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Political Thread: The Sequel

This was posted on another forum by a guy I used to work for. He is now retired but has been in Senior management at a few super regional banks. These are banks most of you on here will know so will withhold his name but he is spot on here:

For my educated Democratic friends !Supporting Harris for President of our USA. YOU are supporting a “Hologram”, that also regretfully represents many of the elected representatives now in Washington…why has she not published a specific platform that you or others can support or reject?
At least Trump’s platform is defind and is understandable.
The Democratic support of Biden’s dismissal and the sham of Harris’s election as “your choice of her as your candidate” perhaps should read as follows, “your choice of a candidate”was controlled through a committee” not the public! SAD
I think it was a great victory for Biden, he gave Afghanistan back to those who wanted to rule it. Good for the Afghan people. See it’s not all that bad, from what I’m hearing opium production is down to nothing and it’s a lot safer out there in afghanistan following the American withdrawal. You should be happy for the people there. Maybe one day they can leave the rest of the Middle East and take back the Europeans with em, Rhodesia failed so will israel
It's actually not good over there at all and the current administration is funding the Taliban. I do agree that we should just butt out and let them all kill each other but we have to watch our interest back here at home with an open border and all
So what I posted yesterday regarding the ceremony at Arlington was not correct. The story that the WH and Kommiela camps were left off the invite list. According to the WH, WOAT, Kommiela and TT were notified 9 days ago for the third time. The first and secondary requests were made on July 28 and Aug 9 respectively per WH. They ignored the date folks. Not good optics and says a lot about how they feel about this mess.
So what I posted yesterday regarding the ceremony at Arlington was not correct. The story that the WH and Kommiela camps were left off the invite list. According to the WH, WOAT, Kommiela and TT were notified 9 days ago for the third time. The first and secondary requests were made on July 28 and Aug 9 respectively per WH. They ignored the date folks. Not good optics and says a lot about how they feel about this mess.
If Kamala is going to hide from her foul ups so she doesn't have to answer to them she might as well just go to Joe's bunker now

On another note, anybody wanna wager a guess as to who the next Democrat heavyweight to jump ship is? I sense a pattern forming!
If Kamala is going to hide from her foul ups so she doesn't have to answer to them she might as well just go to Joe's bunker now

On another note, anybody wanna wager a guess as to who the next Democrat heavyweight to jump ship is? I sense a pattern forming!
I am of the opinion that anyone who would support the left at this time hates America and the liberties on which we were founded. We can disagree on minor issues. We can hold different positions. But to support those that have grossly opened our borders and have stated that they want to control society down to banning gasoline cars, shutting down industries in our own country, and supporting moral decay on the level of the fallen Roman empire is to hate the nation we are. Harris even said at one time she was for getting rid of meat! The Republic has been in danger for a long time. Its greatest test is now.
It's actually not good over there at all and the current administration is funding the Taliban. I do agree that we should just butt out and let them all kill each other but we have to watch our interest back here at home with an open border and all
Idk they seem to be doing ok, economy is growing, country is safer…. Compared to how they were under the US occupation ? They are better, for sure though they got some questionable things going on… but , I guess it’s a victory for them at least they have safety. Don’t have to worry about getting mugged in Kabul…
I am of the opinion that anyone who would support the left at this time hates America and the liberties on which we were founded. We can disagree on minor issues. We can hold different positions. But to support those that have grossly opened our borders and have stated that they want to control society down to banning gasoline cars, shutting down industries in our own country, and supporting moral decay on the level of the fallen Roman empire is to hate the nation we are. Harris even said at one time she was for getting rid of meat! The Republic has been in danger for a long time. Its greatest test is now.
At some point we ALL have to meet somewhere closer to the middle. Right now I see conservatives moving more than the left as it has gone full progressive within their leadership ranks. The media refuses to hold them accountable and neither does their voting base so that's where we sit currently. November is the last chance to put a stop to this nonsense but even if Trump wins they will continue to make life hell for the country with their petty tirades. Beyond Trump I have zero confidence but I sure hope I am wrong about it. I'm certainly not trying to be a blowhard but when your Vets are ready to say goodbye to a country we shed blood for you are in trouble. Not all Vets mind you but I am in that camp for sure. I'm not going to live in a country any more socialist than it already has become. Many of us have reached our line in the sand
At some point we ALL have to meet somewhere closer to the middle. Right now I see conservatives moving more than the left as it has gone full progressive within their leadership ranks. The media refuses to hold them accountable and neither does their voting base so that's where we sit currently. November is the last chance to put a stop to this nonsense but even if Trump wins they will continue to make life hell for the country with their petty tirades. Beyond Trump I have zero confidence but I sure hope I am wrong about it. I'm certainly not trying to be a blowhard but when your Vets are ready to say goodbye to a country we shed blood for you are in trouble. Not all Vets mind you but I am in that camp for sure. I'm not going to live in a country any more socialist than it already has become. Many of us have reached our line in the sand
How has it become more socialist? Can you show me the line where one crosses into socialism and where we are now relative to the line?
Idk they seem to be doing ok, economy is growing, country is safer…. Compared to how they were under the US occupation ? They are better, for sure though they got some questionable things going on… but , I guess it’s a victory for them at least they have safety. Don’t have to worry about getting mugged in Kabul…
They aren't but I can't convince you. I still have no clue what happened to a couple of my terps that went into hiding
How has it become more socialist? Can you show me the line where one crosses into socialism and where we are now relative to the line?
The size of our government overreach is swimming in socialist water. The more it grows the more it takes over bit by bit. if you can't or don't want to see it I can't convince you
They aren't but I can't convince you. I still have no clue what happened to a couple of my terps that went into hiding
Hopefully they fled for their sake , they were traitors to their people. Opportunists that sold their country. Punishment for them is understandable, after all the law of the land has changed .Everything I’ve seen of Afghanistan today and the afghan people is optimistic compared to pre taliban
The size of our government overreach is swimming in socialist water. The more it grows the more it takes over bit by bit. if you can't or don't want to see it I can't convince you
No I agree it’s growing, I just don’t think that’s a one party thing
Hopefully they fled for their sake , they were traitors to their people. Opportunists that sold their country. Punishment for them is understandable, after all the law of the land has changed .Everything I’ve seen of Afghanistan today and the afghan people is optimistic compared to pre taliban
You have the nerve to call someone a traitor to their own people and you won't even go fight for you own families land you claim was yours. Those brave men risked having their heads chopped off to help me free them from terrorist thugs

Not a personal attack
Jost Stein is a Globalist/Socialist clone. Just like the rest of todays Democrat Party. Hopefully enough NC voters will learn how to think for themselves and wake up to the fact that Government, espeacilly the federal govt is against them and not for them. The DNC and Edtablishment crowds main goal is to control and manipulate citizens lives. Stripping them of the power to govern themselves, because they know whats best.
Jost Stein is a Globalist/Socialist clone. Just like the rest of todays Democrat Party. Hopefully enough NC voters will learn how to think for themselves and wake up to the fact that Government, espeacilly the federal govt is against them and not for them. The DNC and Edtablishment crowds main goal is to control and manipulate citizens lives. Stripping them of the power to govern themselves, because they know whats best.

I think people use the term globalist un-intentionally and dont realize what it means.