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Political Thread: The Sequel

Yes and a lot of Christian’s equate trump and Jesus together. Check these Baptist churches out. Interestingly enough the president of the SBC is out of Raleigh… but then see the churches who split because they wanted to worship trump

No they don’t. They don’t equate anyone to Jesus. The whole Bible is about “Jesus is the only way”.
More evidence of how easily old orange man can be manipulated and how inept he can be from an American patriot and military leader
More evidence of how easily old orange man can be manipulated and how inept he can be from an American patriot and military leader
Just goes to show how much cult mentality really goes into trumps support. From his butt kissers in his inner circle to the supporters who think anything like McMasters is saying is just media spin and a "one off" from a disgruntled employee.
If we go through another Govt shutdown, the Republicans are through in November. McConnell is right in trying to head this off.
OMG govt shutdown drama. You do know that OMB years ago set out standards for keeping essential government services running during a so called shutdown. From gov website:

What services are affected in a shutdown and how?

Each federal agency develops its own shutdown plan, following guidance released in previous shutdowns and coordinated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The plan identifies which government activities may not continue until appropriations are restored, requiring furloughs and the halting of many agency activities. Essential services – many of which are related to public safety – continue to operate, with payments covering any obligations incurred only when appropriations are enacted. In prior shutdowns, border protection, in-hospital medical care, air traffic control, law enforcement, and power grid

So I say shut the sh*t down. Pursue a balanced budget and quit the money printing. That is what the Republicans should be about and if they are not go on over to the other side. The cheese eating surrender monkeys need to go.
OMG govt shutdown drama. You do know that OMB years ago set out standards for keeping essential government services running during a so called shutdown. From gov website:

What services are affected in a shutdown and how?

Each federal agency develops its own shutdown plan, following guidance released in previous shutdowns and coordinated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The plan identifies which government activities may not continue until appropriations are restored, requiring furloughs and the halting of many agency activities. Essential services – many of which are related to public safety – continue to operate, with payments covering any obligations incurred only when appropriations are enacted. In prior shutdowns, border protection, in-hospital medical care, air traffic control, law enforcement, and power grid

So I say shut the sh*t down. Pursue a balanced budget and quit the money printing. That is what the Republicans should be about and if they are not go on over to the other side. The cheese eating surrender monkeys need to go.
The essential workers would work but without pay until it was over. The would be paid then, but if a shutdown went one for a month or more, they would be in trouble. Their bills continue whether they are paid or not. Republicans need to quit worrying about their rich friends and think about the rest of us for a change. If anything does get cut in the budget it should be defense.
The essential workers would work but without pay until it was over. The would be paid then, but if a shutdown went one for a month or more, they would be in trouble. Their bills continue whether they are paid or not. Republicans need to quit worrying about their rich friends and think about the rest of us for a change. If anything does get cut in the budget it should be defense.
I think you have the parties backwards. It’s not 2002 anymore.
I think you have the parties backwards. It’s not 2002 anymore.
Ok who has had trouble getting House Speakers elected. It is not the Democrats. Republicans have showed us time and time again they have no clue what they are doing.
Ok who has had trouble getting House Speakers elected. It is not the Democrats. Republicans have showed us time and time again they have no clue what they are doing.
I’m not sure what this has to do what you are speaking of previously, but with regards to the house speaker, a portion of the Republican side of the house would like an actual budget passed and is trying to hold the speakers accountable. The problem is they have a slim majority, and when most of the house is compromised by the MIC, only a MIC stooge will be elected as speaker, see Johnson.
I’m not sure what this has to do what you are speaking of previously, but with regards to the house speaker, a portion of the Republican side of the house would like an actual budget passed and is trying to hold the speakers accountable. The problem is they have a slim majority, and when most of the house is compromised by the MIC, only a MIC stooge will be elected as speaker, see Johnson.
They will be in the minority after November, especially if we have another shutdown.