visa are mostly criminals, and are all mostly causing major issues.

I think the random nature of the location makes it hard for anyone to get a real fact check which is what makes it such a political noise piece.

I guess we have our proof that the young American population is wimpy loosers and should stop griping about not being able to get the American dream.

Should end the argument from the younger generations wanting more government help with rents, mortgages, etc.
The information is there for anyone to see but these guys believe any fake ass info that confirms their biases. Read the article below it does a great job of showing the pros and cons Springfield and other communities have faced with the influx of immigrants. The overall take away though is the long term benefits outweigh the short term challenges....

Just another way of putting lipstick on a pig!
I guess we have our proof that the young American population is wimpy loosers and should stop griping about not being able to get the American dream.

Should end the argument from the younger generations wanting more government help with rents, mortgages, etc.
Nothing to do with that. If anything it replaces the entitled lazy boomers in these factories who already have everything after they bought their house for 1k in Ohio in 1986 and chainsmoke their paychecks away and grown complacent in their positions.

If a Haitian immigrant has more will to succeed and work at a job than an American at a simple job then they need to accept there's competition instead of fight back with stupid statements like they're eating my cat.
Nothing to do with that. If anything it replaces the entitled lazy boomers in these factories who already have everything after they bought their house for 1k in Ohio in 1986 and chainsmoke their paychecks away and grown complacent in their positions.

If a Haitian immigrant has more will to succeed and work at a job than an American at a simple job then they need to accept there's competition instead of fight back with stupid statements like they're eating my cat.

How is that? If a Haitian immigrant can succeed surely someone who is from here can? I believe the young generation needs to accept there is competition now and give up the whining for more government help. After all they can do what the Haitians have done and buy these “cheap” houses in rust belt states.
Dont yall know within the last 3 years, it just so happened down in Haiti, over 10,000 Haitians where hanging out one day and all decided to just up and move to this well known town in Ohio, called Springfield.
True. Please read the at local’s account of it and what it has done to that area. Some work, some are breaking laws, but most are taxing their schools and medical clinics and it’s overwhelmed their infrastructure. Locals can’t market their homes and get out because the general public doesn’t want to reside there or purchase a home there.

Just another win for the Democrats.
In the 70s, it just so happened down in New York, over 15,000 New Yorkers were hanging out one day and all decided to just move to this well known town in NC, called Cary.
Yes and they were educated and contributed to the local economy. That is what’s helped commerce in Cary and a good reason it’s become a good area. Illegals aren’t doing this.
How is that? If a Haitian immigrant can succeed surely someone who is from here can? I believe the young generation needs to accept there is competition now and give up the whining for more government help. After all they can do what the Haitians have done and buy these “cheap” houses in rust belt states.
There is a difference between a comparatively small group of immigrants moving to a strategically rural location and working a factory job and the millions of Americans who are trying to fill ALL American job sectors especially after college and trade schools. There are not enough jobs in the rust belt or these rural areas to sustain millions of Americans and unless you want thousands of young people in your backyard too I'd advise against that same idea.

Not to mention. Haitians will live in just about anything better than what Haiti itself is going through while young Americans will settle for something that's at least semi safe. A bit of crime in the area will not deter someone used to gangs while a bit of crime in the area will deter those that are not used to any or much at all.
There is a difference between a comparatively small group of immigrants moving to a strategically rural location and working a factory job and the millions of Americans who are trying to fill ALL American job sectors especially after college and trade schools. There are not enough jobs in the rust belt or these rural areas to sustain millions of Americans and unless you want thousands of young people in your backyard too I'd advise against that same idea.

Not to mention. Haitians will live in just about anything better than what Haiti itself is going through while young Americans will settle for something that's at least semi safe. A bit of crime in the area will not deter someone used to gangs while a bit of crime in the area will deter those that are not used to any or much at all.

You are pretty much making my point for me that the young is spoiled brats. Sure that one town may not have all the jobs needed, but obviously the young adults would rather gripe at the government than going and take what is already available. You realize that if companies can fill factory jobs with people who want them and will work, eventually that will work its way up the chain?

We do need more immigrants apparently , the young are a bunch of self absorbed losers.
You are pretty much making my point for me that the young is spoiled brats. You realize that if companies can fill factory jobs with people who want them and will work, eventually that will work its way up the chain.

