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Political Thread: The Sequel

I love how people just throw around communist but it's just authoritarianism which everyone forgets is another axis of the political spectrum. Authoritarianism is more of a danger to freedom than people think.
No they are doing the exact same stuff the KGB was doing. They are scumbags.
Something to keep in mind when citizenship of voters comes up is that states have no standing to question US Citizenship in a Federal election. Often when you see a report look for the tell “non-citizen.” 9.5 times out of 10 the voter registrations in question belong to individuals that no longer reside in that particular state, not non-US citizens. Legally from the states perspective they are now “non-citizens.”

Arizona is the only state I’m aware of that will provide a federal-only ballot if a registered voter doesn’t meet whatever litmus test they came up with for the state election.
Have you seen Europe lately?
If you understood the history of Europe you would understand the meaning of liberalism there is different than here. It would help explain the differences between here and there. In America, we associate the idea of liberalism with individuality and individual liberties. In Europe, France particularly, liberalism is more the idea that the interest of all is worth more than the freedom of the individual, meaning that if your right to something threatens everyone else's right to needs such as food, shelter, water, and jobs then the right of everyone else to stability trumps your right to personal liberty.

As for what is occurring in England, that is a sad case of disgruntled individuals falling victim to misinformation and taking their anger out on the wrong targets. I think it is intriguing that in one breath many on here criticize " leftist" protests such as the Palestinian ones as being violent due to some vandalism and a couple of arrests, but in another don't bat an eye at the actual rioting occurring in England with stores being looted and burned. In that same breath many on here seem to be hoping for a similar outcome here.
Have you seen Europe lately?
People act like freedom of speech is everywhere, but also that one nation's issues will be everyone's. Europe's immigrant crisis comes from active warzones that I'm sure we've had a hand in creating ourselves just as our own one is from the destabilization done in central America. The UK has been on a downturn for a long time and I'm sure their pullout of the EU had lasting effects that lead here.
No they are doing the exact same stuff the KGB was doing. They are scumbags.
Again, authoritarianism. The USSR was far left authoritarian, so people get lost. Communism is socioeconomic. Censorship is Authoritarian by nature. I don't agree with them but just saying guy from this was arrested doesn't help without context and what the claim is. Governments still have a poor handle on the Internet period, so their policies are still mindless on how it should be governed since by nature, it's closer to America's principles.
I think he forgot 2020 as well.
We've actually calmed down compared to the last decade as a country. Remember all the Antifa and BLM protests that happened almost every other week? After those ended aside from J6, there haven't been these massive disruptive riots and protests between Trump and Biden's administration.
OK moving on, looks as if Israel conducted what is being called a "preemtive strike" on Hezbollah today. The good news here is they look to be on target strikes and that their intel was good for these strikes. The bad news is it does not look like Israel struck any Hezbollah centers of power so in my mind it was an ineffective strike. Will an all out war happen in the comming weeks and months? Probably. Big decisions forthcoming in Jerusalem, DC, Beruit and Tehran that for sure will affect our futures. Hope cooler heads prevail.
OK moving on, looks as if Israel conducted what is being called a "preemtive strike" on Hezbollah today. The good news here is they look to be on target strikes and that their intel was good for these strikes. The bad news is it does not look like Israel struck any Hezbollah centers of power so in my mind it was an ineffective strike. Will an all out war happen in the comming weeks and months? Probably. Big decisions forthcoming in Jerusalem, DC, Beruit and Tehran that for sure will affect our futures. Hope cooler heads prevail.
They were about to shoot off 6K missiles and Israel got them 15mins before launch. Pretty big embarrassment by Hezbollah.
With your background where do you see this going?
The next 4 months will be important because of our election. Who gets in is crucial to those involved across the pond. We are moving forces in place being careful not to look too aggressive but "monitoring". Israel is not bluffing. They are all in to end this and the next few years are going to be shaky. You have a world brewing in a powder keg and at some point it's going to go off. The way the world is progressing technology wise as we regress as humans, something has to give.