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Political Thread: The Sequel

Define the position of President
I'm trying to keep up because the rules change frequently, but I think you are president if "you identify as President of the United States"...and state your pronouns. Now if your question is "define the position of the person(s) that is running this country", that has a real answer and it's not about your "feelings". Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to the second question.
I do find it funny that kamala says she was the last one out of the room when withdrawal plans were finalized. That she felt confident in it. Just add this to the growing list of F ups she was a part of that got American's killed. This is a tough day for a lot of Vets because that fiasco was a gut punch. The gold star families who lost brave soldiers due to that incompetence won't forget and neither will I.......
Is it possible she was the last one out of the room because she was too busy shopping on Amazon and didn't notice everyone had already left the room? I find it hard to believe Kamala has any part in planning anything. I think she's way above her level of competency, which is likely below waist level for the most part.
Is it possible she was the last one out of the room because she was too busy shopping on Amazon and didn't notice everyone had already left the room? I find it hard to believe Kamala has any part in planning anything. I think she's way above her level of competency, which is likely below waist level for the most part.
That's the thing. We don't really know a lot about her because she is in hiding from question askers. It is campaign season which seems to be the approach the reptiles like to use in this new era

But YES you could very well be right! Probably shopping for a new pair of 6" heels
Well depends on your candidate. In the case of Biden it's a figurehead at best. Not what I would choose as a president but i can't think of many times in my life where I have wondered if we actually have someone acting as president currently. His fake Twitter has really scaled back to just Kamala promotions, it's strange.
Ha. If it makes you feel better (which it won't) the acting President is Ron Klain, Mike Donilon, and Anita Dunn
Today is the first day since the primaries began I’ve started to think Trump’s campaign is in trouble. Not in a sense of saying it’s over and he’ll lose. More in a sense the most influential voices he’s listening to are no longer the experienced and proficient staff he’s had since day 1. I can’t stress enough it was the equivalent of an all star operation around him. Wildly different than 16 or 20.

Bringing RFK onstage really didn’t make sense from a strategic point of view but I get it he wanted the news cycle back after the DNC. Accepting an endorsement of Tulsi Gabbard is another matter entirely. Not only is she orbiting way too close to some known Russia-linked people, she fits into a similar slot as RFK in not appealing to the swing voters that in general are more educated and nuanced in their views. The demographic she and RFK appeal to are not only minuscule, they by and large don’t vote at all based off history. No reason to believe it will be different now.

I would not be surprised to see campaign staff departures if big T keeps this up. Bringing Lewandowski back was a mistake and they all know it. This type of ad-hoc campaign worked in 16 but will not work now.

That’s my take anyway having worked campaigns before.
The more that Kamala's Marxist Idealogy gets exposed by grass roots, the farther and Harder shes gonna fall.
MSM cant protect her from folks showing their small community network, who she is and what she really stands for. Latest Polling heading in right direction for Team Trump. Starting to see the seperation. Todays catastrophic anniversary and the Harris/Biden response just digs her grave deeper.
It must feel so deflating to have to figure out new ways to carry water for Harris at this point. Really scraping of the bottom of the barrel now.

Kamala the Coward still is trying to weasel out of debating Trump and still avoid taking questions and participating in interviews. I've never seen such a bad politician.

Meanwhile, Trump is steaming ahead, racking up endorsements, not saying away from interviews and questions, attending important events, etc. He has stolen back the momentum for sure. I guess it's about time for them to try and assassinate someone again or execute a false flag event or something.
It must feel so deflating to have to figure out new ways to carry water for Harris at this point. Really scraping of the bottom of the barrel now.

Kamala the Coward still is trying to weasel out of debating Trump and still avoid taking questions and participating in interviews. I've never seen such a bad politician.

Meanwhile, Trump is steaming ahead, racking up endorsements, not saying away from interviews and questions, attending important events, etc. He has stolen back the momentum for sure. I guess it's about time for them to try and assassinate someone again or execute a false flag event or something.
Harris is racking up plenty of endorsements as well. A tremendous amount of patriotic conservatives from multiple administration's including trumps are endorsing her.
It must feel so deflating to have to figure out new ways to carry water for Harris at this point. Really scraping of the bottom of the barrel now.

Kamala the Coward still is trying to weasel out of debating Trump and still avoid taking questions and participating in interviews. I've never seen such a bad politician.

Meanwhile, Trump is steaming ahead, racking up endorsements, not saying away from interviews and questions, attending important events, etc. He has stolen back the momentum for sure. I guess it's about time for them to try and assassinate someone again or execute a false flag event or something.

This says different.
The more that Kamala's Marxist Idealogy gets exposed by grass roots, the farther and Harder shes gonna fall.
MSM cant protect her from folks showing their small community network, who she is and what she really stands for. Latest Polling heading in right direction for Team Trump. Starting to see the seperation. Todays catastrophic anniversary and the Harris/Biden response just digs her grave deeper.
Most media stories I see are just opposite of this. Harris is surging with no sign of it slowing down.

This says different.
Frank Lantz said around 10% of RFK support dropped after Biden dropped out and Kamala took over. It's likely that 10% went to the dems and trumps team is aware which is why we see his panicked desperation recently
Top line polling is going to paint an imprecise though not necessarily inaccurate picture until after the debate.

Trump doesn’t really have any choice other than showing up for the debate.
It must feel so deflating to have to figure out new ways to carry water for Harris at this point. Really scraping of the bottom of the barrel now.

Kamala the Coward still is trying to weasel out of debating Trump and still avoid taking questions and participating in interviews. I've never seen such a bad politician.

Meanwhile, Trump is steaming ahead, racking up endorsements, not saying away from interviews and questions, attending important events, etc. He has stolen back the momentum for sure. I guess it's about time for them to try and assassinate someone again or execute a false flag event or something.
Is Kamala in Joe's bunker? Is she able to speak or even capable without someone directing her? I think the american people deserve to see if she is able to run a lemonade stand first
Looking forward to a Harris victory and the tears from MAGAs for another four years!

Hope Trump runs in 2028 so we can watch him lose for a third time.
I think most on here from both camps if honest will say this will be closer than they would like it to be. I have said that here before. I do not see a Harris victory guaranteed if she continues to dodge questions and the cloistering taking place continues that keeps the American people from seeing whether or not she can truly run America.
Is Kamala in Joe's bunker? Is she able to speak or even capable without someone directing her? I think the american people deserve to see if she is able to run a lemonade stand first
I think the keeping her at arms legnth will continue. We will not truly get to see her as presidential unless they 25th WOAT and put her in, which is an entirely plausible scenario. At present she does not look presidential and that is the narrative they will have to get hold of if she is to win.