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Political Thread: The Sequel

I use Telegram a lot. Nothing like Freedom of speech.
But the Globalist, Harris,Biden. Know no boundries. Again, she gets elected POTUS. There will be no return. Its a horrible trade off folks. Stop it while you have the chance at the ballott box

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Same, I use telegram. Scary if she gets in office what will happen.
Saw a repost of a Rasmussen report this morning that stated illegals voted in the 2020 election and that this will happen again in this election. I have not read the actual report but will do so. However, I must say I am not surprised about 2020 and am fully expecting this in 24. This is a foundation of why WOAT opened up the border and said come on in.
Shag has called my opinion wrong several times. You can do that right now I. This country. However, if this goes the way Shag would like it to go, that freedom will be gone.
Either way you slice it, it's childish thinking and why we get these people censoring things. Participating in that same mentality is only bringing it closer to reality. Tolerate both sides opinions or you don't stand for freedom of speech.
Either way you slice it, it's childish thinking and why we get these people censoring things. Participating in that same mentality is only bringing it closer to reality. Tolerate both sides opinions or you don't stand for freedom of speech.
I didn’t say Shag should be censored. In fact I believe the opposite. I just said his opinion was wrong but respect him for having it. That’s freedom of speech in a nutshell.
By now, I am sure many of you have seen the horrific video from the UK showing the father out walking his child and dog have his throat slashed. This has been happening here with rapes and murders by illegals. Folks these people are not here to assimilate into society. They could give two sh*ts about that.
Happy Sunday, hope all my church friends had fun worshipping MAGA Jesus. He has risen in a red MAGA hat. Lmao bro. This ---- can’t be real man, I have met some real goobers that believe all that wild stuff

How do you feel about Jesus wanting to make America Gay again? Appropriating Jesus and politics is goofy … cheapens things . You love Jesus, don’t make him political
He made himself political as well as our politicians. Not sure what you mean by make America gay again. Probably more gays now than ever.
Most people don’t feel they need to read it because it doesn’t matter to most people or elected officials. It’s not a mandate coming from some higher governing authority.
I have read it. Don’t agree with many items in it and you are correct here. No one is making this out to be some sort of official government mandate except those on the left saying it is.
Yes, by all means stay focused on the issues. He obsesses over the smallest of perceived slights.


You might be wise to focus on being called the "Winning Machine" in Nov.
I have read it. Don’t agree with many items in it and you are correct here. No one is making this out to be some sort of official government mandate except those on the left saying it is.
I don’t think most Americans would agree with what’s in it. I don’t even think many conservatives would approve.