We do need more immigrants apparently , the young are a bunch of self absorbed losers.
I said they have skills and are looking for every type of job, not just factory work. You're saying everyone should be a factory worker which isn't what we need. Retirement is getting later too, so what we need is people to CREATE jobs in all the sectors but instead we're getting monopolistic corporations that do the opposite and are sawing off the ladder below them as they merge or become so massive they have power to control politics and regions like we see today. I still say let the big corps fall and burn and let smaller businesses take over again.
I said they have skills and are looking for every type of job, not just factory work. You're saying everyone should be a factory worker which isn't what we need. Retirement is getting later too, so what we need is people to CREATE jobs in all the sectors but instead we're getting monopolistic corporations that do the opposite and are sawing off the ladder below them as they merge or become so massive they have power to control politics and regions like we see today. I still say let the big corps fall and burn and let smaller businesses take over again.

I’m not saying everyone should be a factory worker, but what I’m saying if a lowly factory worker can achieve the American dream after immigrating from a dirt poor country, it destroys the whine of my generation who says they can’t make it. The fact is most of the youth do not even have skills to work in a factory which is why I regularly hear of 18-19 year olds being offered $30/hr for just being competent and will show up to work.

In this instance you have the big corporation hiring cheap labor that the youth don’t want and the immigrants are successful.

If anyone believes they will stay just factory workers, you are just silly. Good for the immigrants though, I can’t blame them
Yes and they were educated and contributed to the local economy. That is what’s helped commerce in Cary and a good reason it’s become a good area. Illegals aren’t doing this.
Most of the Haitian immigrants aren't illegals though. They contribute in the factories. The Triangle sees 400,000 people moving in every decade and nobody bats an eye. It's seen as a good thing. 10-20k Haitians move to Springfield, a minority were illegals, and now the narrative is that they're all illegals overwhelming the city and it's a huge fiasco.
Most of the Haitian immigrants aren't illegals though. They contribute in the factories. The Triangle sees 400,000 people moving in every decade and nobody bats an eye. It's seen as a good thing. 10-20k Haitians move to Springfield, a minority were illegals, and now the narrative is that they're all illegals overwhelming the city and it's a huge fiasco.
I think the only problem to this is it is a small poor community and they do not have resources to take care of all these people.
I think the only problem to this is it is a small poor community and they do not have resources to take care of all these people.
I thought Springfield was a small town at first but it actually has a city population ~60k and a metro of 130k. Right next to Dayton which is a metro of 800k. Just doesn't seem like a small community to me.
I dont agree with Thom on much, he is too liberal, but he is right here


I cant believe any conservative would defend Loomer, nor even want to get within a mile of that pig. Well done Madison

I thought Springfield was a small town at first but it actually has a city population ~60k and a metro of 130k. Right next to Dayton which is a metro of 800k. Just doesn't seem like a small community to me.
The problem is multi-faceted. The Federal government is dumping 15k to 20k people with no resources, no jobs, little in the way of skills and education in to a community that needs 400,000 to 600,000 working to support the currently unemployed. When they practically double the unemployed rolls overnight, you now need up to 1,200,000 working to support them. The resources aren't there. Also, they are heavily subsided by the government where the natural born citizens are not. The corporations that hire them are replacing non-subsidized workers that must carry the costs of living all on their shoulders with a foreign work force that gets their food, housing, clothing and health care, paid for by the once working natural born citizens (via taxes to the government!) This is outrageous and should lead to a forceful and determined populous revolt against the government. Immediately, the rest of the working citizens in the country should impose a boycott on any and all companies that participate in this cruel treatment of our fellow citizens. I don't even care if they voted Democrat before, this is absolutely terrible policy! The government is basically taxing the population, giving that money to non-citizens you are then hired at below market wages, thereby taking away the taxes that allowed them to do this in the first place! Next, they will be asking to raise taxes so they can do it again! And who immediately benefits? Amazon for one.

And that is who is running the country. Corporate fascists.
What are your thoughts on illegal migrants in the West Bank? Illegal Americans are a big part of the settlers. I suppose since you are against illegal migration we could agree at least on one thing? Right? Illegal migration is wrong and that includes Americans in the West Bank. Correct